RAID on multiple OSes


Limp Gawd
Apr 3, 2007
I currently have a dual boot desktop with Windows XP and Gentoo Linux and I like to have both OSes on my new rig that I'm building. I was wondering if it is possible to have a RAID-0 setup such that I can have both Windows and Linux installed. Notice that Windows uses NTFS, while Linux would use ReiserFS. I'm realize that I can't use software RAID (I think) and I'd have to use either a pci card or onboard. By the way this would be my first RAID setup as well. I sort of understand the risks associated with RAID-0 (I have a separate HDD for backups of important files), but I don't know how dangerous it really is. In my computer I've had 3 hard drives working for the past 6 years, and none of them have failed on me. I'm assuming that the rate of failure for an individual harddrive in RAID is the same, just the rate of failure for the whole array is equal to the product of the number of drives times the worst failure rate of anyone.

Yes, you can, if you use a hardware raid card that is supported in windows and linux. But, why do this if you are using RAID-0? For RAID-1 I would understand, but you will end up paying ~$200 for the controller card and get a small speed benefit. Spend the $200 on two more hard drives and run software raid in windows and linux and give them each their own 2 disks if you have to have raid-0.
Dual boot on a RAID 0? I'd rather have each OS on it's own hard drive at that point.