Quit WoW is CoV gonna be boring?


Limp Gawd
Oct 16, 2004
Bottom line: I quit WoW, got old, getting City of Villains, is it gonna bore me after playing WoW for 6 months?
MONST3R said:
Bottom line: I quit WoW, got old, getting City of Villains, is it gonna bore me after playing WoW for 6 months?
Short answer: Yes.

Long Answer: Yes, it will after awhile, depending on how you "like your games". You may become enthralled by CoV/CoH's gameplay style, like most all of us are the first time we play it. If you played WoW for 6 months, depending on how far you progressed, you'll most likely get bored with CoV fairly early.

If, for those six months you played WoW, you made one level or close-to-level 60 character, you may be playing CoV for a couple of months. If, in those six months, you made 5 level 60 characters, you'll stop playing CoV within the first two weeks, because you'll have seen all of the features and excitement it offers.

There is always that small chance that CoV will be your "soul mate" game, and you'll be able to play it forever and ever, like it used to be with me and FFXI. I hated grinding in every other game (EQ, EQ II, etc.) but for some reason, FFXI's style and society grabbed me by the heart and pulled me in, until I had to force myself away. Everyone [hopefully] has at least one game they 'click' with, but I'm 99% sure it isn't CoV/CoH for you.
i've been playing coh for over a year and half and cov since it came out. I personally really enjoy them, at tiems thigns have gotten dull, but the best part of the game is the variety within the archtypes, and how you can tailor your characters abilities how you want with the whole slotting / enhancment system. I'm really into the pvp also, although it is kinda an addition rather than something built into the game. But its a lot of fun, especially dealing with all the different types of characters other people make and how much of a difference good teamwork makes in pvp.

Then again i've never played any other mmo's.
I quit WoW, bought CoV to tide me over till DDO, played CoV for 30 minutes the day I got it and never played it again. Having more fun playing Farcry and NWN. WoW is a much better game but WoW is now boring.
I too have played CoH since it came out, and now CoV since it went live as well. I am still having fun, but so much of your gaming experience is determined by how you play, why you play, and who you play with.

EVERY MMO has a grind factor. It is really about finding the one, as a genre, that interests you enough not to notice it. For me, CoH/CoV do that, and the folks that I play with keep it fun. You really need to play, be a part of a regular group, and go through some of the story arcs and other content to make an informed decision.

But, all that said, there is a lot to like in the two games.
I preordered CoV, thinking I would get back into MMORPG's. I had played SWG for awhile and sorta liked it, so I thought CoV had to be better. I played through the beta and felt it was alright, but I didn't see much point. After the beta I got the game in the mail (hooray). It has been sitting on my shelf ever since and has never been installed. I guess that says how much the beta pulled me into the game (for the slow ones out there, the game didn't intrigue me at all).
I played for a long time and took like a 2 month break and focused on HL2 mods and BF2. Then I got COV after being a COH player, and I seriously played for about 1 hour and it actually made me want to play WoW . I went back to WoW and realized how awsome it is. Im sure i'll take a break again once UT2K7 drops. I say if you have COH already, just start playing that again and pvp agains all the villains. I don't think COV has enough more than COH to matter.
I to played wow for about 6 months....Got CoV and returned it the next day :( ...Luckily the guy at gamestop let me exchange it, even though i had opened it...Pretty cool of him if you ask me :) After playing wow i was ruined for CoV.
I started playing CoV after a year of playing CoH, and have pretty much stuck with CoV, mostly because the villains powers have not yet been nerfed like the hero powers have been, i think i might have another few months of CoV in me, then i will have to quit, because i am sure a massive nerf of villain abilities is coming.