Quake 4 tweaks and cheats........post your findings


Limp Gawd
Mar 23, 2004
Add this after the command line to skip intro and enable the console.

+set com_allowConsole 1 +disconnect
noclip and give all both work...

I would speculate that notarget and other typical quake cheats also work.

As for tweaks? I really need tweaks for MP if anyone has them, I get crap fps in MP.
I dont know too many but i find turning off shadows is a huge performance boost, especailly for MP...and in MP i really dont care about shadows.
Troz said:
IDKFA = iD Killer F***ing Arsenal.

Forgetting that code is like forgetting the Konami code!

well shoot ....whats the Konami code..? :confused:
ThreeDee said:
well shoot ....whats the Konami code..? :confused:

up down up down left right left right b a (?)

damn or was it

up up down down left right left right b a(?)

Oh come on!
Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, A, B, Select, Start
unlimited lives baby
Roliath said:
Oh come on!
Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, A, B, Select, Start
unlimited lives baby

Up Up Down Down B A B A Start - 30 lives in Contra (single player)
Up Up Down Down B A B A Select Start - 30 lives in Contra (2 player)
Roliath said:
Oh come on!
Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, A, B, Select, Start
unlimited lives baby

these are things we will be able to bring up when werte 60+ years old, and kids wont even KNOW what contra was...god i miss those days...2 player contra, oh yea it was the best
Press (~,Ctrl, and Alt) to bring up the game console during play and enter the following codes to activate them. Make sure you press "Enter" after you type each code in!

Code Effect
give item_health_mega +100 health up to 200
g_showplayershadow # 1 shows shadow, 0 removes it
com_showfps # 1 to show frame rate on screen constantly, 0 to turn it off
pm_thirdperson # 1 turns third-person mode on, 0 turns it off
give all All weapons with full ammo, health and armor
com_allowconsole 1 Allows console opening and closing with just ~
editor Close the game and open the map editor
kill commit suicide
testlight Creates a new light source where you're pointing
benchmark game benchmark
give weapon_dmg get a dark matter gun plus some ammo
give weapon_grenadelauncher get a grenade launcher plus some ammo
give weapon_hyperblaster get a hyperblaster plus some ammo
give weapon_lightninggun get a lightning gun plus some ammo
give weapon_machinegun get a machinegun plus some ammo
give weapon_nailgun get a nailgun plus some ammo
give weapon_railgun get a railgun plus some ammo
give weapon_rocketlauncher get a rocket launcher plus some ammo
give weapon_shotgun get a shotgun plus some ammo
give weapons get all weapons without any ammo
give ammo give ammo
give all weapons gives all weapons
gfxinfo graphics card information
pm_noclipspeed # How fast you move in noclip mode
pm_crouchspeed # How fast you move when crouched
pm_speed # How fast you move when running
pm_jumpheight # How high you can jump
quit immediately exit from game
give armor max armor
give health max health
killmonsters remove all monsters and NPCs from current level
poplight Removes a "testlight"-created light source
screenshot X Y replace X and Y with 4:3 screen resolutions, like 800 600 or 1024 768
avidemo save a demo of your playing to an AVI movie file
g_knockback # Set to 0 to keep monster attacks from knocking you around
g_stoptime # Set to 1 to stop time (can only move around) and 0 to restart time
spawn char_marine summons a marine who'll help fight
spawn char_marine_medic summons a medic who can heal you
spawn char_marine_tech_armed summons a tech who can fight and restore your armor
noclip toggle ability to fly and move through solid objects
GOD Toggle GOD Mode
notarget toggle invisibility

all found on www.gamefaqs.com
nismo_r34 said:


I hates it when I get casted out

..but the up up down down stuff ...that jarred loose all those repressed memories I had .because ..now ...now ..I .....I remember!!

I gotta head over to diff section and get me the directions to get my folding stats in my post'

wtfmoa, n00bs

konami code is:
up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, (select) start.

Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, A, B, Select, Start
Up Up Down Down B A B A Start
I remember way back when...got Wolfenstein 3d: Spear of Destiny. As a youngin, I foolishly filled out the registration card and sent it in. Got something in the mail that told me cheat codes of SOD and for the original Wolf 3D and I almost wet myself!

MLI...left shift, left alt, backspace...oh the joy :D
com_Limits "0
com_logDemos "0
com_logMPStats "0
com_machineSpec "2
com_MakeLoadScreens "0
com_makingBuild "0
com_memoryMarker "-1
com_minTics "1
com_preciseTic "1
com_preloadDemos "0
com_purgeAll "0
com_QuickLoad "0
com_showAngles "0
com_showAsyncStats "0
com_showDemo "0
com_showFPS "1
com_showMemAllocTags "0
com_showMemoryUsage "0
com_showSoundDecoders "0
com_showTics "0
com_SingleDeclFile "0
com_skipGameDraw "0
com_skipLevelLoadPause "0
com_skipRenderer "0
com_speeds "0
com_syncGameFrame "0
com_systemRam "1024
com_timestampPrints "0
com_uniqueWarnings "0
com_updateLoadSize "0
com_videoRam "256
com_wipeSeconds "1
com_WriteSingleDeclFile "0
con_noPrint "1
con_notifyTime "3
con_speed "3
decl_show "0
demo_debug "0
demo_enforceFS "0
demo_scale "1.0
developer "0
fas_blendBias "1.5
fas_debug "0
fas_intensityBias "0
fas_threshhold0 "60
fas_threshhold1 "30
fas_timeOffset "50
fs_basepath "G:/Q4
fs_caseSensitiveOS "0
fs_cdpath "
fs_copyfiles "0
fs_debug "0
fs_devpath "G:/Q4
fs_game "q4base
fs_game_base "
fs_importpath "
fs_mapPaks "0
fs_restrict "0
fs_savepath "G:/Q4
fs_searchAddons "0
g_allowVehicleGunOverheat "1
g_announcerDelay "1000
g_armorProtection "0.66667
g_armorProtectionMP "0.66667
g_blobSize "1
g_blobTime "1
g_brassTime "1
g_cinematic "1
g_cinematicMaxSkipTime "600
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g_crosshairColor "1 1 0 1
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g_crosshairCustomFile "gfx/guis/crosshairs/crosshair_railgun.tga
g_crosshairSize "32
g_currentPlayback "
g_debugAnim "-1
g_debugBounds "0
g_debugCinematic "0
g_debugDamage "0
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g_debugMover "0
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g_debugTriggers "0
g_debugVehicle "0
g_debugVehicleAI "0
g_debugVehicleDriver "0
g_debugWeapon "0
g_decals "1
g_disasm "0
g_doubleVision "1
g_dragDamping "0.5
g_dragEntity "0
g_dragShowSelection "0
g_dropItemRotation "
g_dvAmplitude "0.001
g_dvFrequency "0.5
g_dvTime "1
g_earthquake "1
g_editEntityDistance "512
g_editEntityMode "0
g_editEntityTextDistance "256
g_exportMask "
g_favoritesList "
g_flushSave "0
g_forceUndying "0
g_fov "90
g_frametime "0
g_friendsList "
g_gameReviewPause "15
g_gravity "1066
g_gunPitch "0
g_gunRoll "0
g_gunViewStyle "0
g_gunX "0
g_gunY "0
g_gunYaw "0
g_gunZ "0
g_healthTakeAmt "5
g_healthTakeLimit "25
g_healthTakeTime "5
g_keepEntityStats "0
g_kickAmplitude "0.0001
g_kickTime "1
g_knockback "1000
g_log "0
