Quick question, first LCD


Aug 12, 2003
I got my first LCD today on a whim, because of a good price.

This machine (soon to be replaced, in a month or so) has no DVI port, and so of course I'm running a VGA cable. I've noticed in certain colored areas on screen, there's sort of a ghost of the image just slightly to the right of the image. Like, on this screen right now, as the cursor blinks, to the right about 1/4" is a very very light copy of the cursor. It's only noticeable on grey or white backgrounds with fairly dark objects on top of that background... is that due to a screwy monitor or is it just because I'm on a crappy VGA cable? If it's just the cable, I can live with it, as I'll be running a DVI cable in a month or so anyway. The monitor I can't really replace, so it's sort of an all or nothing, keep it or go back to 17" CRT, situation.

How long is your VGA cable, and how old is it? I once had that happen when I used a very long VGA extension cable. It's probably interference, and I wouldn't worry about it. In the mean time, you can always buy a shorter higher quality VGA cable if your worried. Or you can even test the monitor on someone else's computer. I'd also make sure you're running the cable away from stuff like power transformers, or anything else that'd cause interference.

I loved DVI when I made the switch. Text was much sharpier, and easier to see. You also don't have to worry about adjusting the image anymore, such as centering it.

edit: did the monitor come with it's own cable? Have you tried using it?
Honestly, I wouldn't run an LCD on anything but DVI. It does look better than a CRT, but DVI is what makes it truly stand out and gives you the true image quality.
The VGA cable is brand new, but nothing "fancy", just a cheap 9 dollar cable from office depot to get me going. It didn't come with it's own cable, and I've got three CRT's here but of course all of their cables are built into the monitors :)

It's not quite so bad even at lower resolutions where the letters are bigger, so I'll live with 1152x864 for now :)

*waits for income tax refund to build new machine*
Closure post: It was the cable. I didn't even pay attention when I bought it, but it was just a VGA cable, not even SVGA, just regular old joe schmoe vga, picture looks awesome now. Can't wait to move up to DVI next :)