Quake 4 Gold

Arialis said:
Wow you guys smashing Q4 do realize that without quake and doom and the other games that ID did. Almost none of what we have would be possible.
wow do you realise marathon by bungie was before quake and was better?
noIinteam said:
Wake me up when you decide to stop trolling.

QFT and seconded....hahah....

Ever notice most BF2 players don't like Q3A and vice versa...it's in the game speed....

I personally hate BF1942....controls are horrible...plodding gameplay....blah....

It's just personal flavors man...no need to get the knickers all stuck up in the old bunghole over someone elses idea of a good game....
personally, i think that if you're looking for a single-player experience, you're going to be sorely disappointed by Q4. and if you're looking for a multiplayer experience, you're going to be disappointed by FEAR. get em both, if you can.
thats all speculation

right now i have every hope that quake4's single player will be great, going off of doom3, i think id did a decent job on making a story line, it was a great game, not ground breaking (except for the graphics and the scalability) ... how ever raven creating this game gives me higher hope for a more interactive story line, and possibly even longer then that of HL1
ojax said:
Everytime I join a UT04 DM server I get bored from walking over the fragged corpses, and I have barely played UT 2004... Yet all the time spent in quake - quake 3, I still get my ass kicked.. Lemme guess, UT2004 is still "new" and people are still getting good.... Well tell them to hurry up...

Sorry but you played with total newbs. I never touched a quake game till a few weeks ago when I played against 5 of my friends for the first time ever and I won 9 out of 10 games by a good margin. My friends have been playing since maybe 6 years ago?
2 words: Lokis Minions

On a side note. I am glad EA is not pulling the strings of this game like they do with BF2. Every update to the game would be a 29 dollar addon pack.

Yah, so according to the preview of Quake 4 that was posted a while back (nolinkforj00), the gameplay unfortunately has a lot of "Go back the way you came and get what you should have brought in the first place!" gameplay. Not quite "get the key/open the door" but close enough. But that's ok. I'm sure the game is amazing. Too bad I'm still on my 1.2ghz T-Bird with a GF3 Ti500 :\
IceWind said:
Quake 3 with Doom 3 engine *Yawn* Wake me when UT2007 comes out mkay.......

When did opinions become cassified as "thread crapping" ? Maybe he could have worded it differantly, but why bother. Its not like he came on here flaming someone or just made a random stupid comment, he stated what he thought of the game.

I'm with this guy, I swear they took doom and swapped out character models.

I think the quake wars, the Battlefieldish version of the game, looks much better. It's actually outside, thats a plus.

offhand grapple + rail= for the fucking win.

LRCTF for q3 was <3 at first site too, so fast..i can't wait to see LM for q4, yes there will be one.
I'm a UT guy, but I can't wait for Quake 4. I got my start in PC fps's with Quake 2 with some friends over a local network. That was fun. Never really got into Quake 3, played RA a few times. Then I played UT for like 6-7 years, I still play it too this day. I never got into UT2003 or UT2004, but I own them both. I just hope Q4 will be huge and bring the non-war-tactical-cough-counterstrike community back together again. ;)
Quake 4 is going to be an actual game, unlike the tech demo which was Doom 3. Quake 4 is going to have the SP of Quake 2 which was great, and multiplayer which is a little quicker then Quake 3. Whats not too like? In addition this title is going to spawn Quake wars, which looks amazing.
Quake 4 or FEAR...Im not sure WHICH to choose for now (I can always play the other one later).
We have an actual release date kids:

id Software™, Raven Software and Activision, Inc. have confirmed Earth’s invasion of Stroggos with the announcement that QUAKE 4™ PC has entered manufacturing and will begin shipping to retail stores nationwide on Tuesday, October 18. The long awaited sequel to QUAKE II®, QUAKE 4 enlists gamers in the role of Matthew Kane, a member of the Earth Defense Force’s legendary Rhino Squad, to penetrate deep into the heart of the Strogg war machine and engage in a series of heroic missions to destroy the barbaric alien race.
Good timing, I was just starting to get bored of Quake 3 :D

No, really.....
Pipo said:
UT series .. actually faster and less noobier than Quake .


Forget the Rail only instagib + hook; Load up a single Q2 jumping level, and give these UT "PROS" a chance to get to the top, would be a fun watch.

As for IceWind, give the guy a break, if he did not care for Quake he would not have stopped by this thread. Clearly there are issues burried deep within him regarding Quake. My guess, is that his tard of an ass was handed to him countless times, he fliped, and now runs around like a headless chicken in UT thinking he is good, or giving it a good ol' camp on BF2 (forget the team work of coarse).
All hail the champion of online fps games Quake !!!!

Didn't have broadband before quake 3 but enjoyed the sp of Quake 1 and 2. Quake 3 was my game over UT. Fun for several years.

UT2003 came out and I played for about 6 months but it's main draw was graphics.

UT2004 comes out once again graphics with vehicles - sold it after 2 months.

