Quicktime 7 released

Black Morty Rackham said:
omg QT7 for panther confirmed!!1one

Yup, downloaded it on my parents Mac mini this morning, never got a chance to use it.

I shall download the XP one later today and give it a try at work.
QT7 is a rather huge upgrade, but I can't recall any specifics. Mostly under-the-hood improvements. H.264, obviously...
Anyone tried the Hd Gallery on the quicktime website? Talk about hogging system resources . . . . my brand new iBook will hardly run it. But then again, it does say you need a G4 to play the movies lol.
H.264 fucking rocks. At 1MBps, it's damn near lossless at 1080p resolution. That was too much for this 1.6GHz G5, though... but at least 720p played back well. Damn! I won't be able to watch another DVD!
Black Morty Rackham said:
H.264 fucking rocks. At 1MBps, it's damn near lossless at 1080p resolution. That was too much for this 1.6GHz G5, though... but at least 720p played back well. Damn! I won't be able to watch another DVD!

Where'd you find a 1080p movie? The best I see on Apple's quicktime site are 720p (1080x720 vertical res)

EDIT: Nevermind, I see you can download it.
I just tried the batman one on my production box and that is amazing...now I just need to figure out how to rip my DVDs into H2.64 and I will be set!!

Sheesh I can't run 1080p on my 1.5 PB driving an ACD :(. I need QT7 for Win to be released to see how my PC can handle it.
[RANT] I still think Quick time sucks.... How they lure you in to buy Pro to get basic things like "Full Screen"

What the hell is that? Thats why I hate Mac people and Steve Jobs.

Come on... I mean is the ability to make a movie Full Screen worth 30$? something they couldnt give you for free?
Im glad Gates screwed over jobs back in the day. Jobs is a real prick

or perhaps it could be apple invests so much in R and D, more then anyone i've hard of (according to an article i read a while ago). so you can go grab winbloz with it's 200% markup (yay) or OSX tiger for $39.99 if you're smart (like me ;) ).

actually, yeah, i'd love to see windows media player use OpenGL to play back video and do so for free, that would be fun... i guess i'll wait two years for longhorn? why bother.

let me say this once more... apple, those crazy guys, actually released an OS that can utilize the awesome power of a say current video card, ALL THE TIME, not just in games... hence the H.264... should it be free? no. should they limit full screen viewing... well... they already did not too long ago on lots of previews. is $29.99 going to break the bank? no. can i create almost lossless compressed video for free with windows media player... well there's wmv but comparing a codec like that to H.264 seems a little unfair. so, to quote some old farmer i know ' you get what you pay for ', and it's a safe bet that someone who plays back content at full screen might just want to be able to encode their own videos too.

and $29.99, as mentioned, isn't going to break the bank... im still looking for a comparable windows app that can do what quicktime can for the same cost, or free, in a single app...

I can understand where you are comming from. But I mean like Options like "full screen"

why is that not included for free? thats where I see the rip off.
I dunno. it's like buying an OS which isn't very well written and having to buy a firewall to protect it until microsoft get's it and includes a firewall a few years later. sure, it should have been included in windows 98 for free, but i had to pay for black ice. anywho, the point i was hitting at is that quicktime 7 pro is damn near amazing for $30, like... apple spent a lot of time R and Ding the F' out of it, and wants to provoke people into buying it. I for one can stand to loose $30 to be able to encode videos and the like in their new codec, or take advantage of other cool stuff offered by quicktime 7. so yeah, it should have full screen, but like i mentioned, apple has religated the full screen play back ability to the pro version on trailers before so this step didn't seem that odd to me... and they get it. I want to see full screen... i might not have considered buying pro and in fact, while on winbloz just used a keygen, but i'll spend that $30 this time to do it, and to play with the other advanced features I wouldn't have otherwise been exposed to... it's wierd, i'm on the fence, yes it should be there and yes the full quicktime is worth $30

The point is that all the necessary libraries to run full-screen are already in OSX. You pay $30 to get access to them.

