Rage sucks

And despite 42 pages of people saying it is bad, repeated panning on various review sites; it is #2 on Steam (at full $60) just behind the 50% sale of Portal 2. Talk about mixed messages to Zenimax!
And despite 42 pages of people saying it is bad, repeated panning on various review sites; it is #2 on Steam (at full $60) just behind the 50% sale of Portal 2. Talk about mixed messages to Zenimax!


Either people are willing to settle and play shit games, and/or despite all the complaining, there's something redeeming about the game in some way, perhaps the gameplay, that's just being overshadowed by the uproar over the technical issues.

Which one is more likely in this case, I wonder...

I've watched just about every vid, read just about every review, and there are some definite inexcusable bad things about the game, such as no PC settings etc. However, while the gameplay doesn't reinvent the wheel, it looks like it could potentially be a bit of fun, though how much, I've no idea, since no one is really mentioning anything about that objectively.

I actually cancelled my pre-order a month before launch based on just a "gut feeling", and it would seem I was right in that feeling, though why so many are suffering and struggling to play through it, baffles me.

Perhaps to "justify" their purchase, or just out of spite since they're stuck with it if they pre-ordered... or, perhaps it's a little more enjoyable than what many are saying? No idea.
And despite 42 pages of people saying it is bad, repeated panning on various review sites; it is #2 on Steam (at full $60) just behind the 50% sale of Portal 2. Talk about mixed messages to Zenimax!

Because despite all our disapproval and frustration , Joe Average doesn't read the Hardforum , he doesn't read a dozen reviews to get a general idea if its worth his money. He gets on , see's that its been released and thinks "Wow , those are the guys that did Doom and Quake right? Sold". These are the same people who buy Call of Duty each year without reading a single preview or review. Most people are impulsive buyers , so the message that gets sent to these publishers and developers is "Lots of folks bought it and a small portion of them found the experience below average and frustrating. Green lit for a sequel confirmed. Congratulations Id".

As long as Sales stay strong the status quo will be observed.
the gameplay is fun but the story / world is a bit bland. it throws you into shit so fast with no real set up.


LOL...he said that? He hasn't come out with anything decent since the UT series, and even UT3 was not amazing compared to the others.

I don't think pumping out the same generic console bullshit over and over makes you even remotely an innovator like the fictional character Tony Stark.

Depends on which Tony Stark he's talking about,the character does seem to have a split personality. Maybe he means the alcoholic control freak who plunged the whole Marvel universe into civil war and got Captain America killed (temporarily,at least).
I remember seeing the first teaser trailer for RAGE like 2 years ago when I first started getting into fallout 3 and also around the time borderlands came out. I was really enjoying both FO3 and borderlands, so when I saw that RAGE teaser I instantly loved it. After waiting this long and being as excited as I was for so long I had to pick it up. Had it been another game with this many bugs, at launch, I would have just requested a refund and said screw this mess, but I didnt and now that I got it performing almost perfectly I am glad that I did. I have only just started playing since it took me all day yesterday to get it to a playable state, but I am still excited about it. I never thought that it was going to be game of the year or anything, but if it can keep me entertained for a while I will consider it money well spent.
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the gameplay is fun but the story / world is a bit bland. it throws you into shit so fast with no real set up.



The story sucks. However, let us be realistic. It's an id game. I've yet to play an id game with a story worth caring about, and i'm fairly certain everyone buying Rage didn't buy it for a story.

I enjoy the game a lot. The graphics i'm seeing in game are pretty much spot on to the pre-release videos/screenshots I saw on the Steam store page. I was never expecting a game that would push visual barriers. The gameplay is what this game excels at, and it rocks out the fundamentals of what makes a good FPS. The weapons 'feel' good. Cool ammo choices and upgrades. Cool items like the boomarang thing, or the walking sentry turrets. The vehicle combat is an absolute riot. The game seems to have a decent length to it as well assuming one does all the side missions.

One of my favorite side missions right now is the mutant TV thing where you go through the obstacle course killing shitloads of mutants. It's not anything groundbreaking, but due how the AI does random stuff from creature to creature it makes for a fun experiance.

