Question about buying a used BF2


Jun 28, 2003
I'm looking to buy a used copy of Battefield 2, is there any problems that I may have doing this?
Thought I read somewhere if someone already registers it, then I won't be able to?
If the CD-key has been registered to another user I don't think it affects anything besides e-mails containing useless information. As long as the game isn't installed on more than 1 PC you'll be fine.
WhyYouLoveMe said:
If the CD-key has been registered to another user I don't think it affects anything besides e-mails containing useless information. As long as the game isn't installed on more than 1 PC you'll be fine.
Yeah but will you still be able to play it if you don't have the CD? Assuming original owner never uninstalled it.
Umm... how are you going to install it without the CD? You need the CD to play the game unless there are illegal hacks out there. (which we shall not discuss) Are you buying just the CD key?

I'm confused. :confused:
WhyYouLoveMe said:
Umm... how are you going to install it without the CD? You need the CD to play the game unless there are illegal hacks out there. (which we shall not discuss) Are you buying just the CD key?

I'm confused. :confused:
No I meant that if the original owner sold the CD to me, why would he not uninstall it from his machine.
You said as long as its installed on one machine only.
Where are you getting this from? If it's off of the internet, I wouldn't go for it. The guy could easily have BF2 installed with the same CDKEY and have either a No-CD crack installed (this is legal as long as you have a legal copy of the game.. or not :p ) or have a copy of a BF2 CD.

If it's from your friend, then I'd go for it if you trust the guy.
WhyYouLoveMe said:
Umm... how are you going to install it without the CD? You need the CD to play the game unless there are illegal hacks out there. (which we shall not discuss) Are you buying just the CD key?

I'm confused. :confused:
Not true, I know I create a mini image with Alcohol 120% in the event my niece or nephew decides to play frisbee with the CD.
Honestly, but it from whomever you want... You have to either trust buying online or not... Use Paypal.. make sure in your corespondance he says it's a real legal copy.. if he gives you no disc (while it's against HardForum policy) you can either ask for it from him, or you can buy Special Forces and use the disc from there to play the origional or Special Forces.... Legally...
I myself am hesitant to buy any multiplayer games used, especially ones that are PunBuster protected. If the original owner cheated or hacked and was busted by PunkBuster, guess what, your new game will be useless as PunkBuster bans by GUID which is derived from the CD-Key.
Major_A said:
Not true, I know I create a mini image with Alcohol 120% in the event my niece or nephew decides to play frisbee with the CD.

So how are you going to create the image without the CD? lol

That's what I was getting at. I thought he meant he was buying just the key, installing the game and then, for some reason, losing the CD.
Legally your allowed to make one copy of the disk.
Last I checked where you get can/can't that copy from isn't specified.
Not sure if they fixed this in the patches, but in 1.0 the same Cd key could be on simultaneously as long as they weren't on the same server. So most likely even if he was playing with a NoCD .exe you probably wouldn't have any problems. MAYBE.

WhyYouLoveMe said:
So how are you going to create the image without the CD? lol

That's what I was getting at. I thought he meant he was buying just the key, installing the game and then, for some reason, losing the CD.
I was actually commenting that maybe the guy/gal still has it installed on their computer.

Like most people are saying I'd save up my pennies and just buy it new, especially with a PunkBuster game. Like someone else said they could've been banned from the game and are trying to recoop some of their loses.