Rainbow Six Siege Caster Says Ubisoft, Players Must Do More to Curb Toxicity


Aug 20, 2006
Toxicity is said to be rampant in competitive shooter Rainbow Six Siege, and while Ubisoft has addressed the issue with increasing attempts at moderation (e.g., chat filter that auto-bans players for using certain slurs), harassment and griefing evidently remains frequent enough for some to declare that more needs to be done. Well-known ambassador and pro-league associate Parker "Interro" Mackay has spoken out, advocating Ubisoft to be more active, such as having employees take part in the biggest streams and implementing more “intelligent” systems that don’t inadvertently fuel the problem by punishing any and all players.

One way to catch cheaters and griefers that can’t be overstated are proper replay tools that allow players to watch past matches from the perspective of all players. This, Mackay says, is something Siege desperately needs (and if leaks are to be believed, could be in the works). Suspicion of cheaters or griefing is a constant of Siege. Often, it’s unclear by watching a killcam if that one-in-a-thousand kill through a soft wall was the result of crazy luck or part of a pattern that reveals hacking. As a consequence, Siege players tend to be a bit paranoid about their opponents, often reporting them based on nothing but a gut feeling.
The game's target audience is under-socialised young men with John Rambo power fantasies. You aren't going to make this garbage appeal to a broader audience so embrace the faeces you make and the audience you cater to and let the ignore button sort out the constant outbursts of drama.
Bungie probably handled this the best with Destiny 2. They made all chat optional. You have to opt in to see any of it outside of people in your clan or people on your friends list. I've never seen any retarded children foaming at the mouth for anything as a result. It's quite nice.
Just seems like a lot of guys shocked a girl plays the game. A few are literally 12 year old boys. Love the GRIL comments, that's new.
Pretty much has been the trend in the last decade of online gaming. Maybe before that too but not as much that I noticed.
this is BS, if a girl doesn't want to be harrassed, it's easy for her to enforce that, ignoring the morons and speaking with a normal voice or very neutral tone, she doesn't have to bring the sexy voice out to communicate in a game, and often if she became the center of attention in that game, it's probably because she said something to that effect that wasn't cliped in the video.
like few weeks back i played Atlas and we had few femals in the crew, one day we went and raided an ennemy crew, and one of them heard her speaking on the mic, so to taunt he went like i like your voice and i have a big D etc, but then she replies oh yeah baby, i love big D i love bukake, she just went full retard...i was like wtf im out of here and i left them talking, i found the guy way out of line, but she just went all the way up to 11.
half an hour later she came back to discord, saying that was a nice guy he is from italy, he lives in the same town she went on vacation to last summer...even if there is idiots from time to time, often women indulge with them, untill it goes out of hand, then come out crying, learn to shut the door from the get go.
you will still get idiots who needs to be kicked of the game, but you don't need to turn the industry upside down for that.
hey are you a Grill ?!... that was funny
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Huh, at what age range is a girl called a "grill" ??? Or is it not age related but more like a mental disorder thing?
Why does it have to be _________ toxicity. Why can't all just be bad and dealt with? Enough of the identity politics already!
I'm happy not giving my money to companies that want to censor in game communications. Either have an option to disable is, or auto disable it with a manual opt in. Any other type of censorship should not be how we are 'permitted' to communicate.
There is no way in hell I would give a bunch of snotty ass tweeners a platform to talk shit and grief everyone. No way in hell.

They just need limit communication that's all. People are there to game, not socialize within the game. If people want to socialize they can do that somewhere else.

I really like the Call of Duty - Black Out 4 method. There is a chat filter and you can slowly build your friends list up as you come across guys you like to play with or deny people from adding you.

There is a chat window but it's small, you can't really scroll thru it and it there to serve a basic purpose. You can't spam it, it's tiny and it's easy to just ignore. Which is a great thing.

All they need is basic communication within the game.

You can have a great time on discord with your friends.
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Easy fix for this. Make it a pain in the ass for in game comms. Any MP game that has easy to use voice options has this issue. 90% of the time chat does everything you need faster. And it isn't distracting. If there is an option I mute voice communication. If there isn't one I probably won't be playing the game long.

If you're playing with friends you can use Teamspeak or whatever is popular these days.
this is BS, if a girl doesn't want to be harrassed, it's easy for her to enforce that, ignoring the morons and speaking with a normal voice or very neutral tone, she doesn't have to bring the sexy voice out to communicate in a game, and often if she became the center of attention in that game, it's probably because she said something to that effect that wasn't cliped in the video.
like few weeks back i played Atlas and we had few femals in the crew, one day we went and raided an ennemy crew, and one of them heard her speaking on the mic, so to taunt he went like i like your voice and i have a big D etc, but then she replies oh yeah baby, i love big D i love bukake, she just went full retard...i was like wtf im out of here and i left them talking, i found the guy way out of line, but she just went all the way up to 11.
half an hour later she came back to discord, saying that was a nice guy he is from italy, he lives in the same town she went on vacation to last summer...even if there is idiots from time to time, often women indulge with them, untill it goes out of hand, then come out crying, learn to shut the door from the get go.
you will still get idiots who needs to be kicked of the game, but you don't need to turn the industry upside down for that.
hey are you a Grill ?!... that was funny
Victim blame much?
i seriously don't mind if less girls play these games

i have no SJW PC NPC agenda to fulfill.

