Quick question


May 30, 2002
Friend has $1K for an entirely new system, including monitor+probably peripherals (minus video card). She wants it within the month, and would like some sort of future expandability.

Barton 2500+ on NF7-S (about $170)
A64 3200+ on KV8 (about $430)

Not sure of the performance gains on the A64, but it doesn't look like much, considering the fact that there's no dual channel support with the clawhammer. Though, I don't really know much about the A64 chips, so someone who does know care to help me on this?
She going to game or merely surf/word process? Does she need it to do heavy crunching such as cad/cam etc?
The A64 outperforms the XP quite nicely and will definately be more future proof (though the replacement for the A64 should be out by say May - the new socket 939 that is...)
What not include the vid card? or you giving her your old one?
Originally posted by HvyMtl
She going to game or merely surf/word process? Does she need it to do heavy crunching such as cad/cam etc?
The A64 outperforms the XP quite nicely and will definately be more future proof (though the replacement for the A64 should be out by say May - the new socket 939 that is...)
What not include the vid card? or you giving her your old one?

Probably light gaming, no cad or rendering, etc.

The future-proof bit concerned me, because from what I've seen, socket 754 looks like it'll be relegated to the Duron replacement line.

And she wants to keep her FX5200...:eek: I keep telling her to go with a 9600XT, lol.
A Barton system would probably be more than enough for her. Does anyone except the hard core REALLY need an Athlon 64 bit system for the time being? I want one though! ;)
If just light gaming and nothing intensive, get her a Barton. The A64 today will be outdated in a few months anyway, and unless your definition of 'future prrof' is 'future proof for 3 months' I don't really see a reason to buy the A64. She doesn't sound like she's gonna do anything that'd stress the Barton too much.

Barton, cheaper, powerful, it's still good. And who cares about vid card anyway if she's not really into gaming? Why spend $200 on a new vid card if she plays once in a while?