Question about the BenQ G2400WD & Xbox 360 gaming


Limp Gawd
May 22, 2006
Using the BenQ G2400WD a few weeks ago for Xbox 360 gaming, I preferred the picture option that displayed the Xbox image without black bars. I think the option that I used was named "full".

Was the image stretching when I played on this setting? If so, I might have actually preferred the stretched image over the 1:1 pixel mapping.

Obviously, some people will notice the stretching more than others. I guess it all depends on the keenness of the viewer’s vision.

Sorry to change the topic a little, but I just thought of something that may persuade me to not purchase the T260HD. I didn't want to open up a new thread and look like an attention hog so I decided to ask in this one.

The T260HD uses a TN panel and HDTVs usually use higher quality panels. Keeping this in mind, there is a good chance that the picture quality, when operating as a TV, would be subpar right?
Using the BenQ G2400WD a few weeks ago for Xbox 360 gaming, I preferred the picture option that displayed the Xbox image without black bars. I think the option that I used was named "full".

Was the image stretching when I played on this setting? If so, I might have actually preferred the stretched image over the 1:1 pixel mapping.

Obviously, some people will notice the stretching more than others. I guess it all depends on the keenness of the viewer’s vision.

Sorry to change the topic a little, but I just thought of something that may persuade me to not purchase the T260HD. I didn't want to open up a new thread and look like an attention hog so I decided to ask in this one.

The T260HD uses a TN panel and HDTVs usually use higher quality panels. Keeping this in mind, there is a good chance that the picture quality, when operating as a TV, would be subpar right?

1) Yes, the image was stretching. The G2400WD is a 1920x1200 screen, and the max resolution an xbox360 can display is 1080p (1920x1080). In other words, 1080p in 1:1 aspect on the G2400WD will have black bars at the top and bottom of the screen because the 1080p fills the screen horizontally but not vertically. When you use full aspect mode at 1080p, the monitor stretches the input vertically, distorting the aspect ratios of objects on the screen (for example, a person will look lankier).

The G2400WD gives you the choice of aspect ratio, so it's up to your personal preference as to whether the stretch distortion of full mode bothers you or not. I personally prefer 1:1.

2) I have no experience with the T260HD, but that G2400WD you're using is also a TN panel. Are you happy with your G2400WD as a xbox360 display? If so, I think you'll be happy with a TN as a TV screen. I use my G2400WD to watch TV and have no complaints.
1) Yes, the image was stretching. The G2400WD is a 1920x1200 screen, and the max resolution an xbox360 can display is 1080p (1920x1080). In other words, 1080p in 1:1 aspect on the G2400WD will have black bars at the top and bottom of the screen because the 1080p fills the screen horizontally but not vertically. When you use full aspect mode at 1080p, the monitor stretches the input vertically, distorting the aspect ratios of objects on the screen (for example, a person will look lankier).

The G2400WD gives you the choice of aspect ratio, so it's up to your personal preference as to whether the stretch distortion of full mode bothers you or not. I personally prefer 1:1.

2) I have no experience with the T260HD, but that G2400WD you're using is also a TN panel. Are you happy with your G2400WD as a xbox360 display? If so, I think you'll be happy with a TN as a TV screen. I use my G2400WD to watch TV and have no complaints.

Thanks for the reply. I wasn't satisfied with the BenQ G2400WD and returned it about 2 weeks ago. The colors (I received a color profile from 10e) and contrast seemed off when compared to my past Samsung 245BW. The Samsung 245BW was perfect but it didn’t allow proper xbox scaling.

I currently own a Samsung T260 but I'm thinking of selling it on Ebay and picking up a Samsung T260HD instead since I could really use a HDTV. My current 19 inch tube RCA TV is about 6 years old and has fading picture. The old tube TV doesn't work well with the ladies eitehr :p

How exactly are you viewing TV on your G2400WD? USB TV tuner? I know it doesn't have the proper inputs for a cable box or anyhting.
How exactly are you viewing TV on your G2400WD? USB TV tuner? I know it doesn't have the proper inputs for a cable box or anyhting.

I use a Hauppauge WinTV-PVR-USB2 (link).

I'm out of state right now at an internship so I couldn't bring my TV. The Hauppauge was a perfect solution for me since I didn't want to add any more hardware inside my pc case, and I didn't want to waste my pc's processing power on video transcoding. I only have a standard tv input in the room I'm renting (non hi-def), so I'm watching standard 4:3 tv.

Sorry to hear you weren't happy with the colors/contrast of the G2400WD. I don't know much about proper monitor tuning, but I've been happy with the default color/contrast settings on mine.
Good to hear you're doing an internship. I only have two summer courses (both begin this upcoming Monday) to take before I graduate. Sad to say, I never was able to land an internship. Wonder how tough it's going to be once I leave college to find a job.... Oh well, I do have a little bit of job experience under my belt. Hope it helps when the time comes, which is right around the corner. Good luck with your internship.

Are you viewing TV with bars at the side since it’s a 4:3 source? Or is it filling the whole screen?
Are you viewing TV with bars at the side since it’s a 4:3 source? Or is it filling the whole screen?

Yes, bars at the side. I believe standard tv input is 640x480, so I stretch tv media in a media player to fill the screen vertically while maintaining 4:3, which leaves bars on the left and right sides. Although stretching a 16:9 source to 16:10 usually doesn't look too bad, stretching a 4:3 to 16:10 would look horrible.

Good luck with your internship.

Thanks. I started this internship a year ago in the summer between undergrad ending and grad starting. I work full-time during the summers (in texas) and then work remotely part-time while doing a masters cs program full-time (in florida). It's funny how different the real world is from the classroom.

Congrats on graduating soon.
I just got a G2400WD and are having a little trouble with the pixelmapping. When I set the 360 to send 1920x1080, the "display mode" menu become inactive. In every other resolution it works perfectly.

Has anyone else had this problem? I have a far-fetched theory that it's related to the fact that I have a non-original VGA-cable, Mad Catz or something.
I have now tested it with my laptop, and the "Display Mode" sub-menu is still unactive in 1920x1080. Is this a problem other owners of G2400WD have?
I just got a G2400WD and are having a little trouble with the pixelmapping. When I set the 360 to send 1920x1080, the "display mode" menu become inactive. In every other resolution it works perfectly.

Has anyone else had this problem? I have a far-fetched theory that it's related to the fact that I have a non-original VGA-cable, Mad Catz or something.

When using VGA, you can't use the 1:1 pixel maping, its going to auto-scale from what I've heard. If you want to do 1:1, you need to use HDMI to the monitor.
The rumor is that the fall update to the 360 will support 16:10 monitors. At the very least there will be 1680x1050 and 1440x900 support over VGA. I am not sure if 1920x1200 will also make it in.

Anyway, a lot of these 16:10 issues will go away this fall.

Until then I believe the VGA 1280x768 setting gets you the right scale, but your monitor will have to do the upscaling as opposed to the 360. Some monitors are better than others on this front and most I have seen do not do it nearly as well as the 360's internal upscaler.

VGA might be the way to go and support for 16:10 will get better by Christmas.
The rumor is that the fall update to the 360 will support 16:10 monitors. At the very least there will be 1680x1050 and 1440x900 support over VGA. I am not sure if 1920x1200 will also make it in.

Anyway, a lot of these 16:10 issues will go away this fall.

Rumor? It's a fact.
I get some pretty bad horizontal tearing with hdmi if I set it to 1080p.

I know it doesn't really matter since its a 24 inch and 99% of games aren't 1080p native anyways but it would've been nice to know this before for the 1:1 mapping.