Question, is it still safe to fold with older machines?


Jul 14, 2004
I have been discouraged lately of seeing threads from people who post this, that weather or not I should continue to fold for this team:

I think the best thing to do would be for all you people with old computers go out to your community and donate them to families that are less fortunate, and then with the money that would be going to powering those now donated computers you take it and donate it to a cause of your choosing. That gets rid of the issue of old computers. Now we need to pick the project that is friendly to those people that can't connect to F@H servers for whatever reason, and has been around a long time, and isn't getting paid for the results from the projects, and that the results of the research is open to all.

I'm sad to say that I'm in the group of people who have older computers that fold and don't see a mean to see an upgrade in the near future or ever. I'm taking that most of you are rich, or are discouraging people that have older hardware to fold.

But what you guys here ask for costs money, not like money grows on a tree somewhere and you can go pick it. I don't think its an issue of who can get the highest PPD anymore, than just well if you have old hardware you shouldn't be folding.

At anytime, I can pull the plug and quit folding for the sake of that my folding farm consists of machines that put out a small amount of ppd each month and are old. For anyone to just ask to donate machines, it depends on where you live, that if you can donate the machines. I cannot donate any of my computers and they are better going to the dump.

That is why some of you ask, why am I throwing out hardware that can be used. Because anymore my budget doesn't allow me to keep too much computer parts around, and those parts that cannot be kept have to go somewhere like the trash.

So if anyone wants to add their bullshit to the fire of why some of us still fold on useless and obsolete computers, please chime in here. I want to end this post on a note.

Are some of the F@H folders allowed as a whole to fold on computers, that some of you see as junk?

I like Coke over Pepsi, is that ok too?

Fold on what ever the fuck you want to fold on, at least that's my thinking.
I don't really understand..... Are you saying that you don't want to fold anymore because you have old computers?

Sorry, but I just don't get it.... I fold on a few "old" machines.. better than not folding at all, in my opinion....
It's not the problem about folding on older computers, but the sheer fact, that several of the members on the team don't want you to be folding on older hardware.

In fact it must have came down to a vote at which alot of us didn't attend, that if you folded on older hardware, you should donate it and get newer machines for more ppd. Or you cannot fold on old computers because F@h don't support it anymore or other shit.
If it completes the deadlines. Fold on it.
If you can afford to pay for the electricity. Fold on it.

If you can't do either of those, then its time to upgrade or find a new home for the boxen.


Fold long and [H]ard.
I didn't think anyone was saying "you shouldn't fold on anything less than a C2D!!!" Many of us here fold whatever we can... I think the debate is not "My PC only averages 10 ppd, what do I do? but in the "My PC can't consistently meet the deadlines, is there a project that it could work on?"

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

It's not the problem about folding on older computers, but the sheer fact, that several of the members on the team don't want you to be folding on older hardware.

In fact it must have came down to a vote at which alot of us didn't attend, that if you folded on older hardware, you should donate it and get newer machines for more ppd. Or you cannot fold on old computers because F@h don't support it anymore or other shit.

Odds are more people don't want me posting here and I still do!

Scorp, you don't like me and that's all good. Follow your heart, fold on what you want to and don't let others tell you what to do. Frankly, in my opinion, they are blowing things out of portion. Old machines still do the same PPD as they did 2 years ago, it's just there are newer/more efficent machines but that's always the case in the IT field.
I can only speak for myself here. I think folding on whatever you want to is just fine. I was running FaH on several old PC's... P2-400's as well as some 1ghz AMD and P3's. And yes, they complete WU in time and generate a little bit of PPD.

I see nothing wrong with it and think everyone should use whatever spare cycles they have for whatever they want.

For me personally I got to wondering since the FaH WU's are so intense if my older computers couldn't contribute more in a project whose work units are less intense. Does this mean they are doing less science? I don't think so. Different projects go after thier goals diffferntly. And that's what I ended up doing with them.

If there were no other projects out there, then I'd probably still have my older stuff on FaH, though I still don't think my Ppro 200s would complete the WUs on time... :) but maybe they could.

All my newer stuff is doing I fold for multiple projects. Some think this is a bad idea too it seems. But I don't.

