Question on 3.2 and 3.4


Apr 16, 2003
i was wondering what the general ceiling on the northwood 3.2 and 3.4ghz processors is?
and what it is for the 3.2 and 3.4ghz prescott?

i was thinking of upgrading to a 3.2 or 3.4 but only if i can overclock to arround 4ghz

thanks for the help

btw i am using watercooling so heat wont be an issue
so nobody has any idea what the wall is for the 3.2 and 3.4ghz processors?
come on..

somebody reply... even a link showing what others overclocked theirs to would be nice
3.4ghz is the fastest northwood made, dont expect a spactacular overclock from either of these cpu's. figure around 3.6-3.7 on air, 3.7+ on water.

overclocking a 3.4 will not yeild good results. unless you do some heavy duty cooling, dont expect much more than a 10% overclock.

imo, the 2.4's and 2.8's are the best p4's northwoods for overclocking. 50% overclocks are a common thing with these cpu's
On northwoods you can overclock farther, seen a review on toms hardware around 3.8 tops at most 4.03 or something with heavy cooling outside.
alright i had some hope of getting 4ghz pretty easy but i guess since i wont get more than 200mhz it wouldnt be worth it.

thanks for the info...

mabye if the price comes down some more i might give it a shot...
but right now 400 dollars for mabye 400 mhz doesnt seem worth it....

thanks for the replys they helped alot.

i guess ill stay with the 2.8c for a little bit longer