Raid 0 Setup Problem?


Limp Gawd
Jul 17, 2005
Howdy everyone, the 2x 500GB Hitachi hard drives I ordered finally came in for me to setup in raid 0. So far its going okay.

1st I Went into Bios and enabled Sata 1 and Sata 2, I'm using a DFI Lanparty mobo with nvida chipset.

2nd I Setup the raid to Stripping, 16kb, and both in array.

3rd I Got to windows install pressed f6 and got to the floppy raid setup.

4th I got to which hard drive the petition should be on, It showed up as 2 hard drives, Now this is were I'm confused... Should it show up as one or two. So thats my problem so far.

Much help would be appreciated thanks :D
more info that might help

Installing under Windows XP upgrade

I need some guys, I'm about to gouge my eyes out :D
OK update, Tried installing under windows vista, and it show up as 1TB instead of 2 separate drives.... *shivers*, but I don't want vista D: