Quad extreme question

Yeah I do, that's the messed up part.
It's showing up like that on the POST screen AND in Vista.
Plus when I popped it in, the stock settings were on an 8 multiplier. Something is very very fucked up here.
The box was definitely sealed and when I looked at the chip it had some sort of odd boxy scuff creasy thing on it but I know it was brand new I could tell. I think it's a manufactured Defect since I"m running the P03.

What makes me pissed is I tried to do a 1600 FSB 10 multi and it BSODs in regular mode not safe mode. Likewise with a 13 multiplier on 1333 FSB. I can tell this is definitely a Proc support issue since it runs fine at stock, but WTF who buys one of these to run cool on stock? I want 45 degrees on 4+ghz and I can't get that and I'm awfully mad.

I am going to return it and get another one, they're all SLAN3 steppings (C0) afaik at my store so I hope I get better luck with my second. I'm just really surprised the 790i and the proc have this kind of issue!
Cannot check all 4 cores in CPUz. can only see the 1/4:

This is looking to be pretty fucking bad, I think I'm gonna need the XFX edition of the 790i :( and a new Quad as insurance.

The CPU-Z shot only makes up a tiny part of that picture, but I'm pretty sure it says 'Cores: 4' at the bottom?
CPU-Z identifies you CPU correctly, so I think you shouldn't worry ;)
but Ican't OC properly.
That's not the boards fault either... I'm just owrried the Proc i got is bad... I am serious when I say it had some weird creasings on it and I bought it brand new!!
not having any problem at all with my cores readin differently, but on the other hand they read it totally wrong since im using phasechange. the temps are the same always no matter load/idle. i go by the evap temp instead.
I hear our c0 steppings have an issue with spreading the temps properly.
I'm just gonna buy IPR warranty on this so I can get a 9770 when the 9650s are phased out
bullen how did you successfully OC? I was BSOD'in just after installing the board and CPU.
Maybe its because I'm on my 780i install :/
but Ican't OC properly.
That's not the boards fault either... I'm just owrried the Proc i got is bad... I am serious when I say it had some weird creasings on it and I bought it brand new!!

Though luck..but that is how the world is.
OC is a LUXURY, not something that is guaranteed, sorry.
Nothings guaranteed. You pay for the unlocked multipliers on the extremes but noone makes any promises of what you can hit other than the stock. It sucks and seems out of the norm to me though so best of luck with it as it would be nice for you to get what you had in mind product wise.
On a QX it's a guarantee

Sorry, but no.

Nothings guaranteed. You pay for the unlocked multipliers on the extremes but noone makes any promises of what you can hit other than the stock. It sucks and seems out of the norm to me though so best of luck with it as it would be nice for you to get what you had in mind product wise.

well i bought mine from a well known chinese overclocker called Wictor Wang, and he went through a number of qx9650. so the one i have is handpicked.

More than that it works just like normall, increase fsb and/or multi. increase Vcore, then offcourse you can play around with VTT and PLL voltages but be sure not to go to high, you might screw your cpu.

personally i don't have any experience with 780i Chipse, i've only had mine on p965 and X38. and it has worked great both times.

what vcore do you use for 4Ghz? and what week is your cpu?
Check this, this is the second fucking qX9650 I have had from this store that has this:
wtf is wrong with intel selling brand new QXs that have already looked like they've been sat on by some fat guy? This is unacceptable. I hope these creases show. I really want you guys to see! bump:
I think you should return that chip because it is not pretty!

The speader on my Q6600 was not very flat when I lapped it and all 4 edges are kinda beveled.. It's just the nature of the beast. It's kinda sad that Intel can't spend an extra dollar for a heat spreader on an extreme chip to have it ground flat by the manufacturer.

Oh well.

Fat guy cpu flattening services will be the new hotness for [H]ard Enthusiasts now.
The problem is DonDon this is now 2 QX9650s with this issue.
Right now I'm happy it works. What I'm going to do is call the place I bought it from when C1 steppings come in and complain about it. No sense in complaining too much right now as all they have are C0's. I definitely agree with you and they can look at it themselves and I'll tell them to look at the other SLAN3's they have.
The problem is DonDon this is now 2 QX9650s with this issue.

Hey, preaching to the choir.

The profit margins on the Extreme chips have to be astronomical. It's a shame they can't spend a couple of bux to really make them prsentable. Heck, a smooth heat spreader would make them work better.

Unfortunately, there is no spec for smoothness, other than it be able to cool with a stock cooler and some heatsink compound mushed in there. The reseller will look at you and ask, does it work or doesn't it? What more can they do? They can't return an otherwise working chip because it is not smooth.

Have you been able to push the speed on the second chip any higher? Or is 4 ghz fast enough for now?

11 multiplier results in freezing at post although my temps are only reading roughly 55 at load but thats only at 1.1or 1.2 volts. Like I said I may just wait for the c1 and then bitch.
I wanna bump this. The bioson the 790i is not mature enough yet to handle QX overclocks properly.
I can only tap 1333 x 10 prime stable on this rig. Anything higher, whether it's 1600 FSB at 8 multi or other variatns of the same speed will NOT work, as in not prime stable.
4 ghz was cool (52ish degrees) and I could not set a manual voltage to my CPU to determine optimum juice to run at 4.0. Instead it'd BSOD anytime I tried to feed the CPU a manual voltage.