Quake 4 DM


Jun 24, 2004
Wow, am I the only one disappointed with this? I finally found a decent server and played a few rounds and now have no desire to ever play it again.

Pretty bad coming from someone who learned DM with the Doom and Quake series... :(
Yeah needless to say man, Quake 4 DM is a huge let down. I know we spoke about it over the phone one day.... Quake 4 to me was a let down in general.

What were your thoughts on the single player aspect of things?
I actually liked the singleplayer because it was like the original in a lot of ways. It had a nice little "fun" factor, though it got old fast. I played through until the end and cheated to beat the boss. Boss endings like that are just ridiculous, though again, it was very similar to the original in that regard.

The multiplayer I didn't like at all. For the game having such great graphics, every map looked like a$$. Maybe I've just moved beyond the "pure" DM of Quake, I dunno. At the LAN party I went to over the weekend, we played UT2004 IG CTF and FEAR CTF and had a blast with both games. NO ONE wanted to play Q4, which is pretty telling. Yeah, I'm sure there are still hardcore Quake players who play it and love it and that's fine. To each their own. I still find the UT series the best multiplayer ever devised, so I'll stick with it... ;)
I'll give it another go once a final version of the 1.1 patch is out. The beta version fixes most MP issues.
I loved the SP of the game.... for the most part the maps were done well they could have used a little bit more detail though that is another subject.... I really did not like the multiplayer to me it seemed more like a re-hashed Q3: Arena. I was expecting more like the old school Q2 MP, I was very dissappointed to see that it was just q3 with the "mario" jump pads and the same Icons and same basic weapons just on a different engine. That is just my 2 cents flame away.
Quake 4 mp is the best dm ever made imho. And I am the biggest fan of Quake 3 you'll meet. :) It has the perfect balance of physics and movement. It brings nothing new to the table except this, but the better visuals allow us hardcore quakers to enjoy Quake 3 with a better coat of paint.
wtburnette said:
I actually liked the singleplayer because it was like the original in a lot of ways. It had a nice little "fun" factor, though it got old fast. I played through until the end and cheated to beat the boss. Boss endings like that are just ridiculous, though again, it was very similar to the original in that regard.

The multiplayer I didn't like at all. For the game having such great graphics, every map looked like a$$. Maybe I've just moved beyond the "pure" DM of Quake, I dunno. At the LAN party I went to over the weekend, we played UT2004 IG CTF and FEAR CTF and had a blast with both games. NO ONE wanted to play Q4, which is pretty telling. Yeah, I'm sure there are still hardcore Quake players who play it and love it and that's fine. To each their own. I still find the UT series the best multiplayer ever devised, so I'll stick with it... ;)

can't agree more (never played fear multiplayer though). unreal is just such a well refined and balanced game. sure quake 4 is great at what it's meant for, but it's just missing that extra addiction factor...maybe it's the music. for some reason i find quake 3 more enjoyable than quake 4.

All games that I tried to get me away from CS:S. They all failed miserably. :p

Q4 was the biggest letdown in recent memory.