Quick Zalman VF1000 question


Feb 12, 2006
I'm currently waiting on delivery of a Zalman VF1000 and an 8800GTX. I'm curious about the fan connector for the fan on the VF1000. If I didn't use the fanmate, can I plug the fan connector directly to the video card, or does this fan require a mobo header? And even if I had to connect to the mobo, I assume I can opt out of using the fanmate? The fan would just default to full speed, correct?

I probably will end up using the fanmate, but I'm just thinking about what options I have for different connections.
If it's anything like the VF700 then you can just plug the fan into the mobo and it'll run at a sustained speed. (unless you modify the RPM output through the BIOS) I had the VF700 on my 7800GT and it couldn't plug directly into the card. The fan lead on the card is not the same as the lead on the VF.
Thanks! That's what I was thinking, but it was hard to tell from review photos which didn't show the fan connector that well.