g_mapCycle "mapcycle
g_maxShowDistance "128
g_monsters "1
g_mp_gravity "800
g_mpWeaponAngleScale "0
g_muzzleFlash "1
g_nightmare "0
g_password "
g_perfTest_aiNoDodge "0
g_perfTest_aiNoObstacleAvoid "0
g_perfTest_aiNoRagdoll "0
g_perfTest_aiNoVisTrace "0
g_perfTest_aiStationary "0
g_perfTest_aiUndying "0
g_perfTest_hitscanBBox "0
g_perfTest_hitscanShort "0
g_perfTest_noJointTransform "0
g_perfTest_noPlayerFocus "0
g_perfTest_noProjectiles "0
g_perfTest_weaponNoFX "0
g_playPlayback "0
g_projectileLights "1
g_recordPlayback "0
g_showActiveEntities "0
g_showAreaClipSectors "0
g_showcamerainfo "0
g_showClipSectorFilter "0
g_showClipSectors "0
g_showCollisionModels "0
g_showCollisionTraces "0
g_showCollisionWorld "0
g_showDebugHud "0
g_showEnemies "0
g_showEntityInfo "0
g_showFrameCmds "0
g_showGodDamage "0
g_showHud "1
g_showHudPopups "0
g_showPlayback "0
g_showPlayerShadow "0
g_showProjectilePct "0
g_showPVS "0
g_showRange "0
g_showTargets "0
g_showTestModelFrame "0
g_showTriggers "0
g_showviewpos "0
g_skill "1
g_skipFX "0
g_skipItemShadowsMP "0
g_skipParticles "0
g_skipPlayerShadowsMP "0
g_skipViewEffects "0
g_spectatorChat "0
g_stopTime "0
g_testCTF "0
g_testDeath "0
g_testHealthVision "0
g_testModelAnimate "0
g_testModelBlend "0
g_testModelRotate "0
g_testPlayer "
g_testPostProcess "
g_testScoreboard "0
g_timeEntities "0
g_useDynamicProtection "1
g_vehicleForce "50000
g_vehicleMode "1
g_vehicleVelocity "1000
g_version "Quake4 Final 1.0.1283-release win-x86 Sep 23 2005 00:01:45
g_viewNodalX "0
g_viewNodalZ "0
g_voteFlags "0
gamedate "Sep 23 2005
gamename "baseQUAKE4-1
gui_configServerRate "0
gui_debug "0
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in_alwaysRun "1
in_anglespeedkey "1.5
in_freeLook "1
in_joystick "0
in_joystickLeftStickMove "1
in_mouse "1
in_pitchspeed "140
in_toggleCrouch "0
in_toggleRun "0
in_toggleZoom "0
in_yawspeed "140
lcp_showFailures "0
logFile "0
logFileName "qconsole.log
m_maxInput "0
m_pitch "-0.022
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m_smooth "1
m_strafeScale "6.25
m_strafeSmooth "4
m_yaw "0.022
mat_useHitMaterials "1
mat_writeHitMaterials "0
net_allowCheats "0
net_challengeLimit "15
net_channelShowDrop "0
net_channelShowPackets "0
net_clientDownload "1
net_clientLagOMeter "0
net_clientMaxPrediction "1000
net_clientMaxRate "16000
net_clientPredictGUI "1
net_clientPrediction "10
net_clientRemoteConsoleAddress "localhost
net_clientRemoteConsolePassword "
net_clientServerTimeout "60
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net_clientShowSnapshotRadius "128
net_clientUsercmdBackup "2
net_debugClient "0
net_debugFrameTime "0
net_debugPlayerCount "0
net_debugStartLevel "0
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net_forceDrop "0
net_forceInternet "0
net_forceLatency "0
net_ip "localhost
net_LANServer "0
net_master0 "q4master.idsoftware.com:27650
net_master1 "
net_master2 "
