Question about pixel mapping


Feb 29, 2008
I know this is a feature mainly for console gaming and TV. But does 1:1 pixel mapping also work with video cards? For instance, I get a 24" 1920x1200 res, can I play my PC games at say 1024x768 rather than stretch the video across the screen?
I don't have experience with it but apparently there is a driver setting with Nvidia cards to force 1:1 pixel mapping but I don't know if it just works for the desktop resolution or what ever you set your games to. It is in the Nvidia Control Panel under Display -> Change flat panel scaling -> (and then I believe) Do not scale. Let me know how that works out as I am thinking of upgrading to a WS.
[21CW]killerofall;1032153948 said:
I don't have experience with it but apparently there is a driver setting with Nvidia cards to force 1:1 pixel mapping but I don't know if it just works for the desktop resolution or what ever you set your games to. It is in the Nvidia Control Panel under Display -> Change flat panel scaling -> (and then I believe) Do not scale. Let me know how that works out as I am thinking of upgrading to a WS.

Are you implying that you don't want to run at the native res of the widescreen you buy? Why not?

Yes, there are settings for this in the Nvidia control panel. Do they work? Doubtful. They never have for me. It's best to buy a monitor that does 1:1 pixel mapping if you plan on running it outside of its native res and don't want the image stretched.