Questions about Dell 2407WFP (2407WFP owners please help)


Feb 24, 2007

So I'm looking to get a 2407WFP, but I wanted to know something before I do. The money I am using to get this is going to come from selling my TV/Stero and using the AV Inputs, RGB inputs I am going to use the 2407WFP to play my PS2 (and PS3 when I get one) and VCR. Now how does the image of PS2 and VCR's look on the 2407WFP, if you have recorded an image in 4:3 on the VCR will it stretch it to fit the WS?

If you could post pictures of your 2407WFP using PS2 or VCR it would be much appreciated.

What panel does the 2407WFP A04 Revision use? I heard it was a S-IPS and if it is I will get this monitor, but if its a S-PVA/MVA I should just go down to a 20" since its half the price.

Don't use the components and composites on this thing. The picture sucks. You're better off with a normal TV for your PS2. For the PS3 you'll want to use a HDMI to DVI-D cable.
Can anyone post any pictures?

Keep in mind when I watch movies/play PS2 on my 21" CRT TV, I sit a good 10 feet away.

I have another question:

What panel does the 2407WFP A04 Revision use? I heard it was a S-IPS and if it is I will get this monitor, but if its a S-PVA/MVA I should just go down to a 20" since its half the price.
Oh and I had a solution to using my VCR, I will just download them lol. I completely forgot.