Question about DVI cables...


Limp Gawd
Apr 16, 2002
I'm going to be ordering a LCD monitor soon. I don't think they usually come with a DVI connector and my 9800pro didn't come with one in the box. So do I need a male to male or male to female one? I seen a couple on newegg and they are about 15 bucks with 5 bucks for shipping. Is there any place cheaper where I can get one? I looked around zipzoomfly but couldn't find any. I'm going to check out chiefvalue in a bit. I'm completely new to the world of LCDs, so bear with me, lol. :eek:
LCD's normally come with DVI cables if your LCD is a DVI model. If not, I can send you one, if you pay for shipping. I have like 20 DVI cables...
darktiger said:
LCD's normally come with DVI cables if your LCD is a DVI model. If not, I can send you one, if you pay for shipping. I have like 20 DVI cables...

That's a good deal! My DVI cable cost me $30 CDN :eek:
darktiger said:
LCD's normally come with DVI cables if your LCD is a DVI model. If not, I can send you one, if you pay for shipping. I have like 20 DVI cables...

i'm thinking about getting the viewsonic vx924 from zipzoomfly.. but from the pics on newegg, it only comes with a regular vga cable...

if for some reason i don't get a dvi cable from the manufacter.. i'll take you up on that offer.. :D
I got my VX924 LCD in today. It did come with a DVI cable. I wasn't sure if it would or not, because I have read two or three posts on where they said it didn't come with one, lol. :cool:
You need a MALE/MALE dvi cable. I got mine from for $10 shipped (shipping was free), and it arrived in two days somehow.

EDIT: Well nevermind, you're all set.
I believe that Samsungs don't ship their DVI LCD's with a DVI Cable.

Mine didn't, (730b) anyway.
Yep, my 930B came with no DVI cable. I took darktiger up on his offer. :p