Quake 4 Demo Out.


Limp Gawd
Aug 27, 2005

[ Quake 4 Demo @ FileRush ]
[ Quake 4 Demo @ FileShack ]
[ Quake 4 Demo @ Fileplanet ]
[ Quake 4 Demo @ 3D Gamers ]
[ Quake 4 Demo @ GamersHell ]

Demo is 327MB.

Note from fileplanet:
Important: Online Multiplayer mode does not function in this demo. A later version of the demo will include this feature.
Good job iD, no mp in the longawaited q4 demo. Could it be cuz that's where it taxes people's systems the most?
There will be a multiplayer demo released later they said. You can play the multiplayer maps how it is now, just no one can connect due to an auth bug. Im sure they wanted the demo out before black friday. Single player seemed alright, ends right after you get assigned to blow up the gun (end of level where your assigned that obj anyhow)

Screwing around by myself in multiplayer didnt impress me. Feels very clunky and slow compared to quake3 (which I was playing earlier today, still a great game with pleanty of players), grenades could use a bit more bounce (first one I shot was almost parallel to floor and stopped instantly) and that level kinda sux. Maybe its a bit better when you have something to kill. =)

What did impressed me is that I didnt have to do much config twiddling and defaults ran fine, everything was already set to high except for the dreaded 512mb recommended memory eater mode. I dont think the multiplayer meets quake expectations, but im sure there will be a classic mod that fixes the player movement and makes some maps without crappy busy looking textures.
You can use the console to spawn the mech, tank model is missing I think so no luck with it.

spawn vehicle_walker
Good demo, but the most horrific thing was the absence of (projected) shadows. When I point something with the flashlight, the object does not cast new shadows like it does in Doom 3 or The Chronicles of Riddck. I liked Doom 3 just because of the realistic lightning. Now this Quake 4 looks almost as silly as Half-Life 2 or F.E.A.R.

Do you know, whether this is the case in all configurations or are the shadows missing because of low video RAM? My configuration at the moment is NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT 128 MB, Forceware 81.85. Windows XP SP2.
Yeah I kinda liked the flashlight shadows too, although when shining the light at stuff like railings it gave a weird shadow border effect, which bothered me untill I figured out it was the shadow. I looked through the material file and there isnt a quick fix, although there are little mods that add that back in already out there.
So let's all write some kind email to Raven Software. Those projected flashlight lights and shadows do mean so much. It could be some kind of advanced option switch.

Raven Software
Just to let you guys know, Quake 4 will be $29.99 at Target and CompUSA tomorrow on Black Friday. I plan on buying my copy tomorrow. I hope the demo runs ok... Doom 3 crashes on my new rig, and I never figured out what was doing it... :(
is there anywhere good to download, no homo places like fileshack, and 3dgamers a gamershell are going to slow

jesus 1hr for 300mb demo, f that,should be 5minutes
Ballz2TheWallz said:
is there anywhere good to download, no homo places like fileshack, and 3dgamers a gamershell are going to slow

jesus 1hr for 300mb demo, f that,should be 5minutes

usually nvidia has all the latest demos, but not this one yet, and their connection is always 400kbs for me to :D

i got it from gamers hell i think, i am not registered at the rest and the others went slow.
TheJackal said:
usually nvidia has all the latest demos, but not this one yet, and their connection is always 400kbs for me to :D

i got it from gamers hell i think, i am not registered at the rest and the others went slow.
yeah im useing gamerhell at 86kbps.....my connection held a steady 1000KBps on yahoo for the COD2 demo i belive......god i hate subscription servers
dled and played... damn short. took about 15 min to finish... fun tho... will pu on friday when its 30.00 at target
Bugger - Quake 4 Demo short :(
I clocked the F.E.A.R. Demo on the hardest setting in less than 15 mins too.
Good job iD, no mp in the longawaited q4 demo. Could it be cuz that's where it taxes people's systems the most?

MP is the less taxing on systems, less dynamic lightings, lower textures, probably more optimizations too
Trimlock said:
MP is the less taxing on systems, less dynamic lightings, lower textures, probably more optimizations too
is it just me, or does MP work

(ps i get about the same framerate in MP, its more consistent though
Their auth system has been fixed, multiplayer works now. (just because it works now doesnt mean it worked before btw)
Lord of Shadows said:
Their auth system has been fixed, multiplayer works now. (just because it works now doesnt mean it worked before btw)
he posted 4 minutes before me and it was definatly working when i got it at like 3pm, 2hours ago

edit nvm looked at wrong post time, but still
Just got done playing through the single player and like an hour of mp. I'm impressed. I think some places have it for 30 bucks tomorrow. Might pick it up.
definatly fun, weapons are kinda off balance though, rocket launcher makes it easy to take out 3 people at once and the rail gun lets you pick off 2 people in a dog fight with ease
Ballz2TheWallz said:
definatly fun, weapons are kinda off balance though, rocket launcher makes it easy to take out 3 people at once and the rail gun lets you pick off 2 people in a dog fight with ease
Yeah, there are some balancing issues but it's not too bad. They can fix balancing issues with patches anyways.
Thanks for the link. I have been wondering when it would be out.

I really want to play the demo first since I have seen a few reviews that were not that great.
Just a heads up, gogamer.com has the Import (identical to the US version) DVD version for $35 shipped (w/ cheapest shipping) untill midnight. I ordered it, early xmas present :) Demo was fun!
Oh my god...that was awesome.

If I buy that, BF2 might start to gather dust. Since I have a 5900 anyway, I cant complain about graphics problems anyway, it all looks like crap :).

I LOVED the soundtrack.
Do the demo version users only see the servers for demo version, or can the demo version user join the official servers? I've liked the Quake 4 demo a lot, but there are usually only 15 - 25 Internet servers. I would like to purchase a copy of this game, but if there are not enough low-ping Internet servers available...

I still think that the graphical presentation is too much simplified to gain better framerates. The flashlight looks like the player is pointing the light towards his helmet (the overlay effect) instead of the scenery ahead. Realistic shadows are important... :)
Sorry, I should have done the famous RTFM act beforce posting stupid questions and therefore adding unnecessary load to the forum.


"Please note: The QUAKE 4 Demo is only able to connect to servers created by the QUAKE 4 Demo."
I've had the full PC game for a good 3 weeks now... Amazing game, had a lot of fun with it.
Looks great on my system (7800 GT), think I will be picking this one up if I can find it for around $35.
mastercheeze said:
Looks great on my system (7800 GT), think I will be picking this one up if I can find it for around $35.

On sale this weeked....at Target and either BB or CC (can't remember which) for $29. Nothing new or different just fun. Good storyline and the squad concept doesn't require micromanaging. If you got the hardware the graphics are spectacular at or near max settings.
Runs beautifully on my system at 1280x1024 with everything has high as it will go in the demo, no AA. I think that defaults to 8xAF if I'm not mistaken. Fun as hell too, just played a bunch of TDM on a server with a 999 frag limit. Took my team from down one hundred to up by 10 or so before the guy running the server shut it down :(.
Wow, they werent kidding about running an older forceware, the latest 81.9x loses a lot of dynamic lights and lowers texture quality, both the 32bit and 64bit. I just got around to reinstalling my rig and trying quake4 with 81.8x and omg what a difference.
Wow. I was ignoring quake4, but this demo is really impressive. Finally something that feels fun in PC shooters! :)

I grabbed it off the bittorrent from 3dgamers, not as fast as the FTP servers, but more convenient.