quick question about LCD's in general

Nov 7, 2003
I have money set aside for that new viewsonic vb912b 12ms 19 incher, but before i buy it i have a question. Are LCD's affected my magnetic interference? I have a tremendous amount of EMI in my bedroom caused by a plethora of appliances and grills and heaters and loudspeakers, washer, dryer, gigantic subwoofer, water heater with electric motor (bigger appliances mentioned are in adjacent laundry room). I have finally had it with my CRT monitor's image shaking from left to right by, i'd have to say, a half centimeter. It is gives me very bad headaches and of course makes my eyes hurt. Is this not something that i would have to worry about with LCD's because they do not refresh? Thanks for any info.
All electronics can be affected by interference. LCD will be less so then a CRT, but it still can happen.
An LCD won't be suseptible to that kind of interference. There is no electron gun for the EMI emissions to play with. You shouldn't have any problems.
The large electric motors that cause the drive the washers movements will give off quite a bit of interference.