Radeon 4360 no HDMI display to TV


Nov 10, 2002
So my HTPC with a Radeon 4650 worked perfectly fine with HDMI to my Sony Bravia tv, sound even worked over HDMI.

I brought my HTPC to my friends and cannot get signal through HDMI properly. She has a Phillips 42" 720p TV, not sure on the model.

If I uninstall the video card drivers from Device Manager and reboot, I do get signal over HDMI to the TV, just not sound. If I install a driver through Windows Update and reboot, I no longer get signal.

I tried the latest Catilyst drivers, but have the same exact issue. I hooked a monitor up with DVI and left the TV connected through HDMI and the monitor gets signal, but the TV doesnt. Whent I detect displays, it will only detect the monitor and not the TV.

Also, Windows 7 Home 32bit

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