Rage sucks

That steam forum CFG post made a big difference for me. Some of those commands do nothing (like com_maxfps), but I see a clear improvement in sharpness.
That steam forum CFG post made a big difference for me. Some of those commands do nothing (like com_maxfps), but I see a clear improvement in sharpness.

Tried it in eyefinity yet? Want to see if people are getting the hitching issue im getting.
What is the basic cfg tweak?

So many tweaks around already, I'm trying to find the right one(s) to work.

Just the one that's like:

vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 8192
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 8192
vt_pageimagesizeunique 8192
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 8192
Just the one that's like:

vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 8192
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 8192
vt_pageimagesizeunique 8192
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 8192

Thanks. Still not sure whether to use something like that, or like the ones on the Steam forums.:confused:

Does anyone know... if you haven't pre-ordered the game, do you not have access to all those "extra" areas with supposedly harder enemies, in different sewers/general areas etc.?

Supposedly, you actually miss out on content if you haven't pre-ordered, just certain areas to go in the game, which don't add to the story and aren't anything huge, but still, it's bullshit if what I've heard is true about those areas not being available if you've not pre-ordered.
Well, I only thought that I had all of the graphical artifacts fixed on my HD5870 but as soon as I made it wellspring I instantly noticed several NPC's with flickering artifacts. Apparently alot of people are running into this issue as well. Sigh, I hope they this straightened out soon. This whole spending more time trying to make the game playable, rather than actually playing the game, is getting old.
This whole spending more time trying to make the game playable, rather than actually playing the game, is getting old.
I feel really bad for you and the others. However, on behalf of myself and all the other future bargain bin purchasers, I just want to say thanks, and keep up the good work

Your efforts are making this a worthwhile impulse buy for the rest of us at some point in the future :)
I feel really bad for you and the others. However, on behalf of myself and all the other future bargain bin purchasers, I just want to say thanks, and keep up the good work

Your efforts are making this a worthwhile impulse buy for the rest of us at some point in the future :)

It's OK to think it, but you are not supposed to come out and say it. Sheesh. :p

They will fix the graphics issues in time. Either with a game patch, or a set of drivers, or more likely, both.
It's OK to think it, but you are not supposed to come out and say it. Sheesh. :p

They will fix the graphics issues in time. Either with a game patch, or a set of drivers, or more likely, both.

Or a high res texture pack that doesn't require cuda :-P
I feel really bad for you and the others. However, on behalf of myself and all the other future bargain bin purchasers, I just want to say thanks, and keep up the good work

Your efforts are making this a worthwhile impulse buy for the rest of us at some point in the future :)

I second this, I'm waiting til this game is $10 on a steam sale. MAYBE $15. $60 can suck my jagon. Its gonna be bad enough setting this up to work with my eyefinity, but tweaking every other little graphic settings right now ugh.
Played another couple hours just now and it's progressing, not to bad for a single player game. Not very in depth story so far. maybe it gets better. I hope so so far it's pretty thin. Have had zero performance issues so far but I have been using that one guys cvars.

+cvaradd g_fov 12 +com_allowconsole 1 +com_skipIntroVideo 1 +image_anisotropy 16 +image_usecompression 0 +g_showplayershadow 1 +m_smooth 0
stayed out of this thread to calm down. I am dumbfounded. I fell into the hot tub time machine and i'm back dicking with 5 1/4 floppies and messing with every file i could think of! It is this. you get ripped off and say hey. "You stole my money" No man you must have misplaced it or dropped it! I will help you find it or in this case fix it! I sold this to your buddy and he say's "his works" maybe you are doing something wrong?

Whoa thats one of the most amazing character models I have ever seen. Just beautiful.

Comes close to The Witcher 2 but not as detailed. I still think TW2 has the best character models I've ever seen.
Comes close to The Witcher 2 but not as detailed. I still think TW2 has the best character models I've ever seen.

Ya, the witcher 2 is a beautiful game as well, but it has a real grainy look to it that I dont particularly care for.

Yes thank you! I'm a pc gamer and I as a pc gamer i can do this to fix what you didnt care too. If i am a console gamer I ask? i dont have access to what you are asking me to remedy a solution. Is this on gfwl? or psn network?