If gameplay is what you care about then this game is worth getting. If you want a graphics benchmark then look elsewhere. That being said, when the game is in motion it looks better then most multiplatform titles i've seen coming out lately. The character animations are probably the best i've seen in a game lately as well. Much more fluid and lively.
I just used the basic cfg tweak to get the game running fine. No real texture popping except right after the load (same as Borderlands, really), and the only real issue I had with the stock game was the texture LODs being funky sometimes, but now I don't notice that problem. But the textures still look like complete ass up-close. Amazing from far away, but up close...crap.

Also, the tearing in this game is AWFUL, and there's no V-Sync setting apparently.

The story sucks. However, let us be realistic. It's an id game. I've yet to play an id game with a story worth caring about, and i'm fairly certain everyone buying Rage didn't buy it for a story.

I thought Doom 3 had an okay story...Couldn't you read things and find little clues as to what happened?
I just used the basic cfg tweak to get the game running fine. No real texture popping except right after the load (same as Borderlands, really), and the only real issue I had with the stock game was the texture LODs being funky sometimes, but now I don't notice that problem. But the textures still look like complete ass up-close. Amazing from far away, but up close...crap.

Also, the tearing in this game is AWFUL, and there's no V-Sync setting apparently.

I thought Doom 3 had an okay story...Couldn't you read things and find little clues as to what happened?

Whats weird is that the engine (on my setup) auto-enabled VSync. When Nvidia released the Rage profile update (That for some reason DISABLED vsync, and nothing more) then obviously I lost Vsync. So I turned the setting back to 'application controlled' and I have no more screen tearing again. So I suggest just forcing vsync / application controlled and that will fix that. Apparently the engine will turn off VSync when it detects the FPS average is going below 60FPS. (Which makes sense. VSync doesn't help much once you go below that frame rate.)
Mirror's Edge used UE3 very well.

Mirrors Edge looks very good with its lighting and textures. It also supports MSAA (very rare for deferred rendering in DX9) and ran insanely well on 3 generation old hardware. The engine isnt't bad, its what you do with it.
Far Cry and windows 7 don't play play well together getting shot at through walls isn't funny, and view distance is crappy for some reason need lots of modding , and I think people here have a better image in there minds about old games more than they really are, go back and play some 2002 - 2005 games and compare them to today's games and tell me what you think.


and let's not forget far cry went through 3 patches until it started looking decent and working properly on nvidia's 6 series cards. don't get me wrong I'm not defending rage, but comparing games of today to 8 years ago is just pushing it :p .
if it were not for all of the graphical glitchs I doubt that people would be this upset....All PC gamers know ID's games are linear.......I thing that makes me not want to mess with this game is a lack of a console out of the box and lack of gfx options.....

Ironic that Doom 4 textures look good and the card only needed 512MB of ram to get those textures
So reading this article here:-


Is the problem with AMD/ATi cards that they cannot decompress the textures?
The article, albeit posted by Nvidia, says that the gpu transcode process uses Cuda.

If this is the case this could be the reason systems using ATi cards (leaving aside driver issues) seem to be struggling.

I mean if you are trying to use higher quality textures then the decompression load is going on to your cpu?
Like Crysis 2 I'm going to wait until lower prices, updated graphic drivers and a patch or 3 to purchase Rage. I refuse to pay $60 console prices for pc games in the state they are released now days.
So reading this article here:-


Is the problem with AMD/ATi cards that they cannot decompress the textures?
The article, albeit posted by Nvidia, says that the gpu transcode process uses Cuda.

If this is the case this could be the reason systems using ATi cards (leaving aside driver issues) seem to be struggling.

I mean if you are trying to use higher quality textures then the decompression load is going on to your cpu?

Sorry link seems to be broken but I had taken a screen shot.



Here are my launch cvars:

+cvaradd g_fov 12 +com_allowconsole 1 +com_skipIntroVideo 1 +image_anisotropy 16 +image_usecompression 0 +g_showplayershadow 1 +m_smooth 0

Increases FOV to 87, allows console with ` , skips video intro, sets AF at 16, doesn't use compression, shows player shadow, and removes mouse acceleration.

