Questions on Stand Alone Media Players


Limp Gawd
Jun 9, 2008
Wondering if the owners of stand alone media players (ie. WDTV Live, PlayOn HD, Xtremer, etc) can help me out. :)

I'm thinking about getting one for the bedroom, as it'll be mainly used by the wife, a full blown HTPC will be an overkill.

I read through most of the reviews and got most of my questions answered, but need to find out one, somewhat important feature (to my wife, at least :D).

Does any one of these players have capability to automatically play the next sequential files in the folder? Basically I have a bunch of Korean/Japanese dramas that my wife watches, and they are named the same except for the episode # - ie. episode01, episode02. I know she'll get annoyed if she has to go back to the directory after each episode is done playing... sigh...

If you guys have any input on this, it'll be greatly appreciated.