Question about Widescreen enabled video cards


Limp Gawd
Jan 11, 2003
Quick question about what video cards will support the widescreen formatt and which ones will not. Is there a website with a list of cards that will support the formatt. I only ask is im upgrading my 2 crappy crts with two dell 2407wfp's and im wondering if my card will be able to drive them. I currently have an ATI Radeon 9600XT 128 meg vid card. I really dont want to put anymroe money into my box, becausee im only running an athlon 1800xp witha gig of ram, but if i must i must. If i cant run my card can anyone toss me some suggestions for some decent cards that wont break my bank and my computer.

your card is a little on the weak side, and i put that mildly, to use those flat panels at their native format.
i dont care about weak, as long as they can drive them at native resolution, im not gonna be doing hard core gaming, my compter blows too much to dream about that. I am currently running a 19 in CRT at 1600x1200 and it does everything i need its just flaking out.

I ran my Dell 2405FPW on a Radeon 9800 Pro for awhile and it worked fine for anything desktop/movie wise on an AthlonXP 3200+ w/1GB Corsair XMS. I even did some gaming in CS:S with it (although not at native resolution.. it still really dident look bad). It was however able to play some MMORPG's that I really enjoy at native res including Second Life, Anarchy Online and Guild Wars.
well thats slightly more reasurring, i realize that im getting to the point of just biting the bullet and buying a new machine, i got a line on some comission work, if it pans out i plan on trickin out a new rig.

I believe all modern cards, even yours, support widescreen. Its just needs the resolutions in their drivers.
execF00F said:
I ran my Dell 2405FPW on a Radeon 9800 Pro for awhile and it worked fine for anything desktop/movie wise on an AthlonXP 3200+ w/1GB Corsair XMS. I even did some gaming in CS:S with it (although not at native resolution.. it still really dident look bad). It was however able to play some MMORPG's that I really enjoy at native res including Second Life, Anarchy Online and Guild Wars.

I have a similar setup.
2405 and a 9800 pro(AGP) with a AMD3000 2.5gig ???brand ddr

Played anarchy online, WoW and several other games at native(1900x1200) just fine.

havent really tried any FPS like doom3 or the like, but I am sure for those hardcore games I'd have to lower the res or suffer.