question re: ebay coupons


Limp Gawd
Sep 13, 2008
hello all,

i'm about to pull the trigger on an refurb unlocked samsung blackjack II from amazon for 179.99 US.

ebay has a new blackjack II for 188.88 US (buy it now). I'm usually weary of ebay, but most of the time amazon uses outside sellers, so I assume the "security" is just as good as ebays.

so i'm wondering, in many of the "help with new build" threads, i see that people always recommend looking for ebay coupons to bring prices down. are these limited time offers or are some kind of secret coupons always available if you know where to look?

any help is appreciated :)
The coupons are sent directly to your email. Sorry dude, they're for the individual only as far as I know.
They're sent by email and it's not everyone that receives them I think I've read something about only some people receiving these ebay coupons and they're not very common but if you can use them great :cool:
I just got one for 10% off. I don't even think I'll use it before it expires. Does somebody want to try to use the code and see if it works for them?