question for amd 64's


Nov 1, 2004
would a 3500+ gernerally oc more then a 3200+, or a 3000+? or a 3200+ more then a 3000+ etc...?

.....all 90nm......
YMMV on each chip... it depends if you are just looking for which has a higher % of an overclock or if you want the highest possible clock rate.. lets say the 3000+ or 3200+ could hit 2.4 on air, meanwhile the 3500+ could hit 2.6 on air (just guesstimating from prevoius posts).. do you want the higher clockrate or the chip that overclocks the most from its stock speed?

either way A64's are still hard to determine what kind of overclock success you will have with them
well, i was thinking the overall speed, i was planning to get a 3000+ and oc it to 2.6ghz (hopefully with good ram) after i get good fans when i raise a little bit more cash, getting a 3000+ oem for $179 is a hell of a lot better to me then getting a 3500+ at $300, why pay more for 500mhz when u can overclock!
Keep in mind when OC AMD64 not all 3000, 3200, 3500's will do 2.6Ghz. Dont believe its like buying a 2.4c...I've got a 90nm 3200 and 130nm 3500 - neither will do 2.6Ghz...
my 2800+ is at 2.6GHz([email protected]). It booted at 2.7GHz, but wasnt prime stable and i ran out of voltage for the vcore adjustment. dont limit yourself to just the 3k+. Althought i wish i would have a 10x multiplier....

well, i dont really have much more room in my budget and i read that a good oc also depends on ur psu and ram, i have bout $250 to spend on good ram and bout $70 for a good quality psu. who knows, some people that cant get a good overclock probably have a crappy psu that cant dish out all of the voltage.