Question on Gaming Res Support on a 1080P TV / Monitor


Jan 12, 2007
I know this is a silly question, but during my conquest for a new computer monitor / very lightly part time TV (also 360 / PS3 system display) I have shifted from many different 16:10 monitors to what may be my final decision, the Sharp 1080P LC-32GP1U. Regardless of my choices, I really wish to know the following.

When playing a game on a 1080P monitor, do all the games have to support 1920 x 1080 out of the box, or is there another technique used (believe this to be the right term) to achieve almost pixel for pixel 1:1 support while PC gaming on a 1080P display? Basically, if a game supports widescreen in general, and a resolution up to 1920 x 1200, is it garunteed that you can use it on a 1080P Monitor?

Thank you for your time,

I have a 1920x1080 monitor and have yet to find a single widescreen compatible game where the "odd" resolution is an issue.