Quick Yay or Nay poll on Medal Of Honor please

Medal Of Honor worth 24.99

  • Yay

    Votes: 17 16.7%
  • Nay

    Votes: 85 83.3%

  • Total voters


[H]F Junkie
Jul 26, 2005
Today is the last day of a sale on Medal of Honor at G2P for 24.99. I'm not advertising I just wanna hear from anyone that's actually bought the game whether it's worth it. I'm not really interested the Single player I'd be playing Multiplayer only.

Is it worth grabbing for 24.99? Yay or Nay?
The game is terrible...

not even worth 25 bucks for SP, MP is the worse part of all...
i'm not voting, since i've only experienced the MP beta. but i will say that i'm waiting until it falls to around the $15 mark. also, what the hell is G2P?
i'm not voting, since i've only experienced the MP beta. but i will say that i'm waiting until it falls to around the $15 mark. also, what the hell is G2P?

Don't listen to this guy it falls under the $0 mark, actually I wouldn't take this piece of shit for free.

The multi-player is pretty bad. Not worth paying for at all. Just get Battlefield: Bad Company 2. It's on sale at eastore.com for 15 bucks, and is well worth that price. Much better game.
Wait at least until the new COD comes out. Then ask another yay or nay, and hopefully it's yay. ;)
I really don't get all the hate on this game! I really enjoyed it..! Alot!!

The multi-player is pretty bad. Not worth paying for at all. Just get Battlefield: Bad Company 2. It's on sale at eastore.com for 15 bucks, and is well worth that price. Much better game.

Thats my problem I've been playing BC2 for months and months. Ready to move on.
meh, i can think of worse ways to spend $25. the single player is fun if you're just looking to hold down the "fire" button for about 4 hours.
When its dirt cheap on Steam ( around 9.99 or lower) its worth it. But it won't be for a long time , its a pass right now.
Thats my problem I've been playing BC2 for months and months. Ready to move on.

Then you'll hate MoH. It has the same basic feel as BC2 (multi-player wise), but it's executed much much worse. You'll feel like you are playing a bad Chinese rip off of BC2. So it's not going to give you that "fresh" feeling you seem to be looking for. Sorry. Just stick it out and wait for COD: BO or BF3 (assuming they will be any better).

Or hit up the multitude of sales right now and pick up something other than a modern shooter. Steams got all kinds of salty goodness on sale from Ghostbusters to L4D1&2 to Stalker to TF2 to Deadspace to Bioshock to Devil May Cry 4 to RE5 to AvP Etc. If none of those blow your skirt up, you could always try out some new releases like Fallout: NV or Lost Planet 2 (though they'll cost you a bit more). If you HAVE to get your FPS fix, then you could break up the BC2 monotony by mixing in some classic FPS titles like CS:S or the aforementioned TF2 and L4D.

That's about all I got for ya.
No. It's another millitary shooter with less stuff than the others. Plus they took out the only reason to play it.

Your mother falls under the $0 mark.

You missed out FACE. it goes ITEM/YOU/FACE/MOTHER/COMPUTER etc. Seriously peoples debating skills fall under the $0 mark.
Thats my problem I've been playing BC2 for months and months. Ready to move on.

Same exact game but worse than BC2 in every way. I'm sorta weirded out that DICE made the multiplayer portion of it because it really is worse in every way shape or form than BC2.

Wait until Black ops or just play TF2 if you need a change of pace.
Wow. The game is THAT bad, that even at $25 60 vs10 say no? Geez.
This says it all:
This game... wow. What an incredible disappointment. It is the first Medal of Honor I've played that feels so unfinished, so not polished, and just so all bark and no bite. This game sucks. My first sign had to have been the broken Xbox 360 Medal of Honor Beta launch. I never played the beta from that massive screw up.

That being said... I honestly thought DICE would only improve on their proven Battlefield formula for fun, explosions, and lot's of guns only on a more serious note. How could it have gone SO WRONG? Well, let's begin.

