Question involving a new NAS setup


[H]F Junkie
Dec 29, 2000
So I backed up my 10 bay NAS, and added larger drives/ Well one of the new drives failed in the middle of the NAS synchronizing. So I replaced it. But it comes up as a spare. Is this normal because I had a drive die during the initial Synchronization?
What software you using?

You should be able to "remove" in the interface the dead drive and add back in the new one as a replacement
Not familiar with them, no option to "rebuild" with the new spare, or to "initialize" the new drive?
Not familiar with them, no option to "rebuild" with the new spare, or to "initialize" the new drive?
Not with it. The spare button is greyed out, and instinct tells me that maybe when the synch is done, I will get that option. But didn't want to waste another two days if I had toi start over to fix it.