Also, there are free utilities to encode in H.264. The codec has been around for a while and it's becoming the industry standard for HD videos.

I'm sure that Pro has plenty of other editing features that make it a worthy upgrade, but cripes-- not allowing full screen video is simply ridiculous.
I'm not so sure on how well the Quicktime 7 codec for h.264 is.. there have been reports of it not playing things back properly that were encoded using x264, something to do with B frames, and B Pyramid. At any rate, I'll keep waiting until more codec developement is done, personally, I want something better then Nero Digital.
Black Morty Rackham said:
H.264 fucking rocks. At 1MBps, it's damn near lossless at 1080p resolution. That was too much for this 1.6GHz G5, though... but at least 720p played back well. Damn! I won't be able to watch another DVD!


My 1.25ghz mini just about copes with 720, but sadly it's not quite silky (not necessarily what I'd call stuttery either though, unlike my 800mhz iBook).

I've just been watching The Batman and Kingdom of Heaven 720 trailers repeatedly for the last half-hour, man that's some pretty shit.

WMVHD is so totally owned it isn't even funny.

Bring on the windows version, so I can let my 3800+ have go.
USMC2Hard4U said:
[RANT] I still think Quick time sucks.... How they lure you in to buy Pro to get basic things like "Full Screen"

What the hell is that? Thats why I hate Mac people and Steve Jobs.

Come on... I mean is the ability to make a movie Full Screen worth 30$? something they couldnt give you for free?
Im glad Gates screwed over jobs back in the day. Jobs is a real prick

Worst. Rant. Ever. We all know it sucks that you have to pay $30 to get full screen, but you have!to use QTP. QuickTime kicks ass, because it's an entire API. Don't want to pay money for full screen? Write your own "QuickTime Player" with it enabled. Should take you, what, half an hour? ;)

I'm sure that Pro has plenty of other editing features that make it a worthy upgrade, but cripes-- not allowing full screen video is simply ridiculous.
Well yes.

Oh, there's also these:

This is a single-pass H.264 encoding. I guess with more passes, the quality will improve with no bitrate hit.
H.264 Sucks on my iBook.

I like how Jobs screwd everyone over again who dosent have a 3000$ powermac to run his software. I am supprised he didnt make Tiger G5 only to try and increase sales of the iMac and powermacs :rolleyes:

His ethics are less than stealler and you have to agree with me, Machead or not...
For the record my lowend PC an 1.4ghz athlon, can't play that 1080p content either... so he isn't really screwing everyone
KarFai said:
For the record my lowend PC an 1.4ghz athlon, can't play that 1080p content either... so he isn't really screwing everyone
I think thats a Bit different. Since the high End powermacs are 2000 - 3000$ and a New High End PC you can build for 1000 - 1500.
USMC2Hard4U said:
I think thats a Bit different. Since the high End powermacs are 2000 - 3000$ and a New High End PC you can build for 1000 - 1500.
If you think Macs suck so badly, why did you get one? Sheesh... :rolleyes:

H.264 Sucks on my iBook.

I like how Jobs screwd everyone over again who dosent have a 3000$ powermac to run his software. I am supprised he didnt make Tiger G5 only to try and increase sales of the iMac and powermacs

His ethics are less than stealler and you have to agree with me, Machead or not...
His ethics are irrelevant. Good luck playing back any 720p content of that quality on a machine similar to the iBook. It's not H.264 that sucks, it's the fact that those clips Apple posted are huge. 720p plays beautifully on a 1.6GHz G5 that's nearly two years old.

Quit bitching, in other words.
I agree and stick by my always good saying:

if you don't like it, don't use it, your not hurting anyone by doing so.
Black Morty Rackham said:
If you think Macs suck so badly, why did you get one? Sheesh... :rolleyes:
I love my iBook. iBook + Panther is Drools....

