Quite case?


Limp Gawd
Jun 17, 2003
Are there any cases that are more quite than others? perhaps with sound proofing or something?

Or maybe a brand of quite fans?
Its actually spelt "Quiet"

that aside, take a look at the Antec Sonata II, Solo, they are all great cases Ive owned. The Sonata in particular has been around forever and is a classic. I haven't owned any other brands, so I'm sure someone else will chime in.
And maybe you shouldn't rag on people for spelling errors while having one of your own :cool:.
Spelt is actually spelled...

Anyway, maybe an Antec p180, it's marketed as a quiet case. Co-developed by the guys @ SPCR. Beyond that, maybe search the case & cooling forum for "quiet case" or something along those lines.

[edit] @ Below, I stand corrected, seems dictionary.com agrees w/ you. I suppose this is yet another English English vs American English idiosyncrasy I guess. I've British blood, but born and raised in the 'States', as you could certainly guess ;).
And maybe you shouldn't rag on people for spelling errors while having one of your own :cool:.
Spelt is actually spelled...
could go either way actually. spelled is the more American way to go, though

But, to the topic at hand, I think Antec's whole P-Whatchamacallit line prides itself on quiet. The Solo and P-150 I'd say were the most purpose built of them all for that task.
Thanks for the backup on the spelling thing JinxyBoi. Spelled really is a terrible american-butchery. And considering I'm Canadian (more British spellings), I think Im ok.

The P-180 is a great case too, a few friends are using it and love the sound padding