
Loves the juice
Sep 25, 2002
I'm reaching the end of the road for my old Synology DS 211+ dual bay home NAS. This thing has the performance to basically share out a folder over NFS / SMB and nothing more. It runs a flimsy single core ARM and 512 MB of RAM.

I really love the small clean form factor and the polished and easy to use UI however now I'm just ready for something to offer much more performance. I have a few spare systems sitting around collecting dust so figure why not maybe try and do a DIY NAS system versus a home self-contained appliance like QNAP or Synology.

Any comments / suggestions?
something like dell t320 loaded with enterprise sata drives and running freebsd

in terms of performance and cost would run circles around synology
You have the HP Microserver-series which are quite good unless you a lot of drives. Depending on your needs you might be fine using an ARM platform, they're not very ideal (yet) for running ZFS due to memory constraints. If you want to use FreeNAS I'd suggest that you go for the nightly builds as they use FreeBSD 10.1 since it's much of an improvement of 9.3
Tbh chucking a load of hard drives into an old system with freenas is going to range from not the best results to potentially data loosing. If you like the synology interface and "slickness" then you'll be probably be disapointed with freenas, as good as it is it requires far more knowledge and hands on-ness to get 100% right. Check the forums for more detail as this is asked a lot.

I'd suggest that you go for the nightly builds as they use FreeBSD 10.1 since it's much of an improvement of 9.3
Except it's pre alpha bleeding edge and most of the freebsd 10 zfs improvments have been back ported into 9.3.
I took a look at FreeNAS but ultimately went with Synology (1815+) when it came time to replace my 411+. I performed the upgrade just last weekend. It really came down to capacity. I wanted an appliance, and while the FreeNAS mini looks great - 4x6TB would not have sufficed (especially for rebuilds). Plus, I've integrated so much of Synology's apps and "other" capabilities into my daily life that I figured it would cause too much upheaval.

I also didn't want to be using beta/unproven software (if I could avoid it).

I wish I had ZFS, ECC RAM, etc. - but I have a backup strategy that mitigates 99% of issues and in the end - it is for home use, not business...

Happy with my purchase/upgrade.
Thing is you can buy a QNAP and have it up and running out of the box and not need to touch again in 10 minutes.

That's why I use them. Very quick to deploy and reliable. The Pro ones can push a lot of data. There is serious kit and there is hobbyist. I put FreeNAS into the later.
It's no pre alpha, M1 would be Milestone 1 so it's beyond that and FreeBSD 10.1 is mature.

Oh really?


Release Notes for FreeNAS 10.1-M1

This is a place-holder for the release notes for FreeNAS 10.1 (pre-ALPHA),
development milestone 1.

FreeBSD 10 is mature, FreeNAS 10.1 isn't. There have been data destroying bugs before and with the major rewrite of the UI and middleware they'll probably happen again, its a bleeding edge dev build and iX don't hide that. Use 9.3 if you want stable.