Q6600 vs 920 - % Increase in Speed?


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - August 2008
Dec 27, 2005
Just curious what the average OC is on a 920 I read a lot at or above 4Ghz, also how does that compare to a 3.2 Ghz Q6600 for overall performance?

I paired them with ASUS P6T's, have 2 coming next week, each has 6gig, and I sprung for a 60gig SSDs for both. I'm prep'n for my Fermi's

I plan to get two sometime in April - If available.
3.6 is all but assured. 3.8 is very likely, but 4.0+ seems to have a less than 50% success rate.

My 920 @ 3.8 does 13,500ppd running A3s. Big ADV you will get 20k+ ppd depending on how hungry the GPUs are (and what WU they are running)

I was wondering what was going on.... You popped up on my overtake list.
My Core i7 @ 4GHz did 29K PpD on -bigadv with no GPUs crunching. Three GPUs reduced it by about 3000 to 4000 PpD depending on which GPU WUs were being crunched.
How about system performance differences? Are we talking even a 3.2 to 3.2 Ghz comparison between a Q6600 and an I7 = say 20-30% performance gains on teh system? I'm swapping from 780I to X58 as well which everyone seems to rave about.
What's the rig gonna be used for?

Daily driver, pure smp folder (bigadv), mostly GPU folder (3 or more clients+A3 smp)

we could give you rough estimates if you give us rough hardware plans and usage plans, and then Compare them to current estimates for a rough percantage amount
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Both will be daily drivers, I'll put the A3 probably on it, not big adv since I game on it more then I probably should. I'm hoping for some improvements in gaming and of course my folding, I also wanted a solid base for a Fermi card in each, maybe two down the road.
Well, A3 24/7 at 3.9 ghz got me almost 15k on most units, expect a slight drop due to down time for gaming. As for Fermi, it's all best guess at the moment. I'm familiar with bigadv drops due to GPU folding, I'm sure the A3 hit is a little less per GPU you add, but with A3 it's justified still to fold GPU AND SMP on the same rig, I'm sure the loss won't be as bad as bigadv
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For what it's worth here's the points breakdown on my daily driver is in my signature. I'm folding bigadv using a VM plus 2 GPU clients and getting about 40k PPD for all 3 clients, depending on how much I'm using the computer, tinkering with it and the various WUs I get.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
How about system performance differences? Are we talking even a 3.2 to 3.2 Ghz comparison between a Q6600 and an I7 = say 20-30% performance gains on teh system? I'm swapping from 780I to X58 as well which everyone seems to rave about.

If you do something that takes advantage of the extra cores (even though it's just HT), you'll get some gains. Encoding, ripping, 3D rendering. Anything else - they'll be about equal.

Even if it's a daily driver, run bigadv man! :)
Either run -smp 7 or suspend the VM when you need the cpu cycles.

My primary (1st in sig) is a daily driver...I do all my CS4 work while it crunches bigadv and I see no performance hit. I do shutdown the clients when I pull games up, but doing anything else (even re-encoding mp3s) I still let it crunch the whole time.

re: oc, I pretty much gave up on 4ghz. Either temps were higher than I wanted or it would take more volts than I wanted to push. It varies chip to chip though. 3.7-3.9 runs like a champ though, no problems. Great temps, low volts. The extra 100mhz+ yields very little in terms of TPF. Going from 3.6->3.7-3.9, you can see a minute or two drop in TPF (IME at least). Running 4.0 (temporarily) I think the TPF dropped like 20-30 seconds. :eek:
i keep my bigadv running even while playing games, i just set the priority of VMplayer to low and i don't have any gaming problems (did this today with Mass Effect 2). obviously the TPF goes up on the bigadv, but a 45min TPF is a lot better than not folding while gaming then starting back up ;)
How about system performance differences? Are we talking even a 3.2 to 3.2 Ghz comparison between a Q6600 and an I7 = say 20-30% performance gains on teh system? I'm swapping from 780I to X58 as well which everyone seems to rave about.

your 20%-30% sounds about right.
THG isn't as great as it once was, but they did lose a lot of cred with me when they named the ASRock the board to buy and then mine + Tobit's failed while folding. :(

That link shows in more detail what's already been said, really - encoding, ripping, rendering - i7 has a boost over a regular quad. Anything else, it's practically even. ;)