Qpack has another upgrade in the PSU...


Aug 19, 2005
Now it has Dual 12v rails, 3.3v @ 31A, 5v @ 29A, 12v1 @14A and 12v2 @ 16A... I wonder how good this one is.
Build a rig for my friend, last week... And noticed it had dual 12v and not normal single, i have seen before.
received mine today, same one you have. probably wont try it out though.
you need 18amp on each rail? what are you running in a little qpack that requires that much juice.

My whole system is running on less than 200watts...I am certainly not using up all the power in the rails :)
i put in a BFG 6600gt PCI-E and it wouldn't turn on my video. as a test, i took out the card and sure enough the comp turned on. so that means a) the PSU wouldn't power my mushkin pc3200 at 200mhz dual channel (have to use it as single channel and its hella underclocked to like 166mhz) and b) couldn't power my default setup (see sig) and a BFG 6600gt OC pci-e. i'm not waiting for the third strike (it might be my whole system then!) and am gonna order a enermax whisper 460w PSU. gfg default one.
It's probably not a power supply issue. Most systems draw 150w or fewer (see silentpcreview.com for measured draws of typical systems).

Try the bios and verify what the behavior with add on + internal video is set to.
Dillusion said:
Still not enough. Need 18A+18A for a good system.

Ummmm....no. Especially in a SFF.

The real question is who makes the PSU. Can anyone who has the PSU post the UL number?
UL number? I think I got one of the newer ones with mine, the model number is ATX-AS420W. It says Aspire on the sticker also. This is the version with the 24pin power + the 4 pin power. It has 1 sata power connector, 4 molex connects and 2 floppy connectors.
emptyshell said:
UL number? I think I got one of the newer ones with mine, the model number is ATX-AS420W. It says Aspire on the sticker also. This is the version with the 24pin power + the 4 pin power. It has 1 sata power connector, 4 molex connects and 2 floppy connectors.

The thing about it is Aspire PSU's are a crap shoot of the cheapest things made generally. There should be a Underwriters Laboratory symbol UL or UR on the PSU or the box with a number. That number will let me look up who actually made the PSU from the UL file.
I got it too, the x-qpack with the updated PSU.

Just one question: is it at about the same as a chieftec 420W dual fan active pfc?

I hope chieftec should be better... :confused:
No luck yet on the PSU. I am still working on it though.

I have talked to a couple people but unfortunately the model number/pn comes back as an old single rail model of Aspires. If anyone gets a unit that does have a UL as seen below (just an example of what the number will look like) please post it. Or if you see a review that has one that can be read........

I just got mine today, I see that symbol in the picture but there are no numbers below it.

Too risky to try out?
bluefunnel said:
I just got mine today, I see that symbol in the picture but there are no numbers below it.

Too risky to try out?
Same here. I can give the product number or serial number...
M4rk said:
Same here. I can give the product number or serial number...

Those haven't helped unfortunately they keep running back to an older Aspire unit. I still wouldn't trust this unit though going by aspire's track record and lack of ability to track the unit.
had a fun musical PSUs experience this weekend and ended up using the Qpack PSU (the new one w/ the 24 pin ATX connector) in a server. The server's PSU died. The Seasonic S12-500 I bought to stick in the Qpack was DOA (fan spun for a few seconds and then shut off) and had to be RMA'd. Another spare PSU I had was outputing -68V on the -5V rail so it couldn't be used at all. The Qpack PSU would output +13V on the +12V rail on some bootups so the server's MB would complain that it was getting too much voltage and not power up occasionally. I finally had to leave it in the server because I didn't have another one to replace it with. Why are all PSUs crap nowadays? :-P

p.s., ordered another S12-500 from etech4sale and they took forever to ship...so I'd suggest ordering elsewhere if you buy a Seasonic (although they seem to have the lowest prices since ewiz doesn't sell them any more)-:
Those voltages for the -68 and the 13v sound like software readings. If so they are useless.
those voltage readings were in the motherboard BIOS screen...

Also tested on two separate motherboards (the server w/ the PSU that died and another old system I had laying around I use to test suspect bad parts on). Both systems read +13V on the +12V rail. One system read 0V on the -5V rail and the other read -68V on the -5 rail.

BTW, the server PSU that died would shut down under load. It would power up w/o the hard drive hooked up, but as soon as the hard drive powered up, it would shut down...
kenyee said:
those voltage readings were in the motherboard BIOS screen...

So software....and as such can't be trusted. Get a DMM to check them and I bet you will see something entirely different ;)
I am using the 420 watt dual rail version in mine that came in yesterday with my P-M @ 1.5 and a GeForce 6800U and it has been alright so far. I was going to use my Neopower 480, but the modular power connectors were too long sticking out the front. I really dont trust it too much so I will be replacing it with an S12-500 next week.
Are you planning on installing the S12-500 upside down (fan up)?
Seems to be the best way it fits so the internal cable hose comes out to the left of the CDROM cage area.
Too bad the S12-430 isn't as high efficiency as the S12-500 and is missing the PCI-e power plugs. The S12-430's power cables come out on that side w/ the fan facing downwards...
Worst case I was thinking of installing it fan up, otherwise I was going to try to open it up and re-route the cables out the other side.
Ok I know it has been a while but finally we have someone who tested the new PSU in Q-pack. jonnyGURU a member here in the forums and a respected PSU reviewr (who actually has a load tester and o-scope) has finished a review. The full thing will be up on his personal site since he no longer does reviews for slcentral after the weekend here: http://jonnyguru.blogspot.com/