I do not subscribe to the notion that at some point the use of electrcity to keep them folding (regardless of project) outweighs the good they do by folding. Either every little bit counts, or it doesn't. I think it does.

I have found the ideas people have about using older PC's as well as having multiple projects to be quite mystifiing. Especially when those people have neither older PC's nor intend to fold on a diffrent project. They also seem to have the most emotional conviction to thier beliefs, beliefs about what other people should be doing it seems.

I don't get the emotional attachment to projects or why picking one is such a huge deal. Either certain causes mean something to you or they don't. Loved ones lost to certain diseases etc. Even then, all use in these DC projects seems to be going to better the human condition (at least for all the medical projects). I'm fine with any of them and have participated in me a DC whore I guess. :)

Anyway, fold on!
Scorpionjwp do what you feel is best simple as that. I'm only one guy with an opinion. I shouldn't dissuade you from contributing.

If your computer meets the deadlines, and you are ok with the electricity use then continue on.:cool:

... the second paragraphs of Scorpionjwp's is a quote of one of my posts.
If it meets the deadlines, fold.

(if you're concerned about power/carbon/bullshit, you have enough money to buy heavy hardware to be "efficient")
I think that pretty much anything 800 MHZ < will meet the deadlines. But don't quote me on it. I have a few 1Ghz machines that seem to do fine

So if anyone wants to add their bullshit to the fire of why some of us still fold on useless and obsolete computers, please chime in here. I want to end this post on a note.

woah there...

when people refer to "crappers" they are usually refering to much older machines <1ghz that may not meet deadlines if not on 24/7 dedicated to folding... or even slower machines that cant meet the deadlines period...

its not worth running F@H on them becuase quite frankly, they will just work for nothing... once the deadline passes they wont take the work back, and you wont get credit for it...

there used to be "timeless" aka units with no deadlines, but they are no longer available for F@H according to the stanford staff...

but you definately dont need a C2D to run f@h, i have several slower machines including my router (1.3ghz celeron) running it quite happily meeting deadlines...
We will all play nice here and if not, you will find yourself banned along with your IPs. You will get no warning.
Scorp, fold with what you have. You have to make the call on if it's making the deadlines or not. Not what you read (or read into) some post somewhere. Every work unit makes a difference whether it was folded on a TBird or a Core2Quad. On the same note, every team member makes a difference. Those making 100 PPD or those making 20k PPD. Each one is making a contribution to something that they hope will one day make a difference in the way we live and die as humans.

I used to post things like this frequently in my nightly stats update threads and this is just something I find interesting.
We have 485,563,372 points.
202,444,121 of those were generated by people with more than 1 million points. That leaves 59&#37; of our points have been generated by those with less than a million.

We have 4,886,947 work units.
1,681,653 of those generated by people with more than 1 million points. That means 66% (2 out of every 3) of our work units come from those that haven't hit a million yet. :cool:

I'm looking forward to us hitting 5 million work units more so than 500 million points.
If it runs, it folds. That is the motto I have with my farm. If I have a use for the machine to be on then it is new enough for me to fold on it (I have several that have no other use BUT to fold but that is why they are actually there).

If you see some folks here they are putting out 10K PPD with 10 CPUs.. Must be nice is all I can say. I do the same PPD as they are with 100+ cores running. Does it matter? Not the slightest bit to me. Because "if it runs, it folds" Cancer and Alzheimers aren't something you can choose to have or not have based on your wallet size. It is an equal opportunity destroyer. And for that I fold
From other thread
Look at Yurt it shows who has what running ATM

While I would like to run another program, I won't, I perfer to see a spreadsheet with something solid than running a program.

Like someone said about it's just there are newer/more efficent machines but that's always the case in the IT field.

Please explain it to a person who hasn't been in the IT field for 2 full years, but somehow still manages to format a HD and build a computer then not know how one did so. I don't even know what Core 2 Duo is. No I'm joking about not knowing about that processor, I have stooped down to the level to where 85% of the Americans that don't know anything about computers.