games for boys. games for girls. no need to try and force both together
i seriously don't mind if less girls play these games

i have no SJW PC NPC agenda to fulfill.

games for boys. games for girls. no need to try and force both together
No i dont blame the victim, but I'm not blind to reality either, from my experience 9 out of 10 girls play on that or string things along, if you disagree that most girls crave the attention they get, then you are naive, they give bad habits to some idiots who then hold bother the 1 of 10 who dont like it.
That's my point, I'm not blaming the 1, I'm blaming the 9 and the idiots.
How is it fair to blame all Male gamers for the action of a minority?
Suspicion of cheaters or griefing is a constant of Siege. Often, it’s unclear by watching a killcam if that one-in-a-thousand kill through a soft wall was the result of crazy luck or part of a pattern that reveals hacking. As a consequence, Siege players tend to be a bit paranoid about their opponents, often reporting them based on nothing but a gut feeling.

That’s so many multiplayer games these days. Pretty much anyone with any sort of skill will be accused of cheating on a fairly regular basis.
How does BFV make it work with all their gamer girls?

It's pretty simple, they actually don't give a shit lol...they have a permanent chat filter that can be circumvented by concatenating "dick" to the end of any word.

So as an example the word "cunt" is censored, but if you type "cuntdick" it's not. :D
games for boys. games for girls. no need to try and force both together

No one is "forcing" boys and girls together. Some girls like the same games as boys and they want to play. Most aren't even asking for special treatment. All the way back to 1999 when playing the original Counter-Strike, I was amazed at how weird guys acted when they would hear a girl in game.

I'm not some SJW pushing for an all inclusive agenda. Girls should accept that guys are probably going to have a lot of rough, unsavory language in game and they need to be prepared to deal with it, at the same time, guys should stop acting like they found some magical unicorn everytime they hear a girl in voice chat.
In reality this all has to due with maturity. Lets face it most of the guys playing games like this are immature teens. This is one reason I got out of online play with the major AAA titles like COD and BF. I got tired of the lame sh*t talk and how much they screwed my mom/sister/girlfriend last night. If it gets to the point of high annoyance then I find the mute button and BLAM it all goes away so i can focus on playing the game.
Most kids now-a-days aren't learning how to grow up until later on in life.
Welcome to games. This crap has been going on since online multiplayer immemorial. And it's not just with girls either (even though girls like this often believe it's all about them). You always have the tweens or teens who are just out to piss people off 'because', and you just have some terrible people. WELCOME TO THE INTERNET! Girls can be focal points because they aren't as common as dudes in games, but there are definite ways to shut that down. Block, don't engage, turn off chat. The same things that I do (a male) when in games. I'm tired of this whole generation thinking they have been 'wronged' and need to cry about something. Oh your life is so tough, and your first world problems are so worth making a video about! /sarc. Fucking internet giving a platform to every moron with a mic.
I remember the days of playing online and everyone f'ed my mother or she was so fat jokes.

Now we got snowflakes complaining about toxicity, grow a pair or mute. Simple as that really.
Anyone who has played a good deal of multiplayer games knows that ALL of them have a very toxic culture, and its not just directed at women. I'd imagine the girl gamers take a bit more abuse simply because its seen as different. Something to target.

Personally, I think its pathetic no matter who this stupidity is pointed at. How to deal with it? Well you really can't. The real problem is parents that don't do their job as parents. Maybe teach your kids that its not OK to verbally abuse people on the internet?

We all know that will never happen.
God people need to get out more, deal with real people face to face. So weak....

I was dealing with that crap when Duke3d went multiplayer with Kali. I don't care... I know what it is and who is playing.

Men get just as much shit as women.
Some one was offended. Quick! Blow the 'Toxicity' dog whistle!

There is no victim here, just virtue signaling.

To paraphrase Sigmund Freud, sometimes toxicity is just toxicity. And I'd definitely say this is one of those times. I mean come on, this woman gamer is virtue signaling, to herself? Maybe she just wants to play the fucking game with teammates who don't get distracted by the pitch of her voice, don't stand in her way when she shoots, don't team kill her, etc. The solution shouldn't be "play another game" or "just don't use voice comms". Suggesting that the solution shouldn't be those things isn't virtue signalling.
To paraphrase Sigmund Freud, sometimes toxicity is just toxicity. And I'd definitely say this is one of those times. I mean come on, this woman gamer is virtue signaling, to herself? Maybe she just wants to play the fucking game with teammates who don't get distracted by the pitch of her voice, don't stand in her way when she shoots, don't team kill her, etc. The solution shouldn't be "play another game" or "just don't use voice comms". Suggesting that the solution shouldn't be those things isn't virtue signalling.
No, the suggestion would be to grow a spine. Every male gamer is exposed to this kind of thing all the time, but because it's a girl I should care more?

And it's this Parker Mackay who is virtue signaling. It's an extension of Airport's Law, and it's sad and pathetic.
Harassment isn't about men or women because when someone plays videogames and says "I'm going to rape you in front of your dog while your house burns down and then fill your mouth with urinal cakes" that's a very gender neutral insult. We should embrace the gender equality that comes from online gaming, it's a place where everyone is shit on equally and in the most horrible ways possible.
It's WAR damit!
He, she, it, could just " kill" the offender in game and prove its point.
This is what you get from the time out generations, I must apologize for the people of my age group who never spanked their kids. I however did and raised them like I was, don't start fights finish them, beat the bullies up.