net_master3 "
net_master4 "
net_menuLANServer "1
net_port "0
net_predictionErrorDecay "112
net_serverAllowServerMod "0
net_serverClientTimeout "60
net_serverDedicated "0
net_serverDrawClient "-1
net_serverMaxClientRate "25600
net_serverMaxUsercmdRelay "5
net_serverMenuDedicated "0
net_serverReloadEngine "0
net_serverRemoteConsolePassword "
net_serverRunning "0
net_serverSnapshotDelay "80
net_serverZombieTimeout "5
net_showPredictionError "-1
net_socksEnabled "0
net_socksPassword "
net_socksPort "1080
net_socksServer "
net_socksUsername "
net_verbose "0
password "
pm_acceloverride "0
pm_air "1800
pm_bboxwidth "32
pm_bobpitch "0.002
pm_bobroll "0.002
pm_bobup "0.005
pm_crouchbob "0.5
pm_crouchheight "49
pm_crouchrate "0.87
pm_crouchspeed "80
pm_crouchviewheight "32
pm_deadheight "20
pm_deadviewheight "10
pm_forcespectatormove "0
pm_frictionoverride "-1
pm_jumpheight "48
pm_maxviewpitch "89
pm_minviewpitch "-89
pm_modelView "0
pm_noclipspeed "270
pm_normalheight "77
pm_normalviewheight "68
pm_runbob "0.4
pm_runpitch "0.002
pm_runroll "0.005
pm_spectatebbox "32
pm_spectatespeed "450
pm_speed "160
pm_stamina "24
pm_staminarate "0.75
pm_staminathreshold "45
pm_stepsize "16
pm_thirdPerson "0
pm_thirdPersonAngle "0
pm_thirdPersonClip "1
pm_thirdPersonDeath "0
pm_thirdPersonHeight "0
pm_thirdPersonRange "80
pm_usecylinder "0
pm_vehicleCameraMinDist "300
pm_vehicleCameraScaleMax "300
pm_vehicleCameraSnap "1
pm_vehicleCameraSpeedScale "0.5
pm_vehicleSoundLerpScale "10
pm_walkbob "0.3
pm_walkspeed "80
r_actualRenderer "ARB2
r_alphaToCoverage "1
r_aspectRatio "0
r_brightness "1.380952
r_checkBounds "0
r_clear "2
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r_convertProcToMD5R "0
r_convertStaticToMD5R "0
r_customHeight "486
r_customWidth "720
r_debugArrowStep "120
r_debugLineDepthTest "0
r_debugLineWidth "1
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r_debugRenderToTexture "0
r_debugSphereSubdivision "2
r_demonstrateBug "0
r_deriveBiTangents "0
r_displayRefresh "0
r_drawBoundInfo "0
r_finish "0
r_fixedHorizFOV "0
r_flareSize "1
r_forceConvertMD5R "0
r_forceDiffuseOnly "0
r_forceLoadImages "0
r_frontBuffer "0
r_fullscreen "1
r_gamma "1
r_glDriver "
r_ignore "0
r_ignore2 "0
r_ignoreGLErrors "1
r_inhibitFragmentProgram "0
r_inhibitNativePowerOfTwo "1
r_jitter "0
r_jointNameOffset "0.5
r_jointNameScale "0.02
r_lightAllBackFaces "0
r_lightDetailLevel "0
r_lightScale "2
r_lightSourceRadius "0
r_limitBatchSize "0
r_lockSurfaces "0
r_lod_animations_coverage "0.05
r_lod_animations_distance "0.0
r_lod_animations_wait "0.1
r_lod_entities "0
r_lod_entities_percent "0.008
r_lod_shadows "0
r_lod_shadows_percent "0.06
r_materialOverride "
r_megaTextureLevel "0
r_mergeModelSurfaces "1
r_mode "4
r_multiSamples "0
r_offsetfactor "0
r_offsetunits "-600
r_orderIndexes "1
r_penumbraMapDepthBias "3.
r_portalsDistanceCull "1
r_renderer "best