Now FLECOM, this is where my first several reactions and or why I'm so pissed about people telling me what I can fold on and What I cannot.
its not worth running F@H on them becuase quite frankly, they will just work for nothing.
The 500mhz machines I own meet deadlines and then some, but that sentence alone that you posted puts it in a way for the noobies and some people who have been here awhile, they should trash their systems for better efficient computers.

I've said it before and will say it again, the odds of me having to resort to that would be the odds of winning the lottery. What can a person with no money for spending on computer parts do to upgrade their computer or a farm of computers? You physically can't buy computer parts without $$$.

I'm playing nice also, there is going to be no common road on this, so If you want to fold and continue to fold on what you got, still do so, regardless of the repercussions of it.
Fold on what ever the fuck you want to fold on, at least that's my thinking.
I agree with Marty. If you can make your dishwasher fold proteins and complete WU's in time, fold on that.

It's not the problem about folding on older computers, but the sheer fact, that several of the members on the team don't want you to be folding on older hardware.
I wonder why anyone would ever say such rubbish. Of course, I have heard some people mention that it is more efficient (energy costs/ ppd) to fold on a newer rig, but that is about it.

ps.: People on here -like me- were wondering if we could get our WRT54G's (Linksys router) to fold for an extra couple of PPDs.
I've said it before and will say it again, the odds of me having to resort to that would be the odds of winning the lottery. What can a person with no money for spending on computer parts do to upgrade their computer or a farm of computers? You physically can't buy computer parts without $$$.

I'd argue that E4300s are $115 now, DDR2 is $35-$40 a gig, overclocking C2D motherboards can be had for $55, and decent PSUs are $50. Linux is free. If you're paying for electricity to run a farm you can afford those amounts and triple your PPD (from what I saw at HardFolding).

I'd argue that E4300s are $115 now, DDR2 is $35-$40 a gig, overclocking C2D motherboards can be had for $55, and decent PSUs are $50. Linux is free. If you're paying for electricity to run a farm you can afford those amounts and triple your PPD (from what I saw at HardFolding).

You know what is so great of you saying that, you have money to spend on that. What is my budget $20.00 that is all I have, now tell me how can I afford to build a computer for that much? Linux is great for people who know how to use it, I'm stupid when it comes to an operating system I have never used, I don't know command line besides format c: to save my life. You find me an operating system that don't cost quite an arm and a leg, and able to understand?

Unfortunately for you I don't even know what a E4300's are, so that proves what happens when you have totally given up in the IT field that has no jobs, where you live just happens to be the forest and sticks.
You know what is so great of you saying that, you have money to spend on that. What is my budget $20.00 that is all I have, now tell me how can I afford to build a computer for that much? Linux is great for people who know how to use it, I'm stupid when it comes to an operating system I have never used, I don't know command line besides format c: to save my life. You find me an operating system that don't cost quite an arm and a leg, and able to understand?

Unfortunately for you I don't even know what a E4300's are, so that proves what happens when you have totally given up in the IT field that has no jobs, where you live just happens to be the forest and sticks.

OK, we'll take this one step at a time. How many computers are in your farm right now and what would they be worth if you liquidated them?

OK, we'll take this one step at a time. How many computers are in your farm right now and what would they be worth if you liquidated them?

I have an 2x 500mhz p2 Proliant 1600 chugging along, a 1.7ghz 64bit Sempron, quad 500mhz xeon p3 proliant 5500, a quad 700mhz Xeon P3 Gateway ALR 8400.

Shipping them and Ebay is not an option.
I have an 2x 500mhz p2 Proliant 1600 chugging along, a 1.7ghz 64bit Sempron, quad 500mhz xeon p3 proliant 5500, a quad 700mhz Xeon P3 Gateway ALR 8400.

Shipping them and Ebay is not an option.

So you have an farm of computer equipment, no disposable income, no desire to learn how to run Ubuntu in Windows (I'm assuming you already have some Windows licenses and there are FAQs for setting up Ubuntu/VMWare all over Google everywhere), and no means of using Ebay or Craigslist or the local classifieds to sell your current equipment and fund the upgrade? I'd say your situation is not typical and you should keep folding with what you have.

I think most people with farms could easily liquidate equipment and consolidate with C2D technology.