If the graphics driver supports a so called "swap-tear" extension then RAGE will use it and RAGE will V-sync when running >= 60 FPS and RAGE will tear when < 60 FPS. Unfortunately at the release of RAGE, none of the graphics drivers have the "swap-tear" extension enabled.
this is fucking laughable. AMD and NVIDIA screwed you guys not us!
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Yes thank you! I'm a pc gamer and I as a pc gamer i can do this to fix what you didnt care too. If i am a console gamer I ask? i dont have access to what you are asking me to remedy a solution. Is this on gfwl? or psn network?

If the graphics driver supports a so called "swap-tear" extension then RAGE will use it and RAGE will V-sync when running >= 60 FPS and RAGE will tear when < 60 FPS. Unfortunately at the release of RAGE, none of the graphics drivers have the "swap-tear" extension enabled.
this is fucking laughable. AMD and NVIDIA screwed you guys not us!

If I may play Devil's advocate for a minute, you could also wonder why they still released Rage if the drivers available didn't have it enabled. It would make one how couldn't they have known. But interesting comment.
If I may play Devil's advocate for a minute, you could also wonder why they still released Rage if the drivers available didn't have it enabled. It would make one how couldn't they have known. But interesting comment.

id did know. it is their code! they blamed the gpu makers. we now know different dont we? 60 FPS and RAGE will tear when
All I did was "force on" vsync in nvidia control panel and enable triple buffering. No tearing whatsoever. And I forced high res textures in the cfg. Looks great, no tearing.
All I did was "force on" vsync in nvidia control panel and enable triple buffering. No tearing whatsoever. And I forced high res textures in the cfg. Looks great, no tearing.

yeah i get that. I personally feel on a new engine with modern dx11 card. I cant be happy.
Holy crap....

This game is hard to play. =/ Feels choppy even with my setup (see sig). Even though the FPS feels solid, the gameplay itself feels choppy.

I feel terrible for spending $60 on this. :(
Man just browsing through this thread, it reminds me of Fallout games on that awful Gamebryo engine. Guess I'll wait until everything gets ironed out or the price significantly drops before I pick this game up.
yeah i get that. I personally feel on a new engine with modern dx11 card. I cant be happy.

Well technically dx11 has nothing to do with rage since its openGL, but yeah the horsepower behind the cards in general should not be forcing the game to auto adjust the visuals so much.
Man just browsing through this thread, it reminds me of Fallout games on that awful Gamebryo engine. Guess I'll wait until everything gets ironed out or the price significantly drops before I pick this game up.

That would be wise given this game is in bad shape for pc. I hope it will improve. it gets boring after a couple of hours. You cant fix that. LOL
If I may... Do any so-called PC gamers here remember this?

"Z_malloc: failed on allocation of 64024 bytes"

If you don't, turn in your gamer card. Games getting released with rather serious bugs is nothing new. Give them a chance to patch this.

Isn't that a 3D texture allocation error? I remember those but I don't recall from what games...

To those that do not remember, this was a memory allocation bug in Doom 1.1. After playing for two levels, you would suffer this crash. In addition, there was also the crushing ceiling bug. If you saved a game with crushing ceilings stopped, their stopped position would be the new maximum movement height, causing certain areas to become impassible after loading. The Z_malloc failure was fixed in version 1.2, the crushing ceiling glitch was no fixed until version 1.666 if I remember correctly.

Now I'm not posting this to excuse anything but rather to simply put some perspective on games and bugs and how long bugs - and I mean serious ones - have plagued games.
not to mention that the old DOS games were hard to find bugs in, especially DN3d and doom since they were games that you didn't have to explore the whole level map to complete them and often the bugged sections would get over looked by many
Eyefinity in this is a bit strange, seems 5760x1080 yields 16:3 according to the options, that results in your view being more zoomed in, only really noticed it after i seen other screenshots and noticed i wasnt able to see as much of my shotgun.


Should be able to see much futher back on the gun than i am currently.

Also having weird glitches with interiors in some areas turning grey like the empty space in a room is filled with a grey texture for several seconds at a time.
Eyefinity in this is a bit strange, seems 5760x1080 yields 16:3 according to the options, that results in your view being more zoomed in, only really noticed it after i seen other screenshots and noticed i wasnt able to see as much of my shotgun.


Should be able to see much futher back on the gun than i am currently.