r_screenFraction "100
r_shadowMapDepthBias ".6
r_shadowMapSlopeScaleBias "3.2
r_shadowPolygonFactor "0
r_shadowPolygonOffset "-1
r_shadows "1
r_showAlloc "0
r_showBatchSize "0
r_showCull "0
r_showDebugGraph "0
r_showDefs "0
r_showDemo "0
r_showDepth "0
r_showDominantTri "0
r_showDynamic "0
r_showEdges "0
r_showEditorImages "0
r_showEntityScissors "0
r_showHitImages "0
r_showImages "0
r_showIntensity "0
r_showInteractionFrustums "0
r_showInteractions "0
r_showInteractionScissors "0
r_showLightCount "0
r_showLightPortals "0
r_showLights "0
r_showLightScale "0
r_showLightScissors "0
r_showMegaTexture "0
r_showMegaTextureLabels "0
r_showMemory "0
r_showNormals "0
r_showOverDraw "0
r_showOverdrawDivisor "10
r_showOverdrawMax "50
r_showPortals "0
r_showPrimitives "0
r_showRenderTrace "0
r_showSafeArea "0
r_showShadowCount "0
r_showShadows "0
r_showSilhouette "0
r_showSkel "0
r_showSmp "0
r_showSurfaceInfo "0
r_showSurfaces "0
r_showTangentSpace "0
r_showTexturePolarity "0
r_showTextureVectors "0
r_showTrace "0
r_showTriangleTangents "0
r_showTris "0
r_showUnsmoothedTangents "0
r_showUnweld "0
r_showUpdates "0
r_showVertexCache "0
r_showVertexColor "0
r_showViewEntitys "0
r_singleArea "0
r_singleEntity "-1
r_singleLight "-1
r_singleSurface "-1
r_singleTriangle "0
r_skipAmbient "0
r_skipBackEnd "0
r_skipBlendLights "0
r_skipBump "0
r_skipCopyTexture "0
r_skipDecals "0
r_skipDeforms "0
r_skipDiffuse "0
r_skipDownsize "0
r_skipDynamicTextures "0
r_skipFogLights "0
r_skipFrontEnd "0
r_skipGuiShaders "0
r_skipInteractions "0
r_skipLightScale "0
r_skipMegaTexture "0
r_skipNewAmbient "0
r_skipOverlays "0
r_skipPostProcess "0
r_skipRender "0
r_skipRenderContext "0
r_skipROQ "0
r_skipSpecular "0
r_skipSubviews "0
r_skipSuppress "0
r_skipTextures "0
r_skipTranslucent "0
r_skipUpdates "0
r_slopNormal "0.02
r_slopTexCoord "0.001
r_slopVertex "0.01
r_subviewOnly "0
r_suppressMultipleUpdates "1
r_swapInterval "1
r_terrainScale "3
r_test "0
r_testARBProgram "0
r_testGamma "0
r_testGammaBias "0
r_testSpecialEffect "0
r_testSpecialEffectParm "0
r_testSpecialEffectParmValue "0
r_testStepGamma "0
r_trackTextureUsage "0
r_useCachedDynamicModels "1
r_useClippedLightScissors "1
r_useCombinerDisplayLists "1
r_useConstantMaterials "1
r_useCulling "2
r_useDeferredTangents "1
r_useDepthBoundsTest "1
r_useEntityCallbacks "1
r_useEntityCulling "1
r_useEntityScissors "1
r_useExternalShadows "1
r_useFastSkinning "0
r_useFrustumFarDistance "0
r_useIndexBuffers "0
r_useInfiniteFarZ "1
r_useInteractionCulling "1
r_useInteractionScissors "2
r_useLightCulling "3
r_useLightPortalFlow "1
r_useLightScissors "1
r_useNewSkinning "1
r_useNodeCommonChildren "1
r_useNV20MonoLights "1
r_useOptimizedShadows "1
r_usePenumbraMapShadows "0
r_usePortals "1
r_usePreciseTriangleInteractions "0
r_useScissor "1
r_useShadowCulling "1
r_useShadowProjectedCull "1
r_useShadowSurfaceScissor "1
