Question for Assassin's Creed Players


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 15, 2007
Does anyone know if Assassin's Creed II (or Brotherhood) support 16:10? I played it a while ago and thought that it was completely full-screen @ 2560x1600. Now, I installed it and have black bars at the top and bottom.

Any way I can get this game full screen, or is it only 16:9?
That's one thing I hated about AC2. I put the res at 1920x1200 and I have black bars decreasing it to 1920x1080.
Played the whole thing on my TV with a controller so it didn't bother me in the least, but I hope Brotherhood will fix it for 16:10.
I play AC2 on a 1920x1200 monitor, but never noticed any black bars before. Now that you've mentioned it, I will probably notice it the next time I play and have the shit bugged out of me. Thanks a lot...
I play AC2 on a 1920x1200 monitor, but never noticed any black bars before. Now that you've mentioned it, I will probably notice it the next time I play and have the shit bugged out of me. Thanks a lot...

That's what happened to me. Can you please check and let me know if there are indeed the dreaded black bars.
Yes, there are slight black bars. I mean very slight.

Most people won't notice or care. AC2 looks fantastic. You might notice those bars for about 5 seconds and then you just won't give a damn.
Yes, there are slight black bars. I mean very slight.

Most people won't notice or care. AC2 looks fantastic. You might notice those bars for about 5 seconds and then you just won't give a damn.

You're underestimating the general gamer's ability to give a damn.
It's not a big deal for 16:10... it does the same for 4:3 and 5:4 and those guys may have a case to be annoyed.

At least the engine is Hor+ for triple wide.
PC players give a damn because it's trivial for the game to be made better by dynamically changing the aspect ratio of the renderer, it really just highlights developers who are too lazy or too stupid to change it.
I presume this issue will also plague Brotherhood. The game still looks fantastic, but it is noticeable at times.

First time I played, I swear I didn't even notice. I think I only noticed about 1/5 of the way into the game.