Quick Question About Swapping Processors


Limp Gawd
Mar 20, 2006
So I will be getting my MB and a celeron chip tomorrow. I was planning on using this till conroe is availible (and not super expensive).

When I get conroe, can I just switch the chips without a re-install?

The celeron chip is the Celeron D 336

Also, will my current ram (ddr2 800) work with the celey?

Thanks! :cool:
As long as the board supports Conroe, you should just be able to drop it right in.

RAM always downclocks to the lowest common denominator, whether it be the FSB or the other stick.
gwai lo said:
As long as the board supports Conroe, you should just be able to drop it right in.

RAM always downclocks to the lowest common denominator, whether it be the FSB or the other stick.

Awesome.....It is the PW5 DH, so looks like I am all set.

I just did not want to spend a whole bunch of time getting everything installed and have to wipe it out when my conroe came in.
the only thing is, the celeron is single core, and windows will install uniprocessor kernel.

then when you get your conroe it will need multiprocessor kernel. windows will not install the multiprocessor kernel itself. usually you have to reinstall.

there may be some way of changing it to multiprocessor without reinstalling, but i do not know where.

why dont you get an 805, its almost as cheap as a celeron, but dual core and not nearly as crappy. or just use what you have now, unless its a pentium 2 or something it probably not worse than a celeron :D . then when you get your conroe, the motherboard will probably be cheaper as well.
DeFex said:
the only thing is, the celeron is single core, and windows will install uniprocessor kernel.

then when you get your conroe it will need multiprocessor kernel. windows will not install the multiprocessor kernel itself. usually you have to reinstall.

there may be some way of changing it to multiprocessor without reinstalling, but i do not know where.

why dont you get an 805, its almost as cheap as a celeron, but dual core and not nearly as crappy. or just use what you have now, unless its a pentium 2 or something it probably not worse than a celeron :D . then when you get your conroe, the motherboard will probably be cheaper as well.

Gotcha, so looks like I will be reinstalling.

I got the celeron for $30 shipped so I did not want to fork over the additional loot for a 805. As for using what I have now, I am selling my system to a friend and using the money for the new system.

Thanks for the info.