r_useShadowVertexProgram "1
r_useSilRemap "1
r_useSimpleInteraction "0
r_useStateCaching "1
r_useTripleTextureARB "1
r_useTurboShadow "1
r_useTwoSidedStencil "1
r_useVertexBuffers "1
r_varmegs "32
r_videoCard "NVIDIA Corporation/GeForce 6800 GT/PCI/SSE2/ 3DNOW!/2.0.0
r_videoSettingsFailed "0
r_znear "3
radiant_camerawindow "junk - FG"
radiant_InspectorsWindow "junk - FG"
radiant_MainWindowPlace "junk - FG"
radiant_xywindow "junk - FG"
radiant_zwindow "junk - FG"
rb_showActive "0
rb_showBodies "0
rb_showContacts "0
rb_showInertia "0
rb_showMass "0
rb_showTimings "0
rb_showVelocity "0
s_clipVolumes "1
s_constantAmplitude "-1
s_decompressionLimit "2
s_deviceName "SB Audigy 2 ZS Audio [9000]
s_doorDistanceAdd "150
s_dotbias2 "1.1
s_dotbias6 "0.8
s_drawSounds "0
s_force22kHz "0
s_frequencyShift "1
s_globalFraction "0.8
s_loadOpenALFailed "0
s_maxChannelsMixed "63
s_maxSoundsPerShader "0
s_meterTopTime "2000
s_minStereo "8
s_minVolume2 "0.25
s_minVolume6 "0
s_musicVolume "0.5
s_muteEAXReverb "0
s_noSound "0
s_numberOfSpeakers "6
s_playDefaultSound "1
s_quadraticFalloff "0
s_radioChatterFraction "0.9
s_realTimeDecoding "1
s_reverbFeedback "0.333
s_reverbTime "1000
s_reverse "0
s_showLevelMeter "0
s_showStartHardware "0
s_showStartSound "0
s_singleEmitter "-1
s_skipStartSound "0
s_spatializationDecay "2
s_speakerFraction "0.65
s_subFraction "0.5
s_useDeferredSettings "1
s_useEAXOcclusion "1
s_useEAXReverb "1
s_useOcclusion "1
s_useOpenAL "0
s_volume "1
sensitivity "3
si_allowHitscanTint "2
si_allowVoting "0
si_autobalance "1
si_captureLimit "5
si_countDown "10
si_entityFilter "
si_fragLimit "10
si_gameType "DM
si_idleServer "0
si_map "mp/q4ctf5
si_mapCycle "
si_maxPlayers "12
si_minPlayers "2
si_name "Quake 4 Server
si_numPlayers "4
si_pure "1
si_shuffle "0
si_spectators "1
si_teamDamage "0
si_timeLimit "0
si_tourneyLimit "3
si_usePass "0
si_useReady "0
si_version "Quake4 Final V1.0.0.0 Build 2147 win-x86 Sep 23 2005
si_warmup "1
si_weaponStay "0
subliminal "0
sv_punkbuster "0
sys_arch "WinXP (NT)
sys_country "United States
sys_cpustring "64-Bit AMD CPU with MMX & 3DNow! & SSE & SSE2 & EM64T
sys_lang "english
sys_language "English
sys_opticalMedia "unknown
timescale "1
ui_autoReload "1
ui_autoSwitch "0
ui_chat "1
ui_clan "
ui_hitscanTint "0 1 1
ui_model "model_player_marine
ui_model_backup "
ui_model_marine "
ui_model_strogg "
ui_name "Player
ui_ready "Not Ready
ui_showGun "1
ui_skin "base
ui_spectate "Play
ui_team "Strogg
win_allowAltTab "0
win_allowMultipleInstances "0
win_enableFPUExceptions "0
win_notaskkeys "0
win_outputDebugString "1
win_outputEditString "1
win_sysErrorNoWait "0
win_timerUpdate "0
win_username "
win_viewlog "0
win_viewlog_update_count "10
win_viewlog_xpos "0
win_viewlog_ypos "0
win_xpos "3
win_ypos "22"
god - God Mode
notarget - Enemies can not see you
noclip - Toggles clipping on and off
freeze - Freeze everything

