Questions about OCing a Q6600


Dec 3, 2005
So I've been searching through [H]forums for a handy reference posted by a member here once upon a time, big thanks to enginurd.

enginurd said:
Formulas for Intel platform @ 1:1 settings: (base FSB speed is SDR, or single data rate)
c x [Base FSB speed] = CPU speed (c = CPU Multiplier)
2 x [Base FSB speed] = RAM speed (DDR: double data rate)
4 x [Base FSB speed] = FSB speed (QDR: quad data rate; Effective FSB speed)

On Intel platforms, running the RAM higher than a 1:1 ratio with the CPU is, for the most part, useless, so don't bother trying to do so. If the BIOS does it for you, just let it. All you need is a 1:1 config, though. Here's some possible clock speeds (as always with OC'ing, your results will vary):

Q6600: 9 × 266 = 2.4Ghz, DDR2-533 << STOCK speeds
Q6600: 9 × 333 = 3.0Ghz, DDR2-667 << Nice OC
Q6600: 9 × 378 = 3.4Ghz, DDR2-756 << Good OC, near max for B3 stepping
Q6600: 9 × 400 = 3.6Ghz, DDR2-800 << Great OC, near max for G0 stepping

Assuming this is all accurate, is it possible to hit 3.6 on a Q6600 G0 with good air cooling?

I'm thinking of pairing a q6600 with an evga 750i ftw edition board and probably 4gigs of DDR2-800.

Honestly I'd probably be happy to hit 3.2 on it, 3.4 would make me really excited though.
Very possible but with all OC's, ymmv. Not all chips are created equal and even with same mobo/memory/cup combos, max 24/7 is never the same.
You should be able to reach 3.2 no problem, and almost all chips will hit 3.4. 3.6 is around the max for an air-cooled Q6600, some chips can do it and some can't. Most chips will require a lot of voltage to hit 3.6 though.
Any idea on the Q6700 now that the price has been slashed. I realize its got a 10x multiplier instead of 9x less FSB for the same OC. Anyone have any experiance OCing one?
Grab the Q6600 =)

enginurd and I got mine on 3.2 stable. I figure getting to 3.4-3.6 is not that much of an increase other than making your huevos bigger =)

Anyways, good luck!
Any idea on the Q6700 now that the price has been slashed. I realize its got a 10x multiplier instead of 9x less FSB for the same OC. Anyone have any experiance OCing one?

if running @ stock get the q6700 but both chips(G0) should OC to about same give or take 100mhz.
Could someone tell me what the G0 means? Seems like I read about it helping in overclocking somewhere. I get lost in the technobabble.
There are two steppings of the Q6600, B3 and G0. The B3 was the first revision and has a TDP of 105W, whereas the G0 (sSpec: SLACR) is newer and has a TDP of 95W. Hence the G0 runs a little cooler, and overclocks a little better. Nearly all Q6600s on sale now are G0. B3s aren't bad chips, just not quite as good as the G0s.

You can see your stepping in CPU-Z.
What are the issues with running > 1:1 for the RAM? Surely if you have DDR2 800, running a stock CPU at > than 533mhz for the RAM would help?
I have a qx6700 extreme and I run it at 400x9 for 3.6 and it is b3 stepping. I think 400fsb is the best bus for an overclock unless you can hit 500.
What are the issues with running > 1:1 for the RAM? Surely if you have DDR2 800, running a stock CPU at > than 533mhz for the RAM would help?

Surprisingly little - Core 2 processors like running the RAM at 1:1, and running the RAM faster rarely shows any real-world performance increase. It also puts more strain on the northbridge and you can get some fussy combinations of FSB speed and multiplier - my machine refused to POST with the RAM at 800MHz using a 4:5 multiplier, but was fine at 1:1. I am currently running the RAM at 800MHz again (333MHz FSB, 5:6 multiplier) but it doesn't make much difference.