Quick question related to jailbroken iPhone


Limp Gawd
Mar 16, 2003
Can anyone confirm that I would lose my iPhone 4S jailbreak if I take the following actions?

Go to settings, then general --> reset --> erase all content and settings

Oddly enough, I'm actually hoping this is the case but I don't know for sure. Hoping for a quick answer if anyone knows:)
No. Because it's not part of the content. You'll lose Cydia, if you have it, but the jailbreak is a custom firmware of sorts.

I think by using iTunes and restoring from an earlier version, or go to factory settings using iTunes will take it to a fresh Apple supplied firmware without the Jailbreak.
Okay, got it. Glad I checked and thanks for the quick info!

The back story is the 4S I purchased back in March has a manufacturer defect. The power/lock button detached from the little spring that sits underneath, and as a result it no longer registers. Basically, I can't lock the phone or power on/off using this button.

My carrier contacted Apple on my behalf and surprisingly, Apple actually confirmed this is a known issue on some units and advised my carrier to offer a replacement. The replacement is here and already activated, jailbroken and restored in iTunes:D Naturally, my carrier wants my defective phone back and they recommend erasing all content and settings. But... I would prefer they didn't see that it was a jailbroken phone:rolleyes:

On a side note, I was pretty disappointed with this whole lock button issue. One of the reasons I liked apple products was the supposed high quality build and materials. I guess there's always going to be some occasional problems with phones no matter who the manufacturer is, but still kinda disappointing after only 3 months. Phone was in an Otterbox case since the first day and only dropped once onto my soft living room rug from waist height (it was in the case).