Question for PCI-E X800XL owners


Limp Gawd
May 14, 2005
Are you all using 24 pin PSU connectors to your motherboard? I'm in need of an upgrade, and because the pci-e X800XL was quite a bit cheaper than the pci-e 6800GT, I've been leaning in ATI's direction. However, the X800XL seems to draw all of its power from the pci-e slot, and I hear that the extra 4 pins for the new PSU-Mobo connectors are almost solely for powering the PSU, but you can still run a 20 pin PSU on a 24 pin motherboard.

I'm currently using a 480W Thermaltake PSU that I bought a couple months ago after an old one failed, and dont want to have to buy a new one if mine will work reasonably well. Is anyone running an X800XL using only 20 of 24 power pins on their mobo, and can tell me about its stability? Has it caused any problems to people who use this setup? Otherwise I would probably have to go for the X800 pro, hoping that the external power connector it has could make up for the lack of the extra motherboard pins (would this help in the first place?). Thanks for any help.

(Sorry; I know I posted this in another part of the forums. Trying to get as much advice as possible before I buy parts)
I have a Sapphire 800 XL and it does not need a power connector and unlike my old x800 Pro it draws all it's power from the PCIe slot. I have an OCZ psu and it has a separate PCIe power connector. So to answer you question I am using the 24pin on the mobo but have an extra one for a PCIe videocard if needed.
Like EvilGoat, my Built By ATI X800XL does not use a PCIe power connector. I am using a 20-pin ATX connector plus the 12v 4-pin power connector on my MSI Neo 4 Platinum mainboard and it works perfectly. Note however, that my Enermax power supply is pretty new (final ATX 1.3 bought late last spring before ATX 2.x became common) with dual 12-volt rails (15A on 12v1, 16A on 12v2 if I remember correctly), so this has not been a problem. If you have a PSU with less than 20A on a single 12v rail I wouldn't even attempt it.
I am running an X800XL on a MSI K8N Neo4-F motherboard with a 20 pin atx connector and not having any real problems. Also my power supply is a cheap one that came with the case until I get my new one.
Shouldn't have any problems.

IIRC, the main function of those extra four pins in a 24-pin connector is to supply a +5V feed, which most non-server motherboards don't need. IIRC, video cards draw most of their power off the 12V line. You should be fine. Someone else, correct me if I'm wrong.