The single player is short and so predictable while being so square jawed, it feels like a crappy fps version of the most garbage patriotic movie of your choice. So predictable and full of itself I found myself rolling my eyes at the cinematics. The bots break freezing the level in time, they glitch out on scripted events, constantly ruin your shots by running ahead for no reason... and won't shut up while having horrible animation such as talking without moving their lips. Phenomenal. The levels feel more like a chore then an "intense" or "action" filled experience. The "gore" is laughable. Oy. Then there is the not at all fun tier 1 mode for replay value with no resupply and no checkpoints all by yourself through single player... again... woo hoo... No excuse for a lack of co-op through this craptastic adventure of mediocrity.

The multiplayer. I loved Rainbow 6 for tactics. I loved Battlefield for destruction. I loved Call of Duty for fast Intense game play. Medal of Honor makes me stare at my television in a trance much like that after you realized you just saw something unspeakable. Your mind cannot process what the hell just happened. It looks so promising at the main screen... then you play. 3 similar classes with a few weapons, and a broken shotgun. First of all, Narrow maps, coupled with 1 shot kills from pretty much any weapon is not a good idea. Not being able to distinguish who is on your team from a friendly party (ever) and who is public or an enemy at range, also not a good idea. The enemy and allies are hard as can be imagined to see, the lag allows for hits well after the player's model is behind cover, the vehicle is worthless (yes vehicle, as in one), and 1 shot kills coupled with not releasing your killers position, ever, even if spawn killing is not a good idea... this all combines for one boring, annoying, and just frustrating experience. I also enjoy the SEVERE lack of destruction from the frostbite engine during this abomination... The same Engine Bad Company 2 uses you say? Use the options you have, you say? Well friend, there are no options. Wall in your way? Tough. You wanna use physics against structures or cover? Suck it. Need to calculate your RPG/AT4/Sniper Rifles trajectory? Don't bother. I LOVE (sarcastic) How NOTHING HAS RECOIL/LEAD. Phenomenal. Ultra Realistic damage without ANY Realistic recoil and/or trajectory. Everyone knows the best Snipers use Laser Guns. RPG's and AT4's always fly straight for forever. I bet if someone used an RPG from Spain and aimed carefully they could hit the statue of liberty's eye, well... in MOH. But it's ok. If you get a couple of kills you get a kiddy version of the Modern Warfare Kill streak rewards, except they're boring, broken, and ineffective! hooray!...

So in conclusion, You are not alone my friend in thinking the new MOH sucks. Myself and many others have the limited edition of a game which is destined to flood Gamestop used shelves on November 9th to biblical proportions. I can only hope my trade is worth a little and my rant will prevent the sales of this shitty game. Congrats EA; you have effectively lowered the bar. Future game developers will breath a sigh of relief saying, hey, at least it wasn't the Tier **** game, "Medal of Honor".
Wow. The game is THAT bad, that even at $25 60 vs10 say no? Geez.

It's just that it is redundant. It's basically BC2, but not as good. No point to getting it.

Most are sheep...

(quickly puts on flame resistant suit)

I actually agree. Most of them have played probably the first beta, some even the second but most none the full game.

OP said he wasn't interested in the Single Player. With that in mind, people's experience with the Multi-Player in the Beta is pretty valid. If he was only interested in the Single Player, then it might be worth throwing down 25 bucks (probably not, feels more like a "buy at $9.99" type of thing), but for the Multi-Player? Nah. Plus, he already plays BC2, which is basically a better executed and more well rounded version of MoH. I just don't see the point for him to get the game (nor anyone only interested in the Multi-Player with BC2 going for 15 bucks).

If BC2 didn't exist, you'd probably see a lot more "Yay's". But it does exist. No point putting down hard earned cash for an inferior product to something that is going for $10 less, especially when it's just a poorly done carbon copy. The game doesn't exist in a vacuum.
Lots a bitchin but I enjoyed the single player portion. It did seem maybe about an hour short but it was still fun enough to play through a few times and get my bucks worth. I hate playing MP so thats a non issue for me.
Thanks I didnt expect that many NAY responses, the game got pretty good reviews. I guess I'll just ignore it. Hope I'm not missing anything.
Most are sheep...

(quickly puts on flame resistant suit)

^^ I usually see this kind of comment for the exact opposite of this kind of situation.

The opposite being: Where you have an incredibly overhyped product that "everyone" is on the bandwagon for.