His overall impression can be found in this post:


Needless to say it is about what we have come to expect from the "fine" PSU's at aspire.
A follow up on mine with the "new and improved" 420W psu, after only a day and a half of running my P-M system, the comp died while playing FEAR for about 30 minutes. An attempt to restart the system failed and after opening the case up I found that the PSU was very hot and very dead. I am now running it with the case open and my Antec NeoPower 480 sitting on the dvd-rom because it wont fit until my seasonic S12-500 gets here. I second the vote for total piece of junk.
Well, at least I was able to sell mine separately after I found out what a piece of shit it really is. Fetched $25.00 for it, so I can't complain too bad. Had to replace my 120mm rear fan because it didn't work either. Not overly pissed about that. I just wish my front temp guage and lights worked!

Yea, I got a junker of a case, but at least it was cosmetically nice. :)
Scar1.8T said:
A follow up on mine with the "new and improved" 420W psu, after only a day and a half of running my P-M system, the comp died while playing FEAR for about 30 minutes. An attempt to restart the system failed and after opening the case up I found that the PSU was very hot and very dead. I am now running it with the case open and my Antec NeoPower 480 sitting on the dvd-rom because it wont fit until my seasonic S12-500 gets here. I second the vote for total piece of junk.
Did you play FEAR while running an OC? FEAR hates OCs. I learned the hard way. I thought my 500w Aspire pre-modded PSU that came with my X-SAlien (funny, Aspire isn't very inventive with their case's names) was dieing when FEAR kept crashing. Alas, it was my factory-OCed Gainward FX5900 XT. All it took was me ratcheting down my card to stock speeds.

Btw, I took my X-QPack's PSU apart, to see if I could flip the fan around (don't do this folks, I fuxxored the fan's hole up pretty bad). To my surprise, the circuit board was stamped with a big...

Rev B

So, what's your revision?
The review matches what my server's old motherboard complained about...the +12V rail puts out +13V sometimes :) Oddly enough, it's been in my old server for a week w/o problems. It's a bit noisy for a 120mm fan, but other than that, no problems.

BTW, I still have an S12-500 in the for sale forum (only plugged in and not powered on for more than a few seconds). Turns out it didn't power on my old server because it's not compatible w/ old P3/K7 systems (straight from Seasonic's tech support...of course after I sent it to them to test just so they could say it's ok *and* bought a 2nd one because I thought I just had a bad one)-:

If you're planning on mounting the fan face up, you might have to take off the fan grill. The Qpack's window retainers get caught on the grill...
M4rk said:
Did you play FEAR while running an OC? FEAR hates OCs. I learned the hard way. I thought my 500w Aspire pre-modded PSU that came with my X-SAlien (funny, Aspire isn't very inventive with their case's names) was dieing when FEAR kept crashing. Alas, it was my factory-OCed Gainward FX5900 XT. All it took was me ratcheting down my card to stock speeds.

Btw, I took my X-QPack's PSU apart, to see if I could flip the fan around (don't do this folks, I fuxxored the fan's hole up pretty bad). To my surprise, the circuit board was stamped with a big...

Rev B

So, what's your revision?

Yeah, it was OC'ed when it died, right now I have a P-M 780 in it running at stock speed and with the Antec PSU it is just fine. I am thinking of selling the 780 though since I really couldnt afford to buy it in the first place and going back to the OC'ed Banias in my sig, or maybe trying my luck with OCing my C-M 360J.
The PSU is a great spare parts unit..it will get you buy for a few days if your PSU breaks.
wait, according to jonny's review, the qpack has UV reactive windows?! since when did this happen?? :p
M4rk said:
I thought my 500w Aspire pre-modded PSU that came with my X-SAlien (funny, Aspire isn't very inventive with their case's names) was dieing when FEAR kept crashing.
Aspire makes bad PSUs in general, this XQPack PSU continues that tradition.
Whatever. The PSU I've used for two years now is Aspire-made, and other than getting hot, it's never given me any crap. I never gave the X-QPack's PSU a chance: I ripped it apart when messing with the fan's orientation.
M4rk said:
Whatever. The PSU I've used for two years now is Aspire-made, and other than getting hot, it's never given me any crap.
Aspire doesn't make PSU's they contract them out to the cheapest manufacturers possible. :)
My Qpacks PSU died 2 months ago(started pulsing). Wasnt happy about it. It wouldnt run my 6600 256 AGP. I took out the card and it worked..

Lessoned learned. Never buy anything from Aspire..
well i guess i got suckered. I purchased one of the Aspire Q-Packs it was 89.89 plus shipping and handling. Seems that the case is not worth 100 bucks especially with them sending that cheap power supply. Good thing I read this forum first. Now my issue will be finding a good power supply that will fit in this case at a resonable price. Please give me your suggestions. i dont' want that one where you have to face the fan up. that will be murder in the long run.