Quality Case?


Nov 18, 2003
I'm going to build a computer for a friend and he's on a tight budget. So my question is, is this a case worth buying? Any gripes with it? Problems with cooling? Crappy PSU? Thanks.
the case is hideous
the power supply is weak (it will work for a lighter system but you will want a new one for a high powered system)
Its hideous
its got more pre-mod garbage than almost any case ive seen
I think I forgot to say... Its hideous
i don't know about the case but the psu is a piece of sh!t, i bought a raidmax 278wbp and the psu shat on me after like 2 weeks, just make sure you get a new psu if you get that case or if they have one w/o a psu, save yourself some money and get that.
My friend has that case w/ a decent 1900+ system, and it works fine for him. Powersupply is fine, and the paint is a nice, high-gloss finish. I don't really like the front, but that window is the best on any pre-mod i've seen.
When I look at a case, I see modding potential.

Oh, and (other than the crap accross the window) the premod is actually pretty good in the first place. I would remove the metal accross the window (obviously), then i would mod the front (probably remove all the led stuff from the X-shaped thingy, and fill in the holes with bondo... oh and remove the screws as well, they look out of place. If it still looks bad, remove the x thingy alltogether, and replace it with a huge LCD... well just put like three there, so they cover most of the gap. That would be uber.

Then, i would paint the interior. Get a new PSU and mod it... Although with metal loom, i hate sleeving! Maybe a transparent cover too. Then i would get myself a uv-reactive window decal,
then get two meteor lights from here and install two, so that each would shine through the intake thingy in front. Then I would cut a 120mm blowhole on top, and put a CCFL somewhere in there.

But then, you're on a low budget, so you probably can't afford to do any mods.
Originally posted by obyj34
So, uhm... any suggestions on a (very) cheap case/psu?

Never..repete..Never especially if your a OC'er buy a cheapo PSU,its actually the heart of any system.

If you can afford one..get a Vantec 420A (150,000 hours MTBF) it's considered by many the best,next would be a Antec True power (80,000 hours MTBF)..a quality PSU is insurance sice they not only provide clean,exact voltage..they also protect against surges.