Question for Logitech G700 Owners


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 15, 2007
Does your mouse rattle when shaken from side to side? Mine makes a noise as though something is loose inside (and I can also feel this when moving the mouse laterally from side to side)? Is this normal?
Hold onto the mouse wheel and see if you still hear something shaking. The mouse wheel tends to be loose because it has a free scroll mode.
Does your mouse rattle when shaken from side to side? Mine makes a noise as though something is loose inside (and I can also feel this when moving the mouse laterally from side to side)? Is this normal?

Yes, it is normal. Know how I know, I have three of these mice and everyone of them does this (As long as the movement is controlled and not something loose bouncing everywhere). I used to think something was weird too, until I ended up with two more and both did it straight out of the box, brand new!

Something in it will always move to a degree, not kick around loose but just move and make noise when moved side to side with enough force.

If you press the middle button (to enable hyper scroll) it produces that shaking sound. It's normal.
Hold onto the mouse wheel and see if you still hear something shaking. The mouse wheel tends to be loose because it has a free scroll mode.

It's not the mouse wheel. It is something physically inside the mouse.

Yes, it is normal. Know how I know, I have three of these mice and everyone of them does this (As long as the movement is controlled and not something loose bouncing everywhere). I used to think something was weird too, until I ended up with two more and both did it straight out of the box, brand new!

Something in it will always move to a degree, not kick around loose but just move and make noise when moved side to side with enough force.

Thanks for confirming! Glad to know it is normal.

If you press the middle button (to enable hyper scroll) it produces that shaking sound. It's normal.

I do not think it has to do with the mouse wheel but rather something inside in the middle of the mouse.
Could be the mousewheel. I would try putting alittle pressure on it and see if it still rattles.
let me check when i get home
btw, do you know the warranty for this mouse?

3 years and why the sade face, it's normal.
Originally Posted bySeeThruHead
Holding my mousewheel my mouse makes no sound with light shaking.
3 out of 3 of my mice make noise when you lightly shake them. 2 out of 3 of my mice still make noise when holding the mouse wheel an lightly shaking them. None of my mice have ever been dropped (knock on wood). I'd say if something isn't just rattling like crazy and sounds like it's bouncing around inside it, it's normal! Well in my testing and opinion anyway. :p

Edit: That said, Logitech has great customer support, if you want a new mouse, get one! I just think it'll do the same thing, it's not
3 years and why the sade face, it's normal.
3 out of 3 of my mice make noise when you lightly shake them. 2 out of 3 of my mice still make noise when holding the mouse wheel an lightly shaking them. None of my mice have ever been dropped (knock on wood). I'd say if something isn't just rattling like crazy and sounds like it's bouncing around inside it, it's normal! Well in my testing and opinion anyway. :p

Edit: That said, Logitech has great customer support, if you want a new mouse, get one! I just think it'll do the same thing, it's not

you are right,... i just found it when i had it for one year.......:rolleyes:
you are right,... i just found it when i had it for one year.......:rolleyes:

What. I don't even get what you think you mean. If you're telling me you owned it for a year so you would definitely know about it...well you owned the mouse for a year and don't know the warranty length! I wasn't aware most people shake their mouse either, I thought they usually get taken out of the box and set on a desk.

let me check when i get home
Plus you did say you had to check it when you got home (shrugs). So I'm confused. First you ask me a question then give me the roll eyes. :rolleyes:
What. I don't even get what you think you mean. If you're telling me you owned it for a year so you would definitely know about it...well you owned the mouse for a year and don't know the warranty length! I wasn't aware most people shake their mouse either, I thought they usually get taken out of the box and set on a desk.

lol, i did have it for about one year and i never notice that....dude. and also i found out the warranty is 3 years for G700:)

Plus you did say you had to check it when you got home (shrugs). So I'm confused. First you ask me a question then give me the roll eyes. :rolleyes:

when i asked you about that , i was at my office -_-|||