Question for duo Next Gen console owners


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008
If you own both the X-one and the Ps4 do you keep up your online subscription for X-box line and PS4+

I'm on my 2nd subscription for my PS4 since I owned it and the amount I play online it would be considered a total waste.

Hoping I get some use out of it with Bloodborne then I'll let the subscription die out till the next big game.
I just own PS4 and a Wii U, however I'm guessing most of the answers to this thread will be similar. What do you usually do for the subscription option on each? month to month as needed? I haven't really touched the PS4 since I got it in December, except for 2 single player games. However I picked up 2 years of PS+ for 78$ and change. Thats not even the cheapest deals.

Theres pretty regular sales of both live and plus memberships for 35$ a year, so 70$ plus tax if applicable would be the cost of running both each year if you just wait and look for those deals, which becomes a lot easier of course after you get the 1st year subscription deal. . So if you do month to month, between the 2 systems do you think you are spending about the 70$ a year? or less still. Possibly would be best to just get a cheap year deal for 1 of the consoles and month to month if you will only use it less than 3 months of the year for online.
I'm thinking the online sub is overpriced considering PlayStation 3 online was Free basically.
I keep em both. Worth it for free games alone. I always pay for the year.
You lose out on a lot of functionality by refusing to pay a fee to play online. $50/yr (or less, if you catch a deal) isn't horrible. "Free" PS+ games each month are a nice benefit. I honestly believe you're doing yourself a disservice by worrying over the $50/year...

or pick up a Wii U/Gaming PC combo and be happy.
I'm thinking the online sub is overpriced considering PlayStation 3 online was Free basically.

Yes that was and still is my thought also. I forget about the Ps+ games once in awhile but that at least helps out the deal a bit too. So getting a year for just under 40 isn't too terrible for online game playing, at least the video streaming stuff doesn't require plus.
I have a PS4 and a Wii U as my current gen console combination. I don't understand why people would want a PS4 and a Xbone, they're roughly the same hardware and all that differentiates them are the controllers and a few exclusives.
I have both, but I use the PS4 more. I just seem to enjoy using it more although I use the subscription for both.
I have both and are both subscribed for over 2 years+. I got the sub during a sale though.
If you own both the X-one and the Ps4 do you keep up your online subscription for X-box line and PS4+

I'm on my 2nd subscription for my PS4 since I owned it and the amount I play online it would be considered a total waste.

Hoping I get some use out of it with Bloodborne then I'll let the subscription die out till the next big game.

I have both but only subscribe to Xbox Live. I don't use my PS4 much so I don't subscribe to PS+. It comes down to if you think its worth to subscribe the respective service.
I wait for a sale on both Xbox Live and/or PSN memberships and buy them for half off. So $60 a year for Live and $50 a year for PSN becomes $30 a year for Live and $25 a year for PSN.

Its the best way. No worries about your subs. Just do that.