Q9650 experience so far


Limp Gawd
Oct 11, 2005
I'm building my brother a computer and figured that was a reasonable excuse to just give him my Q6600 CPU which I'd been running @ 3.2 for about 6 months and get myself a Q9650. Yes, I guess I have more money than sense - the Q9650 was $550ish - about as much as the computer I'm building him lol...

I got the new parts in Monday, let them sit around a few days and finally got around to installing the Q9650 in place of the Q6600 on Thursday. First thing about it that was encouraging was that after verifying it would boot, I changed nothing but the FSB and memory ratio just to see how it felt about 3.6 @ stock voltage... The Q9650 laughed at my feeble attempt to get it not to boot - booted and ran Prime95 for ~10min @ stock volts with 4GB memory just fine.

I also went to 8GB memory as part of this process (they're almost giving memory away now it's so cheap) and I did run into one issue there. I still had it clocked @ 3.6, stuck in 8GB and was greeted by a CMOS checksum error asking me to insert a boot disk. Initally to clear this, I dropped back to 4GB but once I figured out it was related to having 8GB installed, I just started tweaking BIOS settings and using the reset CMOS switch to clear the error every time. It would always boot at stock speed with 8GB and CMOS was never really bad.

Eventually I arrived at 1.41v for MCH and 2.0v on the DDR2 to get it happy at 3.6 with 8GB - STILL at stock volts on the CPU VID. I also manually set the memory to 5-5-5-18, I might be able to improve that some, not sure. With these settings, it ran Prime95 for about 10 hours and never broke 69c on any core.

The only down side, if you can call it that, is that I'm not sure if I will be able to find the max speed this CPU is capable of - the only memory I have is PC6400. I may get motivated to figure out how far I can push the memory and then see where the 9x multi takes the CPU but it seems just fine at 9 x 400, memory 1:1 and I'm thrilled with it soo I dunno.

So 45nm, Q9650 seems great. Subjectively I notice ZERO difference from the Q6600 but I didn't figure I would notice any difference. I was just doing this for fun, not for some noticable performance gain. :)

Ok, NOW I'm done upgrading for a while!
I did the same thing the only difference I saw was the pocket book. So I kept my q6600 that hums 3.8 plus all day no problems and saved the bucks.
So 45nm, Q9650 seems great. Subjectively I notice ZERO difference from the Q6600 but I didn't figure I would notice any difference. I was just doing this for fun, not for some noticable performance gain. :)

Good attitude. :D

Nice build.
Nice Build. I have the Q9650 on the way with a P5Q Deluxe. I wanted the E0 stepping and I couldn't wait any longer for the Q9550 E0 revision to come out, plus I can afford it. I look forward to see what I can get it upto stable 24/7 on air. I will be using 4 gigs of g.skill ddr2 1066.
I'll keep a close watch on this thread, because I too will be getting a Q9650 in the coming weeks. I'll be pairing it with 4gb of G.Skill DDR2 1066 and a Rampage Formula. I've read a few reports of this cpu hitting 4ghz on air with a very minor voltage increase, so I'll be quite happy if I can accomplish that. I'll be cooling mine with a Zalman 9700NT, so hopefully this thing can stay cool while I'm pushing it.

If I can't hit 4ghz, then that's ok too. It'll still be faster than my old x2 5200+ by far. :D
Nice Build. I have the Q9650 on the way with a P5Q Deluxe. I wanted the E0 stepping and I couldn't wait any longer for the Q9550 E0 revision to come out, plus I can afford it. I look forward to see what I can get it upto stable 24/7 on air. I will be using 4 gigs of g.skill ddr2 1066.

Exactly why I wound up on a Q9650 vs Q9550, wanted to get it done, wanted E0 for no good reason other than it exists.

I may see if I can come up with some cheap 1066+ memory to play around with - I am just so completely shocked at how this thing has OC'd, and I am kind of curious how far it will go. I've been overclocking as long as PCs have existed and this OC is by the most effortless of any I remember. I'm still kind of waiting for the system to become weird or something because I haven't done anything close to my normal minimum of days of testing and 24+ hours of Prime...but so far so good!

FYI, my FPO/Batch # is: L820B036 and pack date is 7/31/08.
Amazing that you pushed the Q9650 that far on a P35 board.... most P35 boards I've seen don't like overclocking 45nm quads at all. They'll usually make it to 3.0 or 3.2ghz and crap out after that....
... this cpu hitting 4ghz on air with a very minor voltage increase...

I've have read a couple of the results from another forum (both air and water). It is possible, but depends upon the quality of the CPU still.

I guess we're lingering on the OC of this chip and should probably move it to the appropriate subforum.