Questions regarding the Dell 3007...


Nov 9, 2006
Alright these questions have probably been asked a million and a half times but i still have to ask haha...

1. How would this monitor stack up for gaming. I am running one 8800 GTX and I would like to know what settings, if any, i could run it at so it would look gorgeous and still run smoothly

2. This monitor will be replacing an old Dell 2005FPW 20" Monitor. Do you think the jump to a 30" would be too much to handle at one time? Also, would a 27" be a better choice because of all the additional plugs and bells and whistles?

3. Also if the 3007 would use up both of my GPU's DVI Slots, then is there any possible way to get my old 20"er hooked up as well so I could have two monitors?

4. Finally, what is the real difference in the specs between the 2005FPW and the 3007, will i be going to a slower response time etc etc?

Sorry for bombarding everyone with questions, but this is a big purchase, and I need to be sure im making the right choice.
1. It'd be fine, I'm sure. The 8800GTX is good. You know that. Plus the monitor can be run at half resolution (1280x800) without any interpolation, and looks beautiful. So you'll have no problem running any game at full settings at half res, I'm sure.

2. ... Why would it be too much handle? You expect to open it up, turn it on, and then be so shocked you'd return it? Heh. No. As for the 27", that's something only you can decide... We don't know how to plan to use it.

3. It uses one DualLink DVI slot, not two DVI slots. Dual monitor setups are fine.

4. Just go look at Dell's site for the spec differences.
Alright these questions have probably been asked a million and a half times but i still have to ask haha...

1. How would this monitor stack up for gaming. I am running one 8800 GTX and I would like to know what settings, if any, i could run it at so it would look gorgeous and still run smoothly

2. This monitor will be replacing an old Dell 2005FPW 20" Monitor. Do you think the jump to a 30" would be too much to handle at one time? Also, would a 27" be a better choice because of all the additional plugs and bells and whistles?

3. Also if the 3007 would use up both of my GPU's DVI Slots, then is there any possible way to get my old 20"er hooked up as well so I could have two monitors?

4. Finally, what is the real difference in the specs between the 2005FPW and the 3007, will i be going to a slower response time etc etc?

Sorry for bombarding everyone with questions, but this is a big purchase, and I need to be sure im making the right choice.

1. I think there are plenty of games that will run fine at native resolution with that card. You may have to adjust a few detail settings in 1 or 2 games. Gaming at 2560x1600 is fantastic.

2. Only you can really answer that. Can you find a 30” ACD to play with? If not, make a cardboard cut out the size of the 3007 & place it on your desk or wherever your going to use the 3007 to get a feel for it. I would imagine that it could well be too large for some people. I took me a few days to get used to it & now everything else seems like a joke. If you do more gaming than other stuff on your PC then you might want to consider the 27”. The 3007 is a computer monitor…

3. If I understand your question correctly, the 3007 only uses one cable (dual link), not two so if your card is dual head you’ll have an extra port.

4. I don’t know anything about the 2005.

The 3007 is a great monitor for 3D & Photoshop stuff. If your just a gamer then you might want to look elsewhere.

1. I think there are plenty of games that will run fine at native resolution with that card. You may have to adjust a few detail settings in 1 or 2 games. Gaming at 2560x1600 is fantastic.

2. Only you can really answer that. Can you find a 30” ACD to play with? If not, make a cardboard cut out the size of the 3007 & place it on your desk or wherever your going to use the 3007 to get a feel for it. I would imagine that it could well be too large for some people. I took me a few days to get used to it & now everything else seems like a joke. If you do more gaming than other stuff on your PC then you might want to consider the 27”. The 3007 is a computer monitor…

3. If I understand your question correctly, the 3007 only uses one cable (dual link), not two so if your card is dual head you’ll have an extra port.

4. I don’t know anything about the 2005.

The 3007 is a great monitor for 3D & Photoshop stuff. If your just a gamer then you might want to look elsewhere.


This card isnt good for gaming? I play games, do photo work, edit video, and use it to browse the web and talk on AIM.

Is there any problems with ghosting or anything liek that with the monitors that make it NOT good for gaming?

Also is the text too small to read on websites?

This is what the back of my car looks like, the two dvi slots. so this should be able to handle both the monitors?
I have a 3007 with a 8800gtx.

1. Games look like ass at 1280x800 at normal (or at least my normal) viewing distance but if you push the monitor three or four feet from your head and turn on anti aliasing, it doesn't look bad - it just doesn't look like 2560 which will spoil you. The 8800 can take a lot of punishment. I can run HL2 and C&C3 at native 2560 at max settings with no problems. Even Supreme Com is playable at 2560. I have more issues finding games that support 2560 resolution. Company of Heroes is the only game in my library that managed to to bring my 8800 to a halt at native res.

2. I went from 1280x1024 CRT to this thing - it's a big jump but a nice one. The 27 incher does have some additional inputs that are nice to have but I looked over it because I wanted the extra resolution and I have a TV for my 360 anyway.

3. As mentioned earlier, the card wont' use up two of your DVI slots - just one "Dual DVI" slot which the 8800 has two of (confusing right).

4. If you're worried about repsonse time, you might as well get a CRT. My personal experience is that I havn't noticed much problems with ghosting or anything like that - but I'm not actively looking for it.

Text is kind of small on websites but my monitor is about 2 - 3 feet away from my head normally. My other option is go switch to 1280 x 1024.
Just to clarify, dual-link DVI just uses a thicker DVI cable with more conductors (wires) and more pins in the connector... It still connects to a single DVI port on your graphics card. Of course, your graphics card's DVI ports need to have the added pins, etc. for dual-link which I believe all 7xxx series cards and up have at least one dual-link DVI port if not both (on higher-end products). The monitor comes with the dual-link cable so you don't need to worry about anything... just hook it up and enjoy the glory that is 2560x1699! :)

BTW, whoever said that everything else looks like a joke after working on a 30" monitor, is absolutely right... it's not too big... it's just right! :)
This tells you what the Nvidia cards can do... Your card could actually drive dual 3007 displays.

The only game I play a lot is Company of Heroes, and contrary to the other reply about this, I found that it runs beautifully at native res and I only have a 7900GS, not the 8800GTX. So, the other reply must have something else causing the problem on their system.

I'm not that familiar with the display you currently have, but a standard 20" LCD that does 1600x1200 (not widescreen) turned 90 degrees to portrait mode, is about the same size and resolution as the 3007. The 3007 is small bit larger than two of the 20" LCDs in portrait mode sitting side by side. I kept my 20" Samsung and have it as a second LCD, and it works great since its the same vertical size and they are both 1600 pixels tall.