Why the anger just out of curiousity? If that is what you have to fold on then utilize what you have. When I started folding I had crap to do it on. I have gotten better gear over the years as time and money became available and my PPD has grown accordingly. I dont live and die by the PPD I just want more WU turned in. I dont care if that is done on a machine worth $0.50 or one that I just bought for 100K. The 100K one will get it done faster but thats it. Fold with what you have, fold on anything that you can get permission to fold on, keep on going. Who really gives a damn what anyone else thinks?
no desire to learn how to run Ubuntu in Windows (I'm assuming you already have some Windows licenses and there are FAQs for setting up Ubuntu/VMWare all over Google everywhere),
I think most people with farms could easily liquidate equipment and consolidate with C2D technology.

Darnit, What the hell is C2D, I don't even know what it is. I have the desire to learn how to use linux, but teaching me will be like learning how to tie your shoes or riding a bike, like teaching a 7 year old to catch a ball. What is VMWare?

How about you talking in terms where as I could understand it. Here is what I would like seeing come out of this thread, reasonably way for a person who is living from paycheck to paycheck that have to save every penny to build up a savings account afford to build a computer. Give me an operating system, that doesn't cost around $115 or is free that a person who don't know just about 0 to operate it.

Tormond, I'm not angry, I'm just getting tired of people, who can laugh and point at people who have little money, who cannot afford simple upgrades to their computer. This thread has nothing to do with PPD on F@h, it just asks a simple question.
Darnit, What the hell is C2D, I don't even know what it is. I have the desire to learn how to use linux, but teaching me will be like learning how to tie your shoes or riding a bike, like teaching a 7 year old to catch a ball. What is VMWare?

How about you talking in terms where as I could understand it. Here is what I would like seeing come out of this thread, reasonably way for a person who is living from paycheck to paycheck that have to save every penny to build up a savings account afford to build a computer. Give me an operating system, that doesn't cost around $115 or is free that a person who don't know just about 0 to operate it.

Tormond, I'm not angry, I'm just getting tired of people, who can laugh and point at people who have little money, who cannot afford simple upgrades to their computer. This thread has nothing to do with PPD on F@h, it just asks a simple question.

Listen, stop listening to ppl telling that computer X is better than computer Y. If you don't have the means or knowledge to upgrade , then don't and wait for the right time. Any contribution, small or big is useful for the overall goal toward finding cures. Myself, I have hardware ranging from P3-866 all the way to C2D E4300 and I don't have the money to get more powerful machines because I have a real life and RL things need money (house, family and such). If you are too concerned by opinions from others, maybe it's not the right thing for you to stay.

Darnit, What the hell is C2D, I don't even know what it is. I have the desire to learn how to use linux, but teaching me will be like learning how to tie your shoes or riding a bike, like teaching a 7 year old to catch a ball. What is VMWare?

How about you talking in terms where as I could understand it. Here is what I would like seeing come out of this thread, reasonably way for a person who is living from paycheck to paycheck that have to save every penny to build up a savings account afford to build a computer. Give me an operating system, that doesn't cost around $115 or is free that a person who don't know just about 0 to operate it.

Tormond, I'm not angry, I'm just getting tired of people, who can laugh and point at people who have little money, who cannot afford simple upgrades to their computer. This thread has nothing to do with PPD on F@h, it just asks a simple question.

C2D= Core2Duo. This is the new line of CPUs that Intel has come out with in the last 6 months or so that have proven to be exceptionally good at folding (and overclocking). The e4300 that was mentioned earlier at this moment the cheapest of them

VMWare is a Virtual Machine Server that allows you to run a "virtual" operating system while inside another OS. Many here (myself included) used it before the windows SMP client came out from Stanford to run Linux from inside windows in a "virtual machine" VMWare is free for personal use. You can read about it at There is an extensive thread here in the DC forum about how to utilize this tool.

As far as living paycheck to paycheck I am right there with you. I am married, have 2 small children (3 and 1) and am the only person that brings in a paycheck at my house. When I want to do an upgrade I have to set aside a little bit of money every month that is my "play money" If I want something big then that is just more months I have to wait. My last big PC upgrade came from an insurance settlement from a large electrical issue at my house.