This made it look a little bit better to me, textures are still not up to par but they aren't as glaring. Thank god the title can be skipped - that was almost enough to make me not want to play after the 4th time watching it. It plays very smooth for me on my system and they single player gameplay is not bad but so far everything has been really short.

I entered into the first sewer and at the end I was thinking...is that it? Maybe it will get more in depth later on as I progress. Just made it to Wellspring last night and ran out of time.
well its a direct comparison to that doom 3 pic that was showed with rage next to it
The common sentiment from my friends is "It's cool, but if I had the choice, I wouldn't have spent the $60". Too bad.
It might be that this tech is a bit ahead of it's time... I still think megatextures is a neat idea... but at such a low resolution it really kills the experience overall. Such a shame...

Still hopeful for a high res texture pack, even if it's just to know they did actually start out with higher res textures. Also interested in seeing if Doom 4 is what they claim it'll be in terms of being twice as or more detailed...

Some of us are simply more sensitive to visual immersion then others. It influences our overall enjoyment of a game more then it does others. It sucks in a way because if our brains could just somehow not care or notice as much we'd probably have more fun with games in general.
Hey any of you guys that hate your game care to temporarily donate the game to me. I want to try some fixes for the game? I guess it's worth asking. some of you guys seem like you want to burn your game LOL

Besides that, has anyone tried getting crossfire working by forcing crossfire profiles in Radeon pro. My idea would be to try the default profiles listed and if none of them work, some application specific crossfire profiles such as;

Doom 3
Doom 3 ROE
Enemy territory Quake wars etc..

this is vanilla doom 3 ultra

Yeah I figured the other screen shot was modded. Kinda silly to post it on the front page as it was, but it drives the point home. Now it should be noted the community is capable of releasing better looking games then an industry giant, and their new release texture wise is on the same level as a game 6+ years old. Sad id. Sad.
I personally don't like the autodetect settings feature, I'd prefer being able to manually set quality options, such as texture resolution, view distance, effects, and so forth. This game could look a lot different for gamers depending on how the autodetect sets it up for your system.

Wait what? You ant change gfx settings? Well fuck that
Just had an idea that may help with nvidia sli systems.
As sli is not supposed to be supported in Rage then use single gpu mode.
In the nv control panel go to the cuda enabled gpus and just select your second (non display) gpu as cuda enabled.
Then use the rage interface to select gpu transcode. (if you are doing this via a config file select a value of 2 which will force gpu transcode regardless of frame rates)

This should allow one card to be used purely for graphics and the second card to be used for texture decompression.
This game reminds me of Goodfellas. "You can't change the draw distance? Fuck you, play me. You can't change the texture detail? Fuck you, play me...."
Yeah I figured the other screen shot was modded. Kinda silly to post it on the front page as it was, but it drives the point home. Now it should be noted the community is capable of releasing better looking games then an industry giant, and their new release texture wise is on the same level as a game 6+ years old. Sad id. Sad.

Exackery. So a modded game from 6 years ago fully trumps a new out of the box product in 2011.
Well, the AMD driver took care of artifacting, but now I can't play because the game has begun crashing when loading new areas.
Well, the AMD driver took care of artifacting, but now I can't play because the game has begun crashing when loading new areas.

I'm curious to know what happens on the same system but swap the ATI card with a Nvidia card. I would suppose you allready know; ATI doesn't have a good track record with OpenGL games.
Here is a 1080p video on my HD5870 running almost perfectly. No artifacting or graphical glitches and very minimal graphic pop ins. The video looks a little jerky but thats just from capturing the video with fraps in 1080p. The gameplay is smooth as glass and looks damn good too.

game looks good to me! what dont you like? Im sure its 3x better than Duke Nukem, I was sooo dissapointed with this Duke game. RAGE is popular on the console, I cant see it being bad, Carmack is the king of making games like Doom 3 was the best horror game ever played.
game looks good to me! what dont you like? Im sure its 3x better than Duke Nukem, I was sooo dissapointed with this Duke game. RAGE is popular on the console, I cant see it being bad, Carmack is the king of making games like Doom 3 was the best horror game ever played.

You need to expand your prospects if DOOM 3 was the best horror game you've ever played. It was good, provided a few good scares, but I would hardly call it horror.