Quick Dell Dimension Ram question.


Limp Gawd
Oct 24, 2004
For a Dell Dimension 2400 with Celeron 2.4GHZ, I want to get another 256megs for it(a websurfing computer) and Looked up at Dell's site for the speed but they use Celeron D's now and have a 400fsb(so probably a higher speed ram). Is there a way to check the speed of the ram or should I just get pc2700 and if it needs less it'll just clock down? Seems like it should be pc2100? Thanks :)
So you don't have a Celeron D? Pre-D celerons have a 400 Mhz FSB, Celeron Ds have a 533 Mhz FSB (correct me if I'm wrong).

Since you just need RAM that runs at 1:1 with the actual FSB (either 100 or 133 Mhz, Celerons use the quadding to get the 400 or 533) you could do with PC2100.

However, prices between all the different RAM speeds aren't really that dramatic, PC2700 and PC3200 cost pretty much the same as PC2100 (if not the same).

Anyway, DDR RAM is backwards compatible. If you use PC3200 with a CPU that has a 100 Mhz actual FSB, then the PC3200 will run at 100 MHz, not 200 (unless you do dividers and stuff).