question about revision numbers


Limp Gawd
Aug 7, 2004
hi again, got a question about the revision number of my Asus A7V8X. using cpu-z, I get the following:

I have updated the bios to version 1011. Can u upgrade the mobo revision number? I checked on amd's site to see if the 2400+ XP cpu can be supported on my mob and this is what it told me:

revision: 2.01
Award 1012.005 03/21/2003

so it says it needs revision 2.01. How do u get that? Also I will have to update the bios to 1012 but that is easy to do. Thanks for any help
No, the mobo revision number is completely hardware...maybe Asus themselves could somehow mod it, but I think it's pretty much impossible for you to do it.
that is what I thought, but according to my mobo documentation, they say that this mobo can support cpus as follows:

Socket A for AMD Thoroughbred, Athlon XP/Athlon/Duron 600 MHz ~ 2.4 GHz+

what do they mean by that??

Also how can I find the actuall revision number? it only tells me on cpu-z that it is 1.xx!!!
It's printed on the motherboard itself...usually somewhere along the edges, or maybe by the PCI slots...but it's there. Also find your exact model (theres the A7V8X-X and -MX and -MX SE)...then, with that info, go here

And Query by Motherboard, and find your then lists what CPU's are supported and by what revision.
thanks a million Diablo :D. Well according to asus site, that specific cpu that I have is the thoroghbred version, and with my board which is A7V8X, that cpu should work with all the revisions of the mobos and from BIOS version 1003 and up. So the question remains that maybe I need to do a better cleanup of any arctic silver residues left that can be conducting. Well let ya know how it goes.