Also having weird glitches with interiors in some areas turning grey like the empty space in a room is filled with a grey texture for several seconds at a time.

1) adjust your FOV +15 and that will fix the photo you show.....see widescreengamingforums for the formula code.

2) I see those gray areas alot. I saw them most noteably in the hotel level early on.
When you get to the town with the car races, you'll see the interiors are a faded green-washed out color.
I think its a way to elimanate showing all the textures except in the direct FOV. It sucks big time and I don't think it's a glitch.
I'm still getting shit-quality textures even after a pretty lengthy CFG edit, but atleast there's no texture popping here.
1) adjust your FOV +15 and that will fix the photo you show.....see widescreengamingforums for the formula code.

2) I see those gray areas alot. I saw them most noteably in the hotel level early on.
When you get to the town with the car races, you'll see the interiors are a faded green-washed out color.
I think its a way to elimanate showing all the textures except in the direct FOV. It sucks big time and I don't think it's a glitch.

The grey thing for me was like a large blob appeared in the room totally grey in colour then disappeared, was almost like a model clipping in that wasn't meant to be there.

Also seeing issues with character models flickering, sometimes turning totally black. Some really weird bugs to say the least.
I'm getting max at 60 fps. Is this normal? My refresh rate on monitor (CRT) is 90hz and running watercooled 2x gtx 480 with i7 920 processor.
Rage needs to stop doing whatever it says it is doing and it needs to go die in a fire. Wow ID... just wow... I hope you are proud of the giant steaming pile of turd that you have fed us PC gamers. I assure you that I will be think long and hard before I buy another ID game and also I'll think twice before buying any game that runs off of the ID Crap5 engine.

All this is coming from someone who has played every ID game from the beginning, not the Quake 2 beginning but from the actual beginning, the original Wolfenstein. I am disappointed ID, very very disappointed.

I can tell you that I at least made some people happy as I did a full system upgrade in preparation for this game. i7 2600K, 16GB ram, GTX 570, etc. Well at least I have a nice PC now to play someone elses games on.
Rage needs to stop doing whatever it says it is doing and it needs to go die in a fire. Wow ID... just wow... I hope you are proud of the giant steaming pile of turd that you have fed us PC gamers. I assure you that I will be think long and hard before I buy another ID game and also I'll think twice before buying any game that runs off of the ID Crap5 engine.

All this is coming from someone who has played every ID game from the beginning, not the Quake 2 beginning but from the actual beginning, the original Wolfenstein. I am disappointed ID, very very disappointed.

I can tell you that I at least made some people happy as I did a full system upgrade in preparation for this game. i7 2600K, 16GB ram, GTX 570, etc. Well at least I have a nice PC now to play someone elses games on.

Why would anyone in their right mind 'prep' their system for this game when it was known from the get-go that it wasn't going to be a system pusher, as the entire goal was 60FPS for even the low-end PC systems. Not only that, but the pre-release gameplay info on Rage and what Rage 'actually' delivers are the same. The only person to blame here for over-hyping it is you.
For years I've criticized epic for its engine having terrible pop in of textures, but damn this game makes EU3 look pristine. What did they do with this engine that has caused so many issues with the PC version compared to idtech4, which by the way I still feel has a lot of life left in it. I've read the console reviews and reports about this game and they don't have any of these issues. How can this be when the console version has lower streaming rates than the PC version? If anything this should be a more prevalent issue on console. Carmack said himself that all 3 versions of the game have the exact same level of texture quality and all models are the same. So then why is the PC having such a hard time with these (by his own admittance) console level graphics?
Why would anyone in their right mind 'prep' their system for this game when it was known from the get-go that it wasn't going to be a system pusher, as the entire goal was 60FPS for even the low-end PC systems. Not only that, but the pre-release gameplay info on Rage and what Rage 'actually' delivers are the same. The only person to blame here for over-hyping it is you.

Well I guess I learned my lesson by expecting great things from ID but a system upgrade was going to be needed for BF3 so no big deal there. Call me stupid but I had become accustomed to ID making graphically superior games that really pushed systems. I honestly didn't look that much into the game as I didn't want to lose any of the surprise of it's "amazing-ness". I learned a harsh lesson here but thankfully the build will be good for BF3 and other games to come.