But in effect what they did with Tiger is make all low end models Obsolete. Which sucks hard. I mean you can use it, and stuff, but not to its full effect. When we just bought the iBook 5 months ago. They should have been planing for "core image" and stuff a long time back, equiping even the low end models with enough video memory to have it work property. So when Tiger did come out, everyone would be happy. It makes no sence to update their hardware "iBooks" after Tiger comes out. What kind of thinking is that?
Also Same goes for their marketing with anything that they have. They will let you buy a iMac model the day before It gets outdated. And the next day, have a completly new line of product at the same price.... WTF IS THAT? Horrible. Then theirs nothing you can do.I hate all this hush hush that apple does. I guess im just used to the PC world of freedom. And not used to this mac "being locked in" to 1 style of doinng things.

But I do love my iBook. <3 iBook
they are going to be introducing new hardware this week for sure. I would not be surpised if they came out with new eMacs, iMacs, and iBooks all on the same day. Which would be this Tuesday.

Lets see if I am right. :D
USMC2Hard4U said:
I love my iBook. iBook + Panther is Drools....
So why are you bitching?

But in effect what they did with Tiger is make all low end models Obsolete. Which sucks hard. I mean you can use it, and stuff, but not to its full effect. When we just bought the iBook 5 months ago. They should have been planing for "core image" and stuff a long time back, equiping even the low end models with enough video memory to have it work property. So when Tiger did come out, everyone would be happy. It makes no sence to update their hardware "iBooks" after Tiger comes out. What kind of thinking is that?
How do you mean? Tiger does in no way make your iBook obsolete. Your machine is 100% Core Image compatible. But you will never use Core Image, so why do you even care? It won't make browsing Teh Intarweb faster, it won't improve your FPS in Unreal. Bah. Core Image isn't overhyped, as such... it's great for those who will use it. But for those who won't, it doesn't make a difference. Or are you just whining about not seeing the damned ripples?

Also Same goes for their marketing with anything that they have. They will let you buy a iMac model the day before It gets outdated. And the next day, have a completly new line of product at the same price.... WTF IS THAT? Horrible. Then theirs nothing you can do.I hate all this hush hush that apple does. I guess im just used to the PC world of freedom. And not used to this mac "being locked in" to 1 style of doinng things.
Oh, yeah, and the fact that they often refund people who buy hardware right before an upgrade the price difference just means they're more evil.
sorry, but i'm a bit confused. will this new QT HD codec be viewable on winxp when the windows version is available? I'd love to see this on my 1920x1200 screen. :D

if you tried to play h.264 content ON A PC with roughly similar specs to your ibook, it would choke, gag, and barf on it as bad or worse. You dont understand how CPU intensive it is to fool around with HD video. The platform is pretty much not the issue.

This can be tested when they get QT for winders out. Lets have some PC notebooks play that stuff. They wont fare any better than your iBook, and probably worse.

full screen HD video is the bleeding edge. You just cant expect what you are expecting. An iBook is a entry level portable Mac. It's for websurfing and emailing and such.
The_Engineer said:
sorry, but i'm a bit confused. will this new QT HD codec be viewable on winxp when the windows version is available? I'd love to see this on my 1920x1200 screen. :D
Most likely, yes. Seems kind of stupid to want to spread a codec and then not release it for Windows...

full screen HD video is the bleeding edge. You just cant expect what you are expecting. An iBook is a entry level portable Mac. It's for websurfing and emailing and such.
And it's definitely not for playing back video at a higher resolution than the iBook's display has...
grumble, full res HD doesn't even play well on the PB... grumble.

playing back HD content isn't just about how fast the cpu is. I've been able to playback 720p XviD HDTV movies with bitrates around 5.5mbit on my Xbox (celeron 733mhz, 64mb ram, basically a geforce3 video card) with the only stuttering/frame loss being in intense action scenes. Why? Because the software I'm using on the Xbox (XboxMediaCenter, XBMC) uses mplayer, and a highly optimized mplayer at that. HD playback is just as much hardware as it is software- and I bet Quicktime could be optimized a LOT better for playback, especially since the target audience is so limited for it hardware wise, based on the compliants I've read.

Perhaps a new version of Mplayer OS X will be out soon that supports playing back Apple's h264 implementation...