give all - Gives all weapons

You people know how-to-colour your names..?

^1 - red
^2 - green
^3 - yellow
^4 - blue
^5 - electric
^6 - purple
^7 - white
^8 - grey
^9 - black

name "^1Unnamed^8Player"

But..you kno that..
What you prolly dont kno..is this..I suggest you put a lot oF time 2o it, because there is a whole colour gamma attached 2o it. Instructions:

Use the c code:

name "^c800Unnamed^c111Player"

This will give you fairly same colours as in the first varient.
But what is this ^c(3 digits) colour code..? Well, it transforms the 0-255 in2o the 0-9, and its pretty hard 2o use..The numbers can be from 0-999, so it might take a lot oF time 2o check all the variety oF codes..Dont worry :D Try this:

say ""^c000gL^c001gL^c002gL^c003gL^c004gL^c005gL^c006gL^c007gL^c008gL^c009gL""

Type that in2o your console ( remember, quotes are necessary, so all you have 2o do is copy/paste :eek: ). See the gradient appear..? It goes from dark blue 2o lighter blue. iF you dont have the time 2o check all the colours, use my code lines, it took me like 10 mins 2o make em. Just copy paste what is in the zip file | Link.

And yes, Quake4 does have autoexec.cfg file. Just make 1.
What I suggest, so the commands wouldn't get overwritten by the engine and other causes, use set instead oF seta in your conFig files.
Another tip..in the shortcut, where you put +disconnect, add a +exec file.cfg , and this will work even better than autoexec - you can type in few executables..Also, you can make 2-3 diFferent shortcuts, lets say 1 with good graphics/lowFPS, and another 1 for MP, with shizzy graphics and lotsas FPS. Just play around.

The best way 2o thank, is 2o remember.
double done said:

You people know how-to-colour your names..?

^1 - red
^2 - green
^3 - yellow
^4 - blue
^5 - electric
^6 - purple
^7 - white
^8 - grey
^9 - black

name "^1Unnamed^8Player"

But..you kno that..
What you prolly dont kno..is this..I suggest you put a lot oF time 2o it, because there is a whole colour gamma attached 2o it. Instructions:

Use the c code:

name "^c800Unnamed^c111Player"

This will give you fairly same colours as in the first varient.
But what is this ^c(3 digits) colour code..? Well, it transforms the 0-255 in2o the 0-9, and its pretty hard 2o use..The numbers can be from 0-999, so it might take a lot oF time 2o check all the variety oF codes..Dont worry :D Try this:

say ""^c000gL^c001gL^c002gL^c003gL^c004gL^c005gL^c006gL^c007gL^c008gL^c009gL""

Type that in2o your console ( remember, quotes are necessary, so all you have 2o do is copy/paste :eek: ). See the gradient appear..? It goes from dark blue 2o lighter blue. iF you dont have the time 2o check all the colours, use my code lines, it took me like 10 mins 2o make em. Just copy paste what is in the zip file | Link.

And yes, Quake4 does have autoexec.cfg file. Just make 1.
What I suggest, so the commands wouldn't get overwritten by the engine and other causes, use set instead oF seta in your conFig files.
Another tip..in the shortcut, where you put +disconnect, add a +exec file.cfg , and this will work even better than autoexec - you can type in few executables..Also, you can make 2-3 diFferent shortcuts, lets say 1 with good graphics/lowFPS, and another 1 for MP, with shizzy graphics and lotsas FPS. Just play around.

The best way 2o thank, is 2o remember.

kool will check this out..

but just of curiousity.. is it easier for you to type the word "to" rather than "2o"? or are those words for l33t Sp34k only? but anyways, nice find ;)