Ignore the "eliteist" folks. It sure would be great if I could have 10 boxes running at my house that gave me 20K PPD but I cant afford that. So I fold with what I have. if I get better then I fold with that.

These forums should be here for everyone, from the guy with one slow box folding to the guy running 10000 machines. If you have questions please don't hesitate to ask. If someone gives you hell ignore it. Someone with a little more tact and dignity will come along and more than likely will give you the help that you need or teh answer to your question. THAT is what "team" should be, not who can put up the most points
Now FLECOM, this is where my first several reactions and or why I'm so pissed about people telling me what I can fold on and What I cannot.
its not worth running F@H on them becuase quite frankly, they will just work for nothing.
The 500mhz machines I own meet deadlines and then some, but that sentence alone that you posted puts it in a way for the noobies and some people who have been here awhile, they should trash their systems for better efficient computers.

so if your machines meet deadlines, your ok?

i dont understand what you are asking then?

is there a general theme of people upgrading their machines often to keep their PPD up?

yes of course, there is still an edge of competition of PPD etc among a lot of the team-members... i would guess mostly because this is an enthusiast site, and the whole point is to make it bigger and badder right? :D

i think you need to chill out a bit... if your machines still meet deadlines, your good to go... just let them do their thing...
Give me an operating system, that doesn't cost around $115 or is free that a person who don't know just about 0 to operate it.

OK, I'm confused. What OS are you running on all of your computers now?

OK, I'm confused. What OS are you running on all of your computers now?

I'm using a combo of windows 2000 and XP, I was implying that if I was at anytime to upgrade if ever. I was asking a question to you to find me and operating system that won't cost what windows cost now, something cheap, maybe free that a person who don't know shit about windows or linux to use.
If I were you, I would fold with what I have. If it's with F@H, or if the polls decide if we are doing another project, that might be a good thing for you as you can hit the deadlines. Who cares if John says and Mike says your boxes are old as the Flintstones it doesn't matter. Just avoid/ignore people like that as you will find your whole life you need to battle things of this nature. I can't see anyone against you, your problem is tough with not selling the old boxes/ money to buy a new one. Watch the FS/FT thread around here sometimes people will give things away etc. If you just put in a little time, I think you could learn anything. Sometimes things seem much harder until you sit down and pan out the details such as linux.

To end this, I am not sure what really made you start this thread, I have looked through 9 pages and found you posted this:
You Said:- While I could agree with that statement, some of us are broke and cannot afford another more computers. I'm not rich, therefore, I'm saving every bit I can for other things besides computers, like for example a wedding ring, and then computer parts.

I think we are all this way, I wouldn't miss my house payment or car payment because I was buying folders. I don't think many around here care what you fold with, atleast the guys I talk to don't. You fold with what you can and you never know what come's up in life. Most of us don't have huge farms at home, we have work offices etc.
my curent borg is my largest to date, but i have had several borgs come and go through the years, you just gotta keep your eyes open and suggest the idea to people... you never know
That was pulled out of my PM box and he's write. One conversation could make a whole world of difference. One of the nicest most helpful guys in the folding area here @ [H] to me was FLECOM. He has... yes many many cpu's going. His PPD is more than my PPM, so what, I have never seen him put ANYONE down. I wouldn't even care if you didn't fold and just started threads talking about the projects and supporting them, showing an interest and support for a good thing shows me your a good person.

I used to have one box, and I can admit it was hard watching other guys with better boxes, better PPD, etc. but it's not like were racing Geo Metros verus Corvettes for pinks, were all racing to find cures faster for people like your grandfather who has passed because of Diabetes. I fold for my father who died of cancer and for anyone who has lost a loved one. This video inspired me to look where ever I could for extra boxes, borg family & friends.

PM me if you ever need anything, hardware etc. Maybe I can I throw it your way. hang in here, you will be ok :)

</end of rant>
I was implying that if I was at anytime to upgrade if ever.