I still play Wolfenstein ET more than any other online fps at the moment due to the awesomeness of the quake 3 engine. I expect no less from Q4 although it's eerie how little publicity it's getting.
TheBluePill said:
Oddly enough I liked Q3 and UT both...

I cannot stand the original UT, the way the camera moves, you feel like you are floating around in a spaceship, and not running around.

the UT2k and later ones, are fun though.
TheBluePill said:
Oddly enough I liked Q3 and UT both...
Seriously, I don't see why it has to be one or the other, nor why it has to be a big deal. They're only games folks, not political parties who may be in control of the world. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
TheBluePill said:
Oddly enough I liked Q3 and UT both...

... and I love all (most) shooters. I have nothing bad to say about UT, Quake, BF2, Doom, CS/Half Life... it's like I'm a marvel of modern science! :)

Yes I will be buying the BF2:expansion, Quake 4, FEAR, and probably SS2 (demo could have been better). I feel bad I had to skip Bet on Soldier. Just too many games this last half of the year.
I'm in the same boat. I love UT, Quake, BF2, and pretty much any other well made FPS.
Lol, yes, sounded like you were talking about video cards. Is it coming out? Will it be available? Lol... first half is the same as the last for games.

But yeah, FYI gold means they have the final code, referring to a gold disk notion that they are ready to be mass produce. This is the announcement you look for when a release date comes near. Being that a few weeks is needed to stuff 'em in the boxes and so on, but that's it. No more "when it's done."

edit: and the 18th is a tuesday. It should be in stores I bet.
t10 said:
I cannot stand the original UT, the way the camera moves, you feel like you are floating around in a spaceship, and not running around.

the UT2k and later ones, are fun though.

You can turn viewbob off. :rolleyes:
texuspete00 said:
edit: and the 18th is a tuesday. It should be in stores I bet.

It might, but that depends if the manu set the 18th as the street date. Otherwise, it'll almost always be the day after the release/ship date.
Hm, FEAR and Q4 both on the 18th now. Damnit! Haha. Think i'll go buy FEAR first though, seeing as I have already experienced that. If Q4 would release a demo I'd be inclined to pick it up over FEAR depending on how good it was. Though the movies for it seem very fun.

I'll get both eventually :)
haha apparently all the people that are ripping on quake 4 didn't play it at quakecon. it's as fast and frantic as quake 3 ever was, and looks a thousand times better. i'm looking forward to it.
Raven did pretty well with RTCW...so hopefully Q4 will be good as well. I'm looking forward to it, and will probably pick it up before FEAR.
ojax said:
lol UT troll gets 2nd post!! Way to prove to everyone how fuckin pathetic you are...

Everytime I join a UT04 DM server I get bored from walking over the fragged corpses, and I have barely played UT 2004... Yet all the time spent in quake - quake 3, I still get my ass kicked.. Lemme guess, UT2004 is still "new" and people are still getting good.... Well tell them to hurry up...

... and back on topic, Quake 4 Gold makes me very happy, and I cannot wait to murderize you all online... if my pos rig doesn't choke and my ISP gets even more hops added along the line... :p

Its a celebration, bitches.


man i guess you never ran into myself or Ron1jed playing UT have ya ;)

and just for the record. I always earned that 75% accuracy icon over my head with the rail gun in QIII ;)
I just reserved it at Best Buy. I cant wait to be playing some instagib rail only ctf.
How bad is Q4 gonna choke systems? I've got a P4 [email protected] (depends on the weather) with a gig of RAM and a Radeon 9700 Pro. Will I be able to play Q4 at a decent level of detail and resolution, specifically 1280x1024 at "medium" settings? 1024x768?
CellBlock said:
How bad is Q4 gonna choke systems? I've got a P4 [email protected] (depends on the weather) with a gig of RAM and a Radeon 9700 Pro. Will I be able to play Q4 at a decent level of detail and resolution, specifically 1280x1024 at "medium" settings? 1024x768?

It runs on a modified Doom 3 engine, so just use how Doom 3 performs on your system as a benchmark.
thats a pretty bad comparison, seeing as HL2 chokes your system much harder then CS:S did (using the same engine), i bet things are toned down for MP wise, while SP there will be all the bells and wistles
Trimlock said:
thats a pretty bad comparison, seeing as HL2 chokes your system much harder then CS:S did (using the same engine), i bet things are toned down for MP wise, while SP there will be all the bells and wistles

I found the stress test and CS:S to be on par with the performance of HL2. If you have a better suggestion for testing how a system will perform, using the same game engine, I suggest you supply it.
So you would suggest buying a game, not knowing how well it is going to play on your system, hell if it is even playable, knowing full well you cannot return open software? Now thats some great logic, and really helps answer the posters question. :rolleyes:
considering he has a 9700, i highly doubt it won't run on his system, and how do we know that no other site will be doing a review of this game?

how will he know? hell if i know, but we sure don't know either unless we have some people with a leaked gold sample of the game or people working for their testing team