Q6600 w/ 780i


Jul 23, 2004
Hi guys, i finally built the rig last night and i'm now testing the stability. I managed to get to 3.6 w/ 1.4v and core 3 crashed. I believe i could make it stable but i don't like going more than 1.4v. Changed the settings to 3.5 and so far so good. I'm somewhat content with the speed. But feel free to give me advice on how to get it past 3.6ghz. Here are some pics. Prime95 is still running as we speak. I'm planning to test it overnight. Hope it holds up.:eek: Also, my current load temps are 58-62. Is that normal? I think it shows that it went up as high as 66 in the picture.


I also oced the ram. It ran stock at 5-5-5-15.

And here are the pics of my rig. Still need to clean the cables. I was excited to fire it up.


Stop being so spoiled xD

My Q6600 is running at 3.5Ghz currently, a speed I am only capable of attaining at 1.556v core-voltage. If you can do 3.5 stable at 1.4, I hate you, so stop being a woman and bump it up D:<
don't be hatin':p
I dropped the vcore to 1.38 and hopefully it'll be stable. Running prime and it's good so far.
Lol, i tried the Intelburn test and failed right away. So i dropped it down to 3.4 @ 1.4 and passed 20 out of 20.

This program also shot my temps to 75c !!!:eek: I'm using a Xigma and i would like to know if i will need to re-seat the HS? Cuz that will mean i would have to disconnect everything and take out the mobo just to do it since there's not enough space between the case and the HS.

Intel Burn Test is the crack addict of programs that wreck your cooling solutions
real world use would probably never get to that point
No comment...

I own both and running at 3.0 with 1.25v. Anything more and I can't get in to windows. I've got good parts that should do more, so I've chalked it up to the board not liking high fsb.... and I've read quite a few with the same complaints.

btw mine is an evga 780 too. I hear good things about the asus boards, seems like its just the evga/xfx boards... huh
Ok, it's now official. My OC will permanently stick to 3.4 @ 1.375V. IntelBurn 30 out of 30 passes. Max temps of 72C.