All of your copies of Windows are tied to those machines? If so, then I'm afraid you're as stuck as you say. But just in case you're interested in trying Ubuntu, they just did an [H] overview here. It's not that scary if you're just using it for folding. I haven't done much else with it yet :D

Ubuntu/VMWare in Windows instructions:

Also, there was a USB folding system called Pen Drive if I am not mistaken? and there is diskless folding too. Someone else can comment more on these as I have zero knowledge on these!
mind if i throw my $.02 in here? i dont fold for your team (i know i know, im evil! shame on me lol) but i do stop by this and a number of other DC forums of different teams just to get the latest in the folding world. i havnt been by here in awhile so all this talk of "official projects" and "team member bashing" or whatever has been going on is all greek to me.

i have a guy on my team who folds with a P2 233mhz system and meets the deadlines, not by much but he does meet them. this system ONLY folds and folds 24/7. i myself have a dual P3 500mhz system that folds 24/7 and is an email only kind of machine, which also meets the deadlines. i would agree with what was stated about "if you can afford the electric and it meets the deadlines then fold on it". that makes perfect sense, sure there are newer systems that may do it faster and use less power, but there will ALWAYS be newer faster systems! welcome to the world of IT... lol

when i started folding i had 1 466mhz celeron that only ran for about 12 hours a day... i slowly added more machines (friends, family) and my points grew. i got into high school and talked my IT guy into running folding on the school system under my name and my points jumped WAY up. i soon became #1 on my team, but have since fallen back to #2 and have lost most all my folding machines. i now only get about 300ppd.

the thing you can look at is the electric with older machines. you need more older machines to match the power of 1 new machine. the older machines will use more power and cost more each month to produce the same ppd as 1 new machine, and if i had to guess (without looking at other threads) i would say thats what other members were saying sell the older ones. you mentioned ebay as not being an option. if there is some other way to sell off the other machines you should be able to afford 1 newer machine which "may" (dont hold me to this) save you in electric each month. plsu it would be quieter and take up less space in the house. doing this you should be able to use one of your current windows licenses, right? delete it from the old system before you sell it and register it on the new one.

im my eyes, thats your options.... find a way to sell the older stuff and buy a new system, or dont worry what others are saying and keep on folding with what ya got. the whole idea of DC is a lot of "slower" machines put together to do the work of one "faster" machine, am i right?

so, in the end, to answer your question "is it still safe to fold with older machines?" i say yes as long as they are fast enough/running enough hours a day to meet the deadlines. :)

happy folding!
Darnit, What the hell is C2D, I don't even know what it is. I have the desire to learn how to use linux, but teaching me will be like learning how to tie your shoes or riding a bike, like teaching a 7 year old to catch a ball. What is VMWare?

How about you talking in terms where as I could understand it. Here is what I would like seeing come out of this thread, reasonably way for a person who is living from paycheck to paycheck that have to save every penny to build up a savings account afford to build a computer. Give me an operating system, that doesn't cost around $115 or is free that a person who don't know just about 0 to operate it.

Tormond, I'm not angry, I'm just getting tired of people, who can laugh and point at people who have little money, who cannot afford simple upgrades to their computer. This thread has nothing to do with PPD on F@h, it just asks a simple question.

You should try the new version of Ubuntu, I was impressed how automated the linux os is with automatrix. I thought I saw an article that dell was going to start shipping systems with Ubuntu 7.04 so they must also think its pretty easy to use also. If you search google, there are also other linux distributions that are very easy to use, like Xandros or Linspire.

You should try the new version of Ubuntu, I was impressed how automated the linux os is with automatrix. I thought I saw an article that dell was going to start shipping systems with Ubuntu 7.04 so they must also think its pretty easy to use also. If you search google, there are also other linux distributions that are very easy to use, like Xandros or Linspire.


I beg to differ... Even if it is automatic, setting up folding isn't that easy still and you need to know a bit of command line stuff to get around. I believe it's better to stick on things you feel comfortable working with. Myself, I decided to use Ubuntu on my main machine and it took 2-3 days to setup everything the way I like, with 2/3 of the time wasted googling for how to change something.

If you read from the top to the bottom, you will see that the OP is not really a computer expert and didn't know what is a C2D. I agree Ubuntu may be the easiest Linux distro around but it's still no match against the ease of use of Windows yet.
