Question about the GeForce 6800 (non ultra, non gt)


Limp Gawd
Aug 29, 2004
m going to buy a new GeForce 6800 (not ultra or GT) And im looking for something in the $260-300 range. I have a couple of possibilites, but can anyone recommend a good one? Here are some possibilites? I want to purchase one tomorrow, but i only want the best. Some factorers include the quality of memory used, how well they stay cool, how well they respond to OCing, and how much power they use.

Currently, im leaning towards the Leadtek.
the standard 6800 sux..... it's got wimpy DDR1 slow ass ram and got slow clock as hell...

The GT and the Ultra has GDDR3 mem chips... the 6800 got nuthin... save yo self a little more and get a GT.. you will regret if you go buy the regular...
Even though I dont know much about the 6800 series, I'd go with the Leadtek, just because of the large copper heatsink and it is also the cheapest. But I'm not sure what card uses what kind of memory, hopefully some one else can help you on that.
go to best buy get the 6800 oc from bfg and get doom3 free right now.
Do not pass go.. do not skip this deal and it includes far cry as well.

Seriously its the best 6800 card deal right now. And its definitely available
at like all best buy stores. :) No need to wait for shipping.
Well im not spending 200 more (or 300 more) for a GT or Ultra.

The only reason im cautious about the BFG is the whole thread about it running hot.

Sure the Leadtek doesnt come OCed, but it does have higher quality memory and can be OCed nicely, and with stability.

The EVGA looks pretty nice too, but i hear that it is loud, and cannot always OC well.

So here is my question: Which will be the best? If the high heat of the BFG doesnt affect performance, im for it. If any of my local best buys have it, it'll be a bonus.

But the Leadtek is very beautiful... And it may be cooler.

So more comments! Please!
Actually i have a couple more questions about the BFG--- what kind of ram does it use? I hear that the leadtek uses something faster than usual (like 2.2ns or something).

Also I only have a 350W PSU (Though my manufactorer calls it 250W, thats only the mean Power, not the max). Will that hurt my chances of using any of these cards?

One more thing: Looking at the BFG 6800 on the best buy site, and on the BFG site-they are different. The one on the BFg site has 2 fans, a metal heatsink, and it covers the ram chips.
SystemERRor said:
Actually i have a couple more questions about the BFG--- what kind of ram does it use? I hear that the leadtek uses something faster than usual (like 2.2ns or something).

Also I only have a 350W PSU (Though my manufactorer calls it 250W, thats only the mean Power, not the max). Will that hurt my chances of using any of these cards?

One more thing: Looking at the BFG 6800 on the best buy site, and on the BFG site-they are different. The one on the BFg site has 2 fans, a metal heatsink, and it covers the ram chips.
If I remember correctly you're actually better off with the single fan design..
I have the chaintech NU and the bfg 6800GT. I have removed both HS's to put AS on, and even though they are reference, the Chaintech has a copper HS where the BFG had aluminum (no biggie I replaced it with water cooling). The chaintech OC's nicely, going up to almost 410 on the core.
Well i guess ill be going to bestbuy soon....

I almost bought that uber leadtek model, but then i realized something:

I dont actually know how to OC. Maybe its not too hard with software, but whats the reason i'd go through the trouble to learn somethin i cant do.

So the BFG is already pre OCed for me..

You'll get: a card made specifically to OC a lot, a true lifetime warranty even when you OC, and the best tech support 24/7.

The dual fan coolers on the BFG cards work perfectly fine and do not cause performance loss. That cooler is the exact some one used on the FX 59xx line of BFG cards, which all were amazing OCers. With that cooler on my 5900nu, I can OC stable in gaming from the default 400 core and 850 memory, to 536 core and 986 memory. So obviously that dual fan cooler must be doing something right. Also, with my same card, I run 4 to 7 degrees warmer than my bro-in-law's Gainward 5900nu which has a reference single big fan cooler. Yet, he can't OC past 528 core / 976 memory..... lower than mine, even while he's running cooler.

Anyway, as I said in that other thread, the people bitching about BFG's dual fan cooler usually are simply trying to justify purchasing one of the other brands (PNY, etc.). Try to look at other posts and what the majority of users think of BFG's cards, and read how they are not bitching about performance loss.
Is there any performance difference between the 2 models? Not talking about temperature, but is one gonna run faster then another?

I can say from the research i did, if i knew anything about OCing i'd definitely get the Leadtek.
It runs cool, the memory runs nice, and it OCs perfectly...

I have a Leadtek 6800 nu and it is great. It can be overclocked easily and is stable. Mine is at 380 core 800 memory, but I'm sure it can go a lot higher.

I'd avoid the MSi 6800 nu as mine was DOA.
I have the BFG6800OC and am happy with it as a videocard.

drivers could use some work though

SystemERRor said:
Whats wrong with the BFG drivers? They dont use the regular nvidia drivers?

The link on BFG's site for the latest drivers will give you nVidia's latest certified drivers, so yes, they are the same.

The only bug I heard about was with the 65.52 drivers and Flight Sim. Since I don't play Flight Sim, the 61.77, 65.52, and 66.00 drivers have worked perfectly for me.
uuum i almost got the gfg 6800oc glad i got the gt!
Graphics processor designer NVIDIA Corp. said Monday it was nothing new in the recently released facts about lower amount of geometry pipelines within the GeForce 6800 chips. The company said that the GeForce 6800 were originally said to have 5 vertex pipeline instead of 6 on higher-end GeForce 6800 models.
not a crap card at all, as long as you don't go over 128mb framebuffer. 4800 mpixels at 400core (not hard to attain). 27.2 gb/sec bandwith at 425mhz ram speed (I can run up to 883 stable for a while, but windows just gave me garbled screen an froze, so that's out :) ). Anyways, I wouldn't personally spend the money on either card if you have anything over a 9800pro. I got a great deal on the BFG so I jumped on it. The difference is certainly appreciable, more than I expected from benchmarks, but still not worth the 100 dollars extra (to me). BTW, I get roughly 10800 in 3dmark 03 with opts. off.
Whoever is telling you the BFG 6800 card runs hot is taking you for a ride. Mine idles @ 51-53C and have never gone higher than 74C after hours and hours of doom and/or running that rthdribl program.

Get the BFG card, their tech support is top notch also. That best buy deal is nice too, wish I could've gotten in on it.
The BFG is a good choice, as is the eVGA. Both are top notch companies with top notch warranties. BTW, just a quick update: my card is now benching stable at 425/870 core/mem. This result was acheived by disabling fast writes. I also set 2d/3d clocks to equal frequencies, to alleviate that freezing problem. By disabling fast writes, I was able to go from a max overclock of 410 on the core to a max of 435 on the core. Make your own conclusions.

This gives us a total of 5100mp and 27.8 GB/sec of bandwith. Do not think that this card is crap simply because it is only 12/1. Remember that this is 50% more pipelines than the 97/800 series, and equal in number to the x800pro. x800 pro at stock pushes 5700mp/sec, however is generally less efficient ipc.