question about the [H] testing methodology


May 16, 2006
I was playing wow and thinking back to how you guys use WoW to test video cards. You say that you guys run through the same places, but what about time of day? midnight and noon on a server are very different, and you'll get very different results. as well as weekday vs weekend. As far as WoW goes you could make a 7800 GT get similar numbers as an 8800 GTS if you throw the test correctly (7800 late at night on a monday night, 8800 at 3 in the afternoon on a saturday).

Boils down to, do you guys try and bring some regularity of time of day/day of the week to the WoW test?
Yes, time of day also effects screenshot comparisons. We make sure that the time of day is the same between all cards we compare, same goes for other games where weather and time changes like Oblivion. We pick the time of